


currency futures market, advantages, 44

Activity-related variables

GDP, 22930

ICSC—UBS store sales, 24041

industrial production, 23032

NAPM, 23637

New York Empire State Index, 237

personal income and expenditure outlays, 23738

Philadelphia Federal Reserve’s Business Outlook Survey, 23436

retail sales, 23940

supply management manufacturing index, 23233

supply management nonmanufacturing index, 23334

Additions and Amendments to Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956, 18

Advantages of ISDA master agreement, 296

Amendments and Additions to Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, 1920

Amount of foreign exchange contracts outstanding as on end-june 2010

global foreign exchange positions, growth, 910

positions by counterparty, 10

positions by currency, 12

positions by maturity, 11

positions value by instrument, 11

Arbitrageurs, 40

Architecture of ISDA master agreement

close out netting, 294

default and termination events, events, 293

local version and multicurrency version, 292

single agreement, 293

taxation and multi-branch issues, 294

Arrear swaps

payoff, 155

risks, 155

strategy, 15455


Balance of trade (BOT), 214

Barrier options

double knock-in (DKI) with vanilla option, 12627

double knock-out (DKO) with vanilla option, 12930

knock-in and knock-out (KIKO) with vanilla option, 13032

knock-in (KI) with vanilla Option, 12526

knock-out (KO) with vanilla option, 12829

Base currency and home currency, concept, 22

Basis swap currency market impact, 202

Binomial model

call option, calculation method for, 8485

price tree generation, 84


assumptions of, 86

currency options, 86

graph of, 90

option pricing model, 8586

BOT. see Balance of trade (BOT)


Calculation of rates cases, 30

Call money market, 18586

rate chart, 186

rates quoted by various banks, 185

Candlestick charting technique, 277

types of candles, 278

CCI. see Consumer confidence index (CCI)

Certificates of deposit (CDs)

benchmark, 189

yields of various banks, 189

Charts, 271

candlestick chart, 273

line and bar, 272


calculator, 162

graph, 163

hedges against, 161

payoff, 161

risks involved, 164

strategy, 161

Commercial papers (CP)

rates for various tenor, 188

Constant maturity swap

payoff, 172

risks involved, 173

strategy, 172

Consumer confidence index (CCI), 26162

Consumer credit report, 26364

Consumer price index (CPI), 209, 22526

currency market, effect, 210

types of, 210


currency futures market, advantages, 44

Coupon only swap

risks involved, 158

strategy, 158

CPI. see Consumer price index (CPI)

Credit risk

currency futures market, advantages, 44

Currency futures contract

advantages of, 44

market participants in, 40

and options on exchanges of derivatives in India, 2021

technical aspects, 4043

Currency option market mechanics in real world

exotic option pricing calculator, 83

market participants, 8183

vanilla option pricing calculator, 82

volatility, 7881

Currency regimes

fully convertible, 23

partially convertible, 23

pegged, 2324

Curve flatteners

FRAs, 176

graph, 17677

and libor curve, 176

payoff, 175

risks involved, 176

strategy, 175

swaps, 176

Curve steepeners

graph, 174

payoff, 173

risks involved, 175

strategy, 173


Daily range accrual (RAC) digitals, 136

Data releases

beige book, 25960

CCI, 26162

consumer credit report, 26364

money supply, 25759

mutual fund flows, 26465

productivity and costs, 26061

US treasury budget, 25657

Delta, 8788

for hedger, 95

for investor/trader, 94


currency futures and options on exchanges in India, 2021

exchange traded derivatives, amount outstanding, 13

in India, history and legalization, 1720

legal definition, 16

market, participants in, 17

OTC, amount outstanding, 1213

types of, 1617


daily range accrual (RAC), 136

double must touch (DMT), 134

double no touch (DNT), 13536

double one touch (DOT), 13334

no touch (NT), 135

one touch (OT), 133

vanilla digital, 13233

Direct quotes, 23

Double knock-in (DKI) with vanilla option, 12627

Double knock-out (DKO) with vanilla option, 12930

Double must touch (DMT) digitals, 134

Double no touch (DNT) digitals, 13536

Double one touch (DOT) digitals, 13334


ECI. see Employee cost index (ECI)

Efficient price discovery currency futures market, advantages, 44

Employee cost index (ECI), 22425

Employment data

ECI, 22425

help wanted index, 224

jobless claims, 22021

non-farm payroll, 22224

unemployment rate, 222

European knock-out cap

calculator, 166

graph, 168

payoff, 167

risks involved, 168

strategy, 16567

Exchange traded contracts (ETC) difference between, 47

External sector

current account balance, 25455

international trade balance, 25354

treasury international capital data, 25556


FII. see Foreign institutional investment (FII)

Fiscal policy

currency market, effect, 206

deficit conditions, 206

process of, 206

surplus conditions, 207

Fixed to fixed range accrual, 17072

graph, 171

payoff, 170

risks involved, 171

strategy, 170

variation, 172

Floating to fixed range accrual

payoff, 169

strategy, 169

variations, 169

Fly in real market scenario

application of, 9498

for hedger, 98

for investor/trader, 9697

Forecasted volatility, 81

Foreign exchange (FX)

barrier options, 12532

basics of option, 5960

currency market and money market, interlinkage between, 18384

digitals, 13236

fly in real market scenario, application of, 9498

money market instruments, 18490

option, defined, 59

option greeks, application of, 9498

option payoff, 6061

option premium components, 84

payoff diagrams, 6162

pricing and greeks, option, 8490

real world, currency option market mechanics, 7883

risk reversal, application of, 9498

scenario analysis, 58

vanilla option, 11325

volatility, 9194

Foreign institutional investment (FII), 21819

Foreign investments

FII, 21819

kinds, 218

Forex rates determination

Bretton Woods, background, 28

cash rate, 25

forward rate, 2526

important related notes, 2628

spot rate, 25

tom rate, 25 (see also Rate for Tomorrow)

Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)

cash flows for, 19596

deal, terms of, 195

graph, 154

levels for major currencies, 153

payoff, 153

quoting, 195

risk, 154

strategy, 153

terminology, 195

uses, 196

FRA. see Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)

Full currency swap

risks involved, 157

strategy, 15657

Fully convertible, currency regimes, 23

Fundamental analysis and data releases

activity-related variables, 22941

beige book, 25960

consumer credit report, 26364

employment data, 22025

external sector, 25356

inflation data, 22529

international indicators, 26569

leading indicators, 24152

money supply, 25859

mutual fund flows, 26465

productivity and costs, 26062

US treasury budget, 25657



for hedger, 95

for investor/trader, 95

Global foreign exchange turnover

banking industry, concentration in, 23

by currency, 4

by currency pair, 56

by execution method, 6

geographical distribution of, 79

growth, 1

by instrument, 3

instrument and currency distribution of, 45

market turnover, 2

by maturity, 3

Global money market risk indicators and exchange rate, impact

basis swap, 202

LIBOR and OIS rates, 200202

TED spread, 200

Gross domestic product (GDP), 22930


Hedgers, 40

Hedging in over-the-counter markets, concept

important understanding, 24

importer and exporter, exposure, 24

Help wanted index

define, 224

History and legalization of derivatives in India, 17

Additions and Amendments to Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956, 18

Amendments and Additions to Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, 1920


ICD. see Inter corporate deposits (ICD)

Implied volatility, 81, 9192

Indian Benchmark Rate (INBMK), 19293

Indian data releases

BOT, 214

CPI, 20910

industrial production growth rate, 207209

trade deficit, 21618

trade surplus, 21516

WPI, 21013


fiscal policy, 206207

Indian data releases, 20713

monetary policy, 204205

Indirect quotes, 23

Inflation data

CPI, 22526

import and export prices, 229

PCE deflator, 22829

PPI, 22628

Initial margin, 43

Inter corporate deposits (ICD)

fixed and floating rate, 188

Interest rate cap

graph, 160

payoff, 160

risks involved, 161

strategy, 15960

Interest rate options, 158

collar, 16164

European knock-out cap, 16568

interest rate cap, 15961

knock-ins and knock-outs, 168

seagull, 16465

Interest rate parity theory, 28

important notes, 29

Interest rate swap, 150, 153, 19799

arrear swaps, 15455

calculator, 151

coupon only swap, 158

fixing, 150

FRA, 15354

full currency swap, 15657

graph, 152

of major currencies, 151

payoff, 152

risks, 153

strategy, 150

International indicators

Bank of Japan, tankan survey, 26566

IFO survey, 26667

PMI, 268

RPI, 26869

ZEW survey, 26768

Investors, 40

ISDA master agreement, 291

advantages of, 296

architecture of, 29293

historical background, 292

legal issues, 29596

related documents, 29495


Knock-in and knock-out (KIKO), 168

with vanilla option, 13032

Knock-in (KI)

with vanilla Option, 12526

Knock-out (KO)

with vanilla option, 12829


Leading indicators

business inventories, 24950

composite index, 25152

construction spending, 24748

consumer sentiment index (see Michigan survey)

durable goods orders, 24647

factory orders, 24445

home sales report, 24142

housing starts, 24243

motor vehicle sales, 252

new home sales, 244

wholesale trade, 24849

Legal issues of ISDA master agreement

authority and capacity, 295

netting and set-off, 295

reliance and suitability, 296

termination, 296

London Interbank Offer Rate (Libor), 19799

OIS spread, 200202


Maintenance margin, 4344

Margin in ETC markets, concept

initial margin, 43

maintenance margin, 4344

mark-to-market margin, 43

Market participants in currency futures segment

arbitrageurs, 40

hedgers and investors, 40

Market rate

scenario analysis, 17

Mark-to-market margin, 43

MFBD. see Modified following business day (MFBD)

MIBID. see Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate (MIBID)

MIBOR. see Mumbai Interbank Offer Rate (MIBOR)

Michigan survey, 25051

MIFOR. see Mumbai Interbank Forward Offered Rate (MIFOR)

Modified following business day (MFBD), 177

Monetary policy

currency market, effect, 205

effects, 204

inflationary trend, 205

monetary control by RBI, process, 205

Money market

asset liability management desk, 184

corporates and foreign institutional investors, 184

and currency market, interlinkage between money market, 18384

define, 183

liquidity projections and INR rate view, 184

Money market instruments

call money market, 18586

certificates of deposit (CDs), 189

commercial papers, 188

ICD, 188

overnight call money/repo, 18485

repo/reverse repo rate, 18687

treasury bills/T-bills, 19091

Mumbai Interbank Bid Rate (MIBID), 196

Mumbai Interbank Forward Offered Rate (MIFOR)

fixing, 194

swap rates with, 194

Mumbai Interbank Offer Rate (MIBOR), 191

fixing chart, 192


NAPM. see National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM)

National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM), 23637

New York Empire State Index, 237

NSE and Thomson Reuters screenshots, 4446


OIS. see Overnight Indexed Swap (OIS)


basics of, 5960

definitions, 59

payoff, 6062

Option greeks

application of, 9498

delta, 8788

gamma, 88

rho, 90

theta, 8889

vega, 89

Option payoff, 60

diagrams, 6162

Option premium components and intrinsic value, 84

Option pricing

binomial model, 8485

Black–Scholes option pricing model, 8586

factors affecting, 8687

risk-free interest rate, 87

risk neutralization model, 85

time to expiration, 87

underlying price and strike price, 87

volatility, 87

OTC. see Over-the-Counter (OTC)

difference between, 47

Outstanding derivatives of banks in

India, 14

Overnight call money/repo

Indian money market, 184

instruments form, 185

Overnight Indexed Swap (OIS), 19697

Over-the-Counter (OTC) derivatives

amount outstanding, 1213

base currency and home currency, concept, 22

currency regimes, 2324

difference between, 47

direct and indirect quotes, 23

forex rates determination, 2528

hedging in over-the-counter markets, concept, 24

interest rate parity theory, 2829

markets in India, size, 1315

outstanding derivatives of banks in India, 14

quoting convention, 22

rates, calculation, 30


Partially convertible, currency regimes, 23

PCE deflator. see Personal consumption expenditure (PCE) deflator

Pegged, currency regimes, 2324

Personal consumption expenditure (PCE) deflator, 22829

Philadelphia Federal Reserve’s Business Outlook Survey, 23436

PMI. see Purchasing managers index (PMI)


fiscal policy, 206207

monetary policy, 204205

PPI. see Producer price index (PPI)

Producer price index (PPI), 22628

Purchasing managers index (PMI), 268


Range accruals, 168

fixed to fixed range accrual, 17072

floating to fixed range accrual, 16970

variations, 169

Rate for tomorrow, 25

Rates market, key concepts

business day convention, 177

MFBD, 177

preceding business day, 177

Reading chart patterns

continuation pattern, 28184

reversal patterns, 27881

Realized volatility, 81

Related documents to ISDA master agreement

confirmations, 295

credit support annex (CSA), 295

definitions and user’s guide, 295

schedule, 29495

Repo/reverse repo rate

chart, 18687

of RBI, 187

Retail price index (RPI), 26869


for hedger, 96

for investor/trader, 96

Risk-free interest rate

for option pricing, 87

Risk neutralization model

alternatives, 85

Risk reversal

application of, 9498

for hedger, 96

for investor/trader, 96

RPI. see Retail price index (RPI)



graph, 165

payoff, 164

risks involved, 165

strategy, 164

Standardized contracts

currency futures market, advantages, 44

Statement and ledger formats, 4546

Stock futures, 4748

Supply management manufacturing index, 23233

Supply management non-manufacturing index, 23334


Target redemption notes (TARN), 12325

Technical analysis

candlestick, 27778

charts, kinds, 27173

versus fundamental analysis, 273

indicator, 28489

reading chart patterns, 27884

steps in, 28990

support and resistance, 27374

trend, 27477

Technical aspects of currency futures, 4041

contract specifications, 4243

Technical indicator

lagging indicators, 28889

leading indicators, 28587

TED spread

currency market impact, 200

with EUR/USD, 200


for hedger, 95

for investor/trader, 95

Thomson Reuters and NSE screenshots, 4446

Trade deficit, 21618

Trade surplus, 21516


currency futures market, advantages, 44

Treasury bills/T-bills

benchmarks, 191

India information, 190


downward trend, 27776

sideways trend, 276

upward trend, 274


Vanilla option

accumulator ratio forward, 12223

and application, 11314

call spread, 11415

fader, 12122

participatory forward, 11920

range forward/risk reversal, 11617

ratio forward, 12021

seagull, 11718

spread, 11416

TARN, 12325


for hedger, 96

for investor/trader, 95

Volatility, 87

ATM volatility in major currency pairs, 80

ATM volatility in USD/INR currency pair, 79

defined, 78

fly for six months tenor in USD/INR currency pair, 79

from historical data, estimation, 91

historical/realized volatility calculation, 91

implied volatility, 9194

kinds of, 81

kurtosis effect, 93

long call and protective put, graph, 94

put call parity, 94

risk reversal for six months tenor in USD/INR currency pair, 79

skew effect, 93

smile and skew, 9293

surface for currency pair USD/INR, 80


Wholesale price index (WPI), 210

and CPI difference between, 212

and rates of inflation, 21213

terms of currency, effect, 211

terms of interest rates, effect, 21112

WPI. see Wholesale price index (WPI)


Yield curve structures

constant maturity swap, 17273

curve flatteners, 17577

curve steepeners, 17375

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