

active attacks, 23

additive cipher, 2526

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 5658

keyexpansion in, 5860

AES. See Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

AH. See Authentication Header (AH)

alert protocol, 161

algebraic structure, 19

antivirus, 175176

antivirussoftware, 176

application-level gateways, 180181

arbitrated digital signature, 114115

asymmetric-key cryptography, 76

characteristics of, 76

asymmetric-key encipherment, 11

audit records, 169

Authentication Header (AH), 151152

autokey cipher, 2829

avalanche effect, 51


bastion host, 182

behavior-blocking software, 178

birthday bound, 95

birthday paradox, 95

bit-oriented cipher, 33

block ciphers, 33, 6164

mode of operation in, 6164

boot sector virus, 173


Caesar cipher, 26

certificate renewable, 137138

Certificate Revocation List (CRL), 137

change cipher spec protocol, 161

Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT), 6970

chosen-ciphertext attack, 7778

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, 62

Cipher Feedback (CFB)mode, 6263

cipher key, 45

ciphers, 10

ciphertext, 9

classical encryption techniques, 25

different categories of, 25

columnar transposition cipher, 32

common modulus attack, 78

completeness effect, 51

compression function, 96

congruence, 17

conventional encryption model, 2425

issuesin, 25

co-prime, 65

CRT. See Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)

cryptography, 9


Data Encryption Standard (DES), 45

key generation of, 4748

strength of, 49

weakness of, 4950

decryption, 10

DES. See Data Encryption Standard (DES)

detection-specific audit records, 169

differential cryptanalysis, 50

Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, 8182

advantages of, 82

limitations of, 82

security and, 8182

diffusion, 35

digital immune system, 176177

digital signature, 111112

attacks on, 113

process of, 112

properties and requirements of, 113

variations of, 120121

Digital Signature Standard (DSS), 117119

direct digital signature, 114

directory authentication service, 138

discrete logarithmic problems, 7071

distributed intrusion detection, 170

architecture of, 170

distributed intrusion detection systems, 170171

double DES (2-DES), 5152

DSS. See Digital Signature Standard (DSS)

dual signatures, 163164


ECC. See elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC)

Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode, 61

ElGamal algorithm, 85

attacks on, 85

encryption and decryption process, 8384

ElGamal encryption system, 8384

elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC), 86

elliptic curves, 85

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), 151

encryption, 10

ESP protocol, 154155

transport and tunnel mode of, 155157

ESP. See Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

Euclidean algorithm, 1516

Euler's theorem, 6667

Euler's totient function, 66


factorization attack, 77

Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS 186), 117119

Feistel cipher, 3638

final design of, 3738

model of, 36

Fermat's theorem, 6566

field, 1920

file-infecting virus, 173

firewall, 178

limitations of, 178

firewall configurations, 18283

forwardable ticket, 135


group, 19


handshake protocol, 160161

hash function, 93

hash-based MAC (HMAC), 106109

design objectives of, 107

implementation of, 107108

security of, 108109

Hill cipher, 3031

HMAC. See Hash-based MAC (HMAC)

honeypots, 171


IDEA algorithm, 5556

IDEA. See International Data

Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)

IKE. See Internet Key Exchange (IKE)

Improved PES (IPES), 53

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), 53

Internet Key Exchange (IKE), 157

Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), 159

header format of, 159

intruders, 167

intrusion detection, 168

intrusion techniques, 167

IP address spoofing, 180

IP security, 149150

IPES. See Improved PES (IPES)

IPSec RFC documents, 150151

ISAKMP. See Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)

iterated hash functions, 96



requirements of, 130131

Kerberos principal, 131

Kerberos protocol, 129130

Kerberos realm, 131

key, 10

key clustering, 50

key expansion, 5859

key management, 14

functions of, 14

rules for maintaining, 14

keyed transposition cipher, 25, 32

keyless transposition cipher, 25, 31


logic bomb, 175


MAC. See message authentication code (MAC)

malicious software, 173

man-in-the-middle attack, 83

MD5 (message digest, version 5), 9699

meet-in-the-middle attack, 52

message authentication, 91

attacks on, 91

functions, 9192

types of authentication, 91

message authentication code (MAC), 9293

Miller-Rabin algorithm, 68

modern block cipher, 3335

modular arithmetic, 16

monoalphabetic cipher, 25

different techniques of, 25

multiplicative cipher, 27

mutual authentication protocol, 121124


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 45

native audit records, 169

NESSIE. See New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity, and Encryption (NESSIE)

network security, 17

overview of, 17

principles of, 23

model for, 67

network security attack, 2, 7

New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity, and Encryption (NESSIE), 104

NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

non-Feistel cipher, 38


Oakley algorithm, 158159

features of, 158159

onetime pad, 33

one-way authentication protocol, 124125

Output Feedback (OFB) mode, 6364


packet-filtering router, 179180

passive attack, 2

password protection approaches, 168

password selection strategies, 172

PES. See Proposed Encryption Standard (PES)

PGP. See pretty good privacy (PGP)

plaintext, 9

plaintext attack, 78

Playfair cipher, 2930

polyalphabetic ciphers, 25, 28

technique of, 28

polymorphic virus, 173

possible weak keys, 50

postdatable ticket, 135

pretty good privacy (PGP), 139142

concept of trust and legitimacy, 142143

general format of, 145

key rings and, 142

services of, 139142

steps followed for transmission and reception of, 142

structure of key rings of, 143145

primality testing, 6768

categories of, 6768

prime number, 65

private key, 112

product cipher, 36

Proposed Encryption Standard (PES), 53

public announcement, 78

public directory, 78

public key, 7881, 112

distribution of, 7880

public-key authority, 79

public-key certificates, 7980

public-key cryptography, 8081

distribution of secret keys using, 8081

public-key encryption technique, 125


Rabin-Miller test. See Miller-Rabin algorithm

renewable ticket, 135

ring, 19

RSA cryptosystem, 7677

RSA digital signature scheme, 115117


secret key, 113

Secure Electronic Transaction (SET), 162164

Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), 99103

secure hash function, 9495

characteristics of, 9495

Secure Hash Standard (SHS), 99

Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 160161

secure/multipurpose Internet mail extension (S/MIME), 146149

security mechanisms, 45

semi-weak keys, 50

set of residues, 1617

SHA. See Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)

Shannon's theory of diffusion and confusion, 35

shift cipher, 26

SHS. See Secure Hash Standard (SHS)

simple hash function, 9394

source routing attack, 180

spyware, 175

SSL record protocol, 160

stealth virus, 173174

steganography, 15

stream cipher, 32

substitution cipher, 25

symmetric-key cipher, 24

symmetric-key encipherment, 10

symmetric-key encryption technique, 124125


timing attack, 78

tiny fragment attack, 180

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 162

transposition cipher, 25

triple DES, 5254

Trojan horse, 175

trusted system, 183


Vigenere cipher, 30

Vital Information Resources Under Seize (Virus), 173174


weak keys, 50

Whirlpool, 104

Whirlpool cryptographic hash function, 104106

worms, 174175


X.509, 137138

certificate renewable and, 137138

certificate revocation and, 137138

authentication procedure of, 138139

X.509 authentication service, 135137

certificates and, 135137

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