The credit risk of a bond includes:
1. the risk that the issuer will default on its obligation and
2. the risk that the bond’s value will decline and/or the bond’s price performance will be worse than that of other bonds against which the investor is compared because either (a) the market requires a higher spread due to a perceived increase in the risk that the issuer will default or (b) companies that assign ratings to bonds will lower a bond’s rating.
The first risk is referred to as default risk. The second risk is labeled based on the reason for the adverse or inferior performance. The risk attributable to an increase in the spread, or more specifically the credit spread, is referred to as credit spread risk; the risk attributable to a lowering of the credit rating (i.e., a downgrading) is referred to as downgrade risk.198
Credit analysis of any entity—a corporation, a municipality, or a sovereign government —involves the analysis of a multitude of quantitative and qualitative factors over the past, present, and future. There are four general approaches to gauging credit risk:
• credit ratings
• traditional credit analysis
• credit scoring models
• credit risk models
In this chapter, we discuss each approach. Our primary focus is on the credit analysis of corporate bonds.


A credit rating is a formal opinion given by a specialized company of the default risk faced by investing in a particular issue of debt securities. The specialized companies that provide credit ratings are referred to as “rating agencies.” The three nationally recognized rating agencies in the United States are Moody’s Investors Service, Standard & Poor’s Corporation, and Fitch Ratings. The symbols used by these rating agencies and a summary description of each rating is provided in Chapter 2.

A. Rating Process, Surveillance, and Review

The rating process begins when a rating agency receives a formal request from an entity planning to issue a bond in which it seeks a rating for the bond issue (i.e., an “issue specific credit rating”). The cost associated with obtaining a credit rating is paid by the entity making the request for a rating. The request for a rating is made because without one, it would be difficult for the entity to issue a bond. The rating assigned applies to the specific bond to be issued, not to the entity requesting the rating. A rating agency may also be requested to provide a rating for a company that has no public debt outstanding (i.e., an “issuer credit rating”). This is done for companies that are parties in derivative transactions, such as swaps, so that market participants can assess counterparty risk.199
Once a credit rating is assigned to a corporate debt obligation, a rating agency monitors the credit quality of the issuer and can reassign a different credit rating to its bonds. An “upgrade” occurs when there is an improvement in the credit quality of an issue; a “downgrade” occurs when there is a deterioration in the credit quality of an issue. As noted earlier, downgrade risk is the risk that an issue will be downgraded.
Typically, before an issue’s rating is changed, the rating agency will announce in advance that it is reviewing the issue with the potential for upgrade or downgrade. The issue in such cases is said to be on “rating watch” or “credit watch.” In the announcement, the rating agency will state the direction of the potential change in rating—upgrade or downgrade. Typically, a decision will be made within three months.
In addition, rating agencies will issue rating outlooks. A rating outlook is a projection of whether an issue in the long term (from six months to two years) is likely to be upgraded, downgraded, or maintain its current rating. Rating agencies designate a rating outlook as either positive (i.e., likely to be upgraded), negative (i.e., likely to be downgraded), or stable (i.e., likely to be no change in the rating).

B. Gauging Default Risk and Downgrade Risk

The information available to investors from rating agencies about credit risk are: (1) ratings, (2) rating watches or credit watches, and (3) rating outlooks. Moreover, periodic studies by the rating agencies provide information to investors about credit risk. Below we describe how the information provided by rating agencies can be used to gauge two forms of credit risk: default risk and downgrade risk.
For long-term debt obligations, a credit rating is a forward-looking assessment of (1) the probability of default and (2) the relative magnitude of the loss should a default occur. For short-term debt obligations (i.e., obligations with initial maturities of one year or less), a credit rating is a forward-looking assessment of the probability of default. Consequently, credit ratings are the rating agencies assessment of the default risk associated with a bond issue.
Periodic studies by rating agencies provide information about two aspects of default risk—default rates and default loss rates. First, rating agencies study and make available to investors the percentage of bonds of a given rating at the beginning of a period that have defaulted at the end of the period. This percentage is referred to as the default rate.200 For example, a rating agency might report that the one-year default rate for triple B rated bonds is 1.8%. These studies have shown that the lower the credit rating, the higher the default rate. Rating agency studies also show default loss rates by rating and other characteristics of the issue (e.g., level of seniority and industry). A default loss rate is a measure of the magnitude of the potential of the loss should a default occur.4
A study by Moody’s found that for a corporate bond, its ratings combined with its rating watches and rating outlook status provide a better gauge for default risk than using the ratings alone.201 The authors of the study looked at one-year and three-year default rates from 1996 through 2003 for senior unsecured rated bonds and within each rating by rating watch (watch upgrade and watch downgrade) and rating outlook status (positive, stable, and negative). The one-year default rate results for three selected ratings are shown below:
Notice that as one moves from left to right for a given credit rating in the above table that the default rate increases. Look at the Caa1 rating. For issues that were on rating watch for a potential upgrade at the beginning of the period, 3.7% defaulted in one year. However, for those on rating watch for a potential downgrade at the beginning of the period, 42.21% defaulted in one year. This suggests that rating watches contain useful information in gauging default risk. Look at the rating outlook status for Caa1. Issues that had a negative rating outlook at the beginning of the year had a one-year default rate that was almost four times greater than issues that had a positive rating outlook.
Moody’s makes the following suggestion as to how an analyst can combine the information contained in rating watches and outlook rating status to adjust the senior unsecured rating of a corporate bond:
For issues on: Suggestion:
downgrade watchreduce current rating by two rating notches6
upgrade watchincrease current rating by two rating notches
negative outlookreduce current rating by one rating notch
stable outlookkeep current rating
positive outlookincrease current rating by one rating notch
Of course, portfolio managers may elect to develop their own system for adjusting the current rating of a bond based on their assessment of the findings of the study by Moody’s. What is essential, however, is that in assessing the default risk when using credit ratings, portfolio managers should take into consideration rating watches and rating outlook status.
While the discussion above has focused on default risk, other studies by rating agencies also provide information. In Chapter 2, the rating transition matrix published periodically by the rating agencies was explained. A rating transition table shows the percentage of issues of each rating at the beginning of a period that was downgraded or upgraded by the end of the time period. Consequently, by looking at the percentage of downgrades for a given rating, an estimate can be obtained of the probability of a downgrade and this can serve as a measure of downgrade risk.202


In traditional credit analysis, the analyst considers the four C’s of credit:
• capacity
• collateral
• covenants
• character
Capacity is the ability of an issuer to repay its obligations. Collateral is looked at not only in the traditional sense of assets pledged to secure the debt, but also to the quality and value of those unpledged assets controlled by the issuer. In both senses the collateral is capable of supplying additional aid, comfort, and support to the debt and the debtholder. Assets form the basis for the generation of cash flow which services the debt in good times as well as bad. Covenants are the terms and conditions of the lending agreement. They lay down restrictions on how management operates the company and conducts its financial affairs. Covenants can restrict management’s discretion. A default or violation of any covenant may provide a meaningful early warning alarm enabling investors to take positive and corrective action before the situation deteriorates further. Covenants have value as they play an important part in minimizing risk to creditors. They help prevent the transfer of wealth from debt holders to equity holders. Character of management is the foundation of sound credit. This includes the ethical reputation as well as the business qualifications and operating record of the board of directors, management, and executives responsible for the use of the borrowed funds and repayment of those funds.

A. Analysis of the Capacity to Pay

A corporation will generate the funds to service its debt from its cash flow. The cash flow is generated from revenues and reduced by the costs of operations. Therefore, in assessing the ability of an issuer to pay, an analysis of the financial statements as discussed later in this chapter is undertaken. In addition to management quality, the factors examined by analysts at Moody’s are:203
1. industry trends
2. the regulatory environment
3. basic operating and competitive position
4. financial position and sources of liquidity
5. company structure (including structural subordination and priority of claim)
6. parent company support agreements
7. special event risk
In considering industry trends, analysts look at the vulnerability of the company to economic cycles, the barriers to entry, and the exposure of the company to technological changes. For firms in regulated industries, proposed changes in regulations must be analyzed to assess their impact on future cash flows. At the company level, diversification of the product line and the cost structure are examined in assessing the basic operating position of the firm.
In addition to the measures described later in this chapter for assessing a company’s financial position over the past three to five years, an analyst must look at the capacity of a firm to obtain additional financing and back-up credit facilities. There are various forms of back-up credit facilities. The strongest forms of back-up credit facilities are those that are contractually binding and do not include provisions that permit the lender to refuse to provide funds. An example of such a provision is one that allows the bank to refuse funding if the bank feels that the borrower’s financial condition or operating position has deteriorated significantly. (Such a provision is called a material adverse change clause.) Non-contractual facilities such as lines of credit that make it easy for a bank to refuse funding should be of concern to the analyst. The analyst must also examine the quality of the bank providing the back-up facility.
Analysts should also assess whether the company can use securitization as a funding source for generating liquidity. Asset securitization involves using a pool of loans or receivables as collateral for a security. The decision of whether to securitize assets to borrow or use traditional borrowing sources is done on the basis of cost. However, if traditional sources dry up when a company faces a liquidity crisis, securitization may provide the needed liquidity. An analyst should investigate the extent to which management has considered securitization as a funding source.
Other sources of liquidity for a company may be third-party guarantees, the most common being a contractual agreement with its parent company. When such a financial guarantee exists, the analyst must undertake a credit analysis of the parent company.
In the analysis of an issuer’s ability to pay, the analyst will analyze the issuer’s financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows), project future financial statements based on certain assumptions, and compute various measures. These measures include traditional ratio measures and cash flow measures. Below we review these measures and explain how an additional analysis of cash flows provides a better early warning alarm of potential financial difficulties than traditional ratios.
1. Traditional Ratios Traditional ratios to evaluate the ability of an issuer to meet its obligations include:
• profitability ratios
• debt and coverage ratios
a. Profitability Ratios Equity analysts focus on the earnings of a firm, particularly the earnings per share. While a holder of the debt obligation of a firm does not have the opportunity to share in the economic growth of the firm, this does not mean that a credit analyst should ignore a firm’s profitability. It is from revenues that a firm will continue to grow in order to generate cash flow to meet obligations.
Profitability ratios are utilized to explore the underlying causes of a change in the company’s earnings. They show the combined effects of liquidity and asset and debt management on the profitability of the firm. These ratios break earnings per share into its basic determinants for purposes of assessing the factors underlying the profitability of the firm. They help to assess the adequacy of historical profits, and to project future profitability through better understanding of its underlying causes.
Standards for a given ratio will vary according to operating characteristics of the company being analyzed and general business conditions; such standards cannot be stated as fixed and immutable. It is assumed that the analyst has made all adjustments deemed necessary to reflect comparable and true earning power of the corporation before calculating the ratios discussed below. It is important to stress that ratios are utilized to raise significant questions requiring further analysis, not to provide answers.
Equity analysts use the DuPont formula (explained in textbooks on equity analysis) to assess the determinants of a company’s earnings per share. The profitability ratios analyzed to assess earnings per share are:
• return on stockholders’ equity
• return on total assets
• profit margin
• asset turnover
Each of these measures and their limitations are explained in textbooks on financial statement analysis and equity analysis so they will not be repeated here.
b. Debt and Coverage Analysis There are three sets of ratios that are used by credit analysts as indicators to assess the ability of a firm to satisfy its debt obligations:
• short-term solvency ratios
• capitalization (or financial leverage) ratios
• coverage ratios
i. Short-Term Solvency Ratios Short-term solvency ratios are used to judge the adequacy of liquid assets for meeting short-term obligations as they come due. A complete analysis of the adequacy of working capital for meeting current liabilities as they come due and assessing management’s efficiency in using working capital would require a thorough analysis of cash flows and forecasts of fund flows in future periods that will be discussed in the next section. However, ratios provide a crude but useful assessment of working capital. The following two ratios are calculated to assess the adequacy of working capital for a firm:
• the current ratio
• the acid-test ratio
The current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities:
The current ratio indicates the company’s coverage of current liabilities by current assets. For example, if the ratio were 2:1, the firm could realize only half of the values stated in the balance sheet in liquidating current assets and still have adequate funds to pay all current liabilities.
A general standard for this ratio (such as 2:1) is not useful. Such a standard fails to recognize that an appropriate current ratio is a function of the nature of a company’s business and would vary with differing operating cycles of different businesses. The operating cycle of a company is the duration from the time cash is invested in goods and services to the time that investment produces cash.204
A current asset is one that is expected to be converted into cash in the ordinary operating cycle of a business. Inventory, therefore, is a current asset. In a tobacco or liquor manufacturing company, inventory may be as much as 80% to 90% of current assets. However, for a liquor company that inventory may have to age four years or more before it can be converted into a salable asset. Such a company typically would require a much higher current ratio than average to have adequate liquidity to meet current liabilities maturing in one year. For a public utility company where there is no inventory or receivables collection problem, a current ratio of 1.1 or 1.2 to 1 has proved satisfactory. Industry averages are published by organizations such as Dun & Bradstreet and Robert Morris Associates. While industry averages have their faults, they are preferable to general standards that do not recognize operating differences among classes of companies.
The current ratio has a major weakness as an analytical tool. It ignores the composition of current assets, which may be as important as their relationship with current liabilities. Therefore, current ratio analysis must be supplemented by other working capital ratios.
Since the problem in meeting current liabilities may rest on slowness or even inability to convert inventories into cash to meet current obligations, the acid-test ratio (also called the quick ratio) is recommended. This is the ratio of current assets minus inventories to current liabilities; that is:
This ratio does assume that receivables are of good quality and will be converted into cash over the next year.
ii. Capitalization Ratios Credit analysts also calculate capitalization ratios to determine the extent to which the corporation is using financial leverage. These ratios, also called financial leverage ratios, can be interpreted only in the context of the stability of industry and company earnings and cash flow. The assumption is that the greater the stability of industry and company earnings and cash flow, the more the company is able to accept the risk associated with financial leverage, and the higher the allowable ratio of debt to total capitalization (the total dollar amount of all long-term sources of funds in the balance sheet).
There are many variations to be found within the industry to calculate capitalization ratios. Two such ratios are shown below:
where shareholders’ equity includes preferred stock.
For both ratios, the higher the ratio, the greater the financial leverage. The value used to measure debt in both ratios is book value. It is useful to calculate stockholders’ equity at market as well as at book value for the purpose of determining these ratios. A market calculation for common equity may indicate considerably more or less financial leverage than a book calculation.
Commercial rating companies and most Wall Street analysts rely heavily upon the long-term debt to capitalization ratio, and this is often provided in research reports sent out to clients. While this ratio can be useful, it should be noted that in recent years, given the uncertain interest rate environment, many corporations have taken to financing a good deal of their business with short-term debt. Indeed, an imaginative treasurer with a keen insight into money market activities can earn as much for a company as a plant manager, simply by switching debt from long term to short term and vice versa, at the right time.
Other considerations in using the long-term debt to capitalization ratio involves leased assets. Many corporations rent buildings and equipment under long-term lease contracts. Required rental payments are contractual obligations similar to bond coupon and repayment obligations. However, assets acquired through leasing (i.e., those leases classified as operating leases) may not be capitalized and shown in the balance sheet. Two companies, therefore, might work with the same amount of fixed assets and produce the same profits before interest or rental payments, but the one leasing a high proportion of its productive equipment could show significantly lower financial leverage.
iii. Coverage Tests Coverage ratios are used to test the adequacy of cash flows generated through earnings for purposes of meeting debt and lease obligations. The four most commonly used coverage ratios are:
• EBIT interest coverage ratio
• EBITDA interest coverage ratio
• funds from operations/total debt ratio
• free operating cash flow/total debt ratio
EBIT stands for “earnings before interest and taxes.” The EBIT interest coverage ratio is simply EBIT divided by the annual interest expense. (Interest expense includes “capitalized interest.” This is effectively interest expense imputed for capitalized assets, the most important of which is leased assets.) Interest expense is tax deductible and, therefore, all earnings before taxes are available for paying such charges. Also, the interest should be added back to determine the amount available to meet annual interest expenses.
EBITDA stands for “earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization.” The EBITDA interest coverage ratio is simply the ratio of EBITDA divided by the annual interest expense.
The last two ratios listed above indicate the amount of funds from operations relative to the amount of total debt. The funds from operations includes net income plus the following: depreciation, amortization, deferred income taxes, and other noncash items. The definition of free operating cash flows varies by rating agency. In the next section we describe one variant of free operating cash flow.
Suggested standards for coverage ratios are based on experience and empirical studies relating the incidence of defaults over a number of years to such ratios. Different standards are needed for a highly cyclical company than for a stable company. In the case study presented in the appendix to this chapter, benchmark ratios (as measured in terms of median ratios) by credit rating are presented for the coverage ratios described above, as well as for the capitalization ratios.
2. Cash Flow Analysis Will the ratios just described be sufficient to help an analyst identify companies that may encounter financial difficulties? Consider the study by Largay and Stickney who analyzed the financial statements of W.T. Grant during the 1966-1974 period preceding its bankruptcy in 1975 and ultimate liquidation.205 They noted that financial indicators such as profitability ratios, turnover ratios, and liquidity ratios showed some down trends, but provided no definite clues to the company’s impending bankruptcy. A study of cash flows from operations, however, revealed that company operations were causing an increasing drain on cash, rather than providing cash.11 This necessitated an increased use of external financing, the required interest payments on which exacerbated the cash flow drain. Cash flow analysis clearly was a valuable tool in this case since W.T. Grant had been running a negative cash flow from operations for years. Yet none of the traditional ratios discussed above take into account the cash flow from operations.
The need to look at cash flow is emphasized by Standard & Poor’s:
Cash flow analysis is the single most critical aspect of all credit rating decisions. It takes on added importance for speculative-grade issuers. While companies with investment-grade ratings generally have ready access to external cash to cover temporary shortfalls, junk-bond issuers lack this degree of flexibility and have fewer alternatives to internally generated cash for servicing debt.12
S&P also notes that: “Discussions about cash flow often suffer from lack of uniform definition of terms.”13 Below we describe how S&P’s terminology with respect to four cash flow concepts: operating cash flow, free operating cash flow, discretionary cash flow, and prefinancing cash flow. In addition, we discuss the various ratios employing these cash flow measures.
a. Cash Flow Measures Prior to the adoption of the statement of cash flows in 1987, the information regarding a firm’s cash flows was quite limited. The statement of cash flows is a summary over a period of time of a firm’s cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities. The firm’s statement of cash flows lists separately its
• cash flows from operating activities
• cash flows from investing
• cash flow financing activities
Typically the corresponding cash flows are referred to as:206
• Cash provided by operating activities
• Cash provided by/(used for) investing activities
• Cash used for financing activities
“Cash provided by operating activities” is also referred to as “cash flow from operations.”
By analyzing these individual statement of cash flows, creditors can examine such aspects of the business as:
• The source of financing for business operations, whether through internally generated funds or external sources of funds.
• The ability of the company to meet debt obligations (interest and principal payments).
• The ability of the company to finance expansion through cash flow from its operating activities.
• The ability of the company to pay dividends to shareholders.
• The flexibility the business has in financing its operations.
A firm that generates cash flows only by selling off its assets (obtaining cash flows from investing) or by issuing more securities (obtaining cash flows from financing) cannot keep that up for very long. For future prosperity and the ability to meet its obligations, the firm must be able to generate cash flows from its operations.
Analysts have reformatted the information from the firm’s income statement and statement of cash flows to obtain what they view as a better description of the company’s activities. S&P begins with what it refers to as funds from operations. The funds from operations is defined as net income adjusted for depreciation and other noncash debits and credits. Then from the funds from operation, the following cash flow measures are computed:207
Operating cash flow is therefore funds from operations reduced by changes in the investment in working capital (current assets less current liabilities). Subtracting capital expenditures gives what S&P defines as free operating cash flow. It is this cash flow measure that can be used to pay dividends and make acquisitions.208 Reducing free operating cash flow by cash dividends gives discretionary cash flow. Adjusting discretionary cash flow for managerial discretionary decisions for acquisition of other companies, the disposal of assets (e.g., lines of business or subsidiaries), and others sources or uses of cash gives prefinancing cash flow. As stated by S&P, prefinancing cash flow “represents the extent to which company cash flow from all internal sources have been sufficient to cover all internal needs.”209
b. Cash Flow Ratios S&P uses the following cash flow ratios (based on its cash flow definitions described above) in analyzing a company in addition to the measures described earlier for coverage ratios:
(the above ratio is referred to as the “debt service coverage ratio”)
(the above ratio is called the “debt payback period”)
The particular cash flow ratios that S&P focuses on depends on the type of company being analyzed. According to S&P:
Where long-term viability is more assured (i.e., higher in the rating spectrum) there can be greater emphasis on the level of funds from operations and its relation to total debt burden. These measures clearly differentiate between levels of protection over time. Focusing on debt service coverage and free cash flow becomes more critical in the analysis of a weaker company. Speculative-grade issuers typically face near-term vulnerabilities, which are better measured by free cash flow ratios.210

B. Analysis of Collateral

A corporate debt obligation can be secured or unsecured. In our discussion of creditor rights in a bankruptcy, we explained that in the case of a liquidation, proceeds from a bankruptcy are distributed to creditors based on the absolute priority rule. However, in the case of a reorganization, the absolute priority rule rarely holds. That is, an unsecured creditor may receive distributions for the entire amount of his or her claim and common stockholders may receive something, while a secured creditor may receive only a portion of its claim. The reason is that a reorganization requires approval of all the parties. Consequently, secured creditors are willing to negotiate with both unsecured creditors and stockholders in order to obtain approval of the plan of reorganization.
The question is then, what does a secured position mean in the case of a reorganization if the absolute priority rule is not followed in a reorganization? The claim position of a secured creditor is important in terms of the negotiation process. However, because absolute priority is not followed and the final distribution in a reorganization depends on the bargaining ability of the parties, some analysts place less emphasis on collateral compared to the other factors discussed earlier and covenants discussed next.
We discussed the various types of collateral used for a corporate debt issue and features that analysts should be cognizant of in looking at an investor’s secured position. Other important features are covered in our discussion of covenants below.

C. Analysis of Covenants

Covenants deal with limitations and restrictions on the borrower’s activities. Some covenants are common to all indentures, such as
• to pay interest, principal, and premium, if any, on a timely basis
• to pay all taxes and other claims when due unless contested in good faith
• to maintain all properties used and useful in the borrower’s business in good condition and working order
• to submit periodic certificates to the trustee stating whether the debtor is in compliance with the loan agreement
These covenants are called affirmative covenants since they call upon the debtor to make promises to do certain things.
Negative covenants are those which require the borrower not to take certain actions. There are an infinite variety of restrictions that can be placed on borrowers, depending on the type of debt issue, the economics of the industry and the nature of the business, and the lenders’ desires. Some of the more common restrictive covenants include various limitations on the company’s ability to incur debt, since unrestricted borrowing can lead a company and its debtholders to ruin. Thus, debt restrictions may include limits on the absolute dollar amount of debt that may be outstanding or may require a ratio test—for example, debt may be limited to no more than 60% of total capitalization or that it cannot exceed a certain percentage of net tangible assets.
There may be an interest or fixed charge coverage test. The two common tests are:
maintenance test: This test requires the borrower’s ratio of earnings available for interest or fixed charges to be at least a certain minimum figure on each required reporting date (such as quarterly or annually) for a certain preceding period.
debt incurrence test: only comes into play when the company wishes to do additional borrowing. In order to take on additional debt, the required interest or fixed charge coverage figure adjusted for the new debt must be at a certain minimum level for the required period prior to the financing. Debt incurrence tests are generally considered less stringent than maintenance provisions.
There could also be cash flow tests (or cash flow requirements) and working capital maintenance provisions.
Some indentures may prohibit subsidiaries from borrowing from all other companies except the parent. Indentures often classify subsidiaries as restricted or unrestricted. Restricted subsidiaries are those considered to be consolidated for financial test purposes; unrestricted subsidiaries (often foreign and certain special-purpose companies) are those excluded from the covenants governing the parent. Often, subsidiaries are classified as unrestricted in order to allow them to finance themselves through outside sources of funds.
Limitations on dividend payments and stock repurchases may be included in indentures. Often, cash dividend payments will be limited to a certain percentage of net income earned after a specific date (often the issuance date of the debt, called the “peg date”) plus a fixed amount. Sometimes the dividend formula might allow the inclusion of the net proceeds from the sale of common stock sold after the peg date. In other cases, the dividend restriction might be so worded as to prohibit the declaration and payment of cash dividends if tangible net worth (or other measures, such as consolidated quick assets) declines below a certain amount.

D. Character of a Corporation

Character analysis involves the analysis of the quality of management. In discussing the factors it considers in assigning a credit rating, Moody’s Investors Service notes the following regarding the quality of management:211
Although difficult to quantify, management quality is one of the most important factors supporting an issuer’s credit strength. When the unexpected occurs, it is a management’s ability to react appropriately that will sustain the company’s performance.
In assessing management quality, the analysts at Moody’s, for example, try to understand the business strategies and policies formulated by management. Following are factors that are considered: (1) strategic direction, (2) financial philosophy, (3) conservatism, (4) track record, (5) succession planning, and (6) control systems.
In recent years, focus has been on the corporate governance of the firm and the role of the board of directors.
1. Corporate Governance The bylaws are the rules of governance for the corporation. The bylaws define the rights and obligations of officers, members of the board of directors, and shareholders. In most large corporations, it is not possible for each owner to participate in monitoring of the management of the business. Therefore, the owners of a corporation elect a board of directors to represent them in the major business decisions and to monitor the activities of the corporation’s management. The board of directors, in turn, appoints and oversees the officers of the corporation. Directors who are also employees of the corporation are called inside directors; those who have no other position within the corporation are outside directors or independent directors.
It is the board of directors that decides whether to hire, retain, or dismiss the chief executive officer, to establish the compensation system for senior management, and to ensure that the proper internal corporate control systems are in place to monitor management. Generally it is believed that the greater the proportion of outside directors, the greater the board independence from the management of the company. The proportion of outside directors on corporate boards varies significantly.
Recently, there have been a number of scandals and allegations regarding the financial information that is being reported to shareholders and the market. Financial results reported in the income statements and balance sheets of some companies indicated much better performance than the true performance or much better financial condition than actual.212 Along with these financial reporting issues, the independence of the auditors and the role of financial analysts have been brought to the forefront.
The eagerness of managers to present favorable results to shareholders and the market appears to be a major factor in several of the scandals. Personal enrichment at the expense of shareholders seems to explain some of the scandals. Whatever the motivation, chief executive officers (CEOs), chief financial officers (CFOs), and board members are being held directly accountable for financial disclosures. For example, in 2002, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ordered sworn statements attesting to the accuracy of financial statements. The first deadline for such statements resulted in several companies restating financial results.
The accounting scandals are creating an awareness of the importance of corporate governance, the importance of the independence of the public accounting auditing function, the role of financial analysts, and the responsibilities of CEOs and CFOs.
2. Agency Problem Corporate financial theory helps us understand how the abuses that diminish shareholder value arise and the potential for mitigating the abuse. In a publicly traded company, typically the managers of a corporation are not the major owners. The managers make decisions for owners. Thus, the managers act as agents. An agent is a person who acts for—and exerts powers on behalf of—another person or group of persons. The person (or group of persons) the agent represents is referred to as the principal. The relationship between the agent and his or her principal is an agency relationship. There is an agency relationship between the managers and the shareholders of corporations. 213
In an agency relationship, the agent is charged with the responsibility of acting for the principal. As a result, it is possible that the agent may not act in the best interest of the principal, but instead act in his or her own self-interest. This is because the agent has his or her own objective of maximizing personal wealth. In a large corporation, for example, the managers may enjoy many fringe benefits, such as golf club memberships, access to private jets, and company cars. These benefits (also called perquisites, or “perks”) may be useful in conducting business and may help attract or retain management personnel, but there is room for abuse. The abuse of perquisites imposes costs on the firm—and ultimately on the owners of the firm. There is also a possibility that managers who feel secure in their positions may not bother to expend their best efforts toward the business. Finally, there is the possibility that managers will act in their own self-interest, rather than in the interest of the shareholders when those interests clash. For example, management may fight the acquisition of their firm by some other firm even if the acquisition would benefit shareholders. This is because in most takeovers, the management of the acquired firm generally lose their jobs. Consequently, a manager’s self-interest may be placed ahead of those of shareholders who may be offered an attractive price for their stock in the acquisition.
There are costs involved with any effort to minimize the potential for conflict between the principal’s interest and the agent’s interest. Such costs are called agency costs, and they are of three types: monitoring costs, bonding costs, and residual loss.
Monitoring costs are costs incurred by the principal to monitor or limit the actions of the agent. In a corporation, shareholders may require managers to periodically report on their activities via audited accounting statements, which are sent to shareholders. The accountants’ fees and the management time lost in preparing such statements are monitoring costs. Another example is the implicit cost incurred when shareholders limit the decision-making power of managers. By doing so, the owners may miss profitable investment opportunities; the foregone profit is a monitoring cost.
The board of directors of corporation has a fiduciary duty to shareholders; that is, the legal responsibility to make decisions (or to see that decisions are made) that are in the best interests of shareholders. Part of that responsibility is to ensure that managerial decisions are also in the best interests of the shareholders. Therefore, at least part of the cost of having directors is a monitoring cost.
Bonding costs are incurred by agents to assure principals that they will act in the principal’s best interest. The name comes from the agent’s promise or bond to take certain actions. A manager may enter into a contract that requires him or her to stay on with the firm even though another company acquires it; an implicit cost is then incurred by the manager, who foregoes other employment opportunities. Even when monitoring and bonding devices are used, there may be some divergence between the interests of principals and those of agents. The resulting cost, called the residual loss, is the implicit cost that results because the principal’s and the agent’s interests cannot be perfectly aligned even when monitoring and bonding costs are incurred.
3. Stakeholders and Corporate Governance When managers of a corporation assess a potential investment in a new product, they examine the risks and the potential benefits and costs. Similarly, managers assess current investments for the same purpose; if benefits do not continue to outweigh costs, they will not continue to invest in the product but will shift their investment elsewhere. This is consistent with the goal of shareholder wealth maximization and with the allocative efficiency of the market economy.
Discontinuing investment in an unprofitable business may mean closing down plants, laying off workers, and, perhaps destroying an entire town that depends on the business for income. So decisions to invest or disinvest may affect great numbers of people. All but the smallest business firms are linked in some way to groups of persons who are dependent to a degree on the business. These groups may include suppliers, customers, the community itself, and nearby businesses, as well as employees and shareholders. The various groups of persons that depend on a firm are referred to as its stakeholders; they all have some stake in the outcomes of the firm. For example, if the Boeing Company lays off workers or increases production, the effects are felt by Seattle and the surrounding communities.
Can a firm maximize the wealth of shareholders and stakeholders at the same time? Probably. If a firm invests in the production of goods and services that meet the demand of consumers in such a way that benefits exceed costs, then the firm will be allocating the resources of the community efficiently, employing assets in their most productive use. If later the firm must disinvest—perhaps close a plant—it has a responsibility to assist employees and other stakeholders who are affected. Failure to do so could tarnish its reputation, erode its ability to attract new stakeholder groups to new investments, and ultimately act to the detriment of shareholders.
The effects of a firm’s actions on others are referred to as externalities. Pollution is an important example. Suppose the manufacture of a product creates air pollution. If the polluting firm acts to reduce this pollution, it incurs a cost that either increases the price of its product or decreases profit and the market value of its stock. If competitors do not likewise incur costs to reduce their pollution, the firm is at a disadvantage and may be driven out of business through competitive pressure.
The firm may try to use its efforts at pollution control to enhance its reputation in the hope that this will lead to a sales increase large enough to make up for the cost of reducing pollution. This is a market solution: the market places a value on the pollution control and rewards the firm (or an industry) for it. If society really believes that pollution is bad and that pollution control is good, the interests of owners and society can be aligned.
It is more likely, however, that pollution control costs will be viewed as reducing owners’ wealth. Then firms must be forced to reduce pollution through laws or government regulations. But such laws and regulations also come with a cost—the cost of enforcement. Again, if the benefits of mandatory pollution control outweigh the cost of government action, society is better off. In such a case, if the government requires all firms to reduce pollution, then pollution control costs simply become one of the conditions under which owner wealth-maximizing decisions are to be made.
4. Mitigating the Agency Problem: Standard and Codes of Best Practices for Corporate Governance Let’s focus on just shareholders and the agency problem as it relates to shareholders. There are three ways that shareholders can reduce the likelihood that management will act in its self interest. First, the compensation of the manager can be tied to the price performance of the firm. Second, managers can be granted a significant equity interest in the company. While an interesting solution, in practice most CEOs and boards have an extremely small equity interest in their firms. For example, a study of 1,000 of the largest U.S. corporations found that the median holdings of CEOs was less than 0.2% of the outstanding equity. 214
Finally, the firm’s internal corporate control systems can provide a means for effectively monitoring the performance and decision-making behavior of management. The timely removal of the CEO by the board of directors who believe that a CEO’s performance is not in the best interest of the shareholders is one example of how an internal corporate control system can work. In general, there are several key elements of an internal corporate control system that are necessary for the effective monitoring of management. It is the breakdown of the internal control corporate control systems that lead to corporate difficulties and the destruction of shareholder wealth.
Because of the important role placed by the board of directors, the structure and composition of the board is critical for effective corporate governance. The key is to remove the influence of the CEO on board members. This can be done in several ways. First, while there is no optimal board size, the more members the less likely the influence of the CEO. With more board members, a larger number of committees can be formed to deal with important matters of the firm. At a minimum, there should be an auditing committee, a nominating committee (for board members), and a compensation committee. Second, the composition of the committee should have a majority of independent directors and the committees should include only independent directors. Third, the nominating committee should develop sound criteria for the selection of potential directors and the retention of current board members. The nominating committee should use the services of recruiting agencies to identify potential independent board members rather than rely on the CEO or management to put forth a slate of candidates. Fourth, the sole chairman of the board of directors should not be the CEO. This practice allows the CEO to exert too much influence over board members and set agenda items at board meetings. A compromise position is having the chair of the board being jointly held by the CEO and an independent board member.
The standards and codes of best practice for effective corporate governance are evolving. Unlike securities laws or regulatory requirements (such as exchange listing requirements) which set forth rules that affect corporate governance, standards and codes of best practice go beyond the applicable securities law of the country and are adopted voluntarily by a corporation. The expectation is that the adoption of best practice for corporate governance is a signal to investors about the character of management. The standards of best practice that have become widely accepted as a benchmark are those set forth by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 1999. The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance cover:
• the basic rights of shareholders
• equitable treatment of shareholders
• the role of stakeholders
• disclosure and transparency
• the role of the board of directors.
Other entities that have established standards and codes for corporate governance are the Commonwealth Association for Corporate Governance, the International Corporate Governance Network, and the Business Roundtable. Countries have established their own code and standards using the OECD principles. 215
A survey of more than 200 institutional investors throughout the world conducted between April and May 2002 by McKinsey & Company found that investors “put corporate governance on a par with financial indicators when evaluating investment decisions.”216 The investors surveyed indicated that they were prepared to pay a premium for the stock of companies that they felt exhibited high governance standards.
5. Corporate Governance and Bond Ratings Empirically, there have been several studies that have investigated the impact of corporate governance on stockholder returns.217 Our interest in this chapter is the relationship between corporate governance and bond ratings (and hence bond yields). A study by Bhojraj and Sengupta investigates this relationship using a large sample of 1,001 industrial bonds for the period 1991-1996.218
They note that a firm’s likelihood of default can be decomposed into two risks, information risk and agency risk. Information risk is the risk that the available information for evaluating default risk is not credible. There are two studies that support the position that corporate governance mechanisms reduce information risk. Beasley found that the greater the proportion of a board composed of outsiders, the lower the probability of financial statement fraud.219 Sengupta found that the higher the quality of corporate disclosure, the high the bond rating. 220 Agency risk is the risk that management will make decisions in its own self interest, thereby reducing firm value. There is mixed evidence on how the different types of corporate governance mechanism affect equity returns.
Bhojraj and Sengupta argue that if corporate governance mechanisms reduce agency risk and information risk, the result is that strong corporate governance should be associated with superior bond ratings and therefore lower yields. They find that companies that have greater institutional ownership and stronger outside control of the board benefitted from lower bond yields and higher ratings on their new bond issues. Bhojraj and Sengupta conclude that their findings “are consistent with the view that institutional owners and outside directors play an active role in reducing management opportunism and promoting firm value.”
They also investigate the effect of governance mechanisms on lower rated corporate bonds. Bhojraj and Sengupta argue that the monitoring role of governance mechanisms would be more important when dealing with such bonds because traditional measures for assessing default risk described earlier in this chapter (profitability ratios, debt and coverage ratios, and cash flow measures) may not be informative about future prospects for satisfying debt obligations. Their results are consistent with a greater role for corporate governance mechanisms in reducing default risk for corporations that issue lower rated bonds.
6. Corporate Governance Ratings Several firms have developed services that assess corporate governance. One type of service provides confidential assessment of the relative strength of a firm’s corporate governance practices. The customer for this service is a corporation seeking external evaluations of its current practice. The second is a service that rates (or scores) the corporate governance mechanisms of companies. Generally, these ratings are made public at the option of the company requesting an evaluation. The motivation for developing a corporate governance rating is described by one of the firms that provides this service, Governance Metrics International (GMI), as follows:
Why are we undertaking this challenge? Our premise is simple: companies that focus on corporate governance and transparency will, over time, generate superior returns and economic performance and lower their cost of capital. The opposite is also true: companies weak in corporate governance and transparency represent increased investment risks and result in a higher cost of capital. Our hope is that GMI research and ratings will help diligent investors and corporations focus on governance on an ongoing basis, identify companies and particular items that need improvement and, just as important, recognise companies that are clearly trying to set the best example with a positive rating. 221
Firms that provide corporate governance ratings for companies fall into two categories. The first are those that provide ratings for companies within a country. Examples of countries where firms have produced or plan to produce corporate governance ratings are Australia, Brazil, Greece, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia, South Korea, and Thailand.222 The second category includes firms that rate across country borders. Examples of firms that fall into this category are Standard & Poor’s, Governance Metrics International, The Corporate Library, and Deminor. We discuss each below.
Standard & Poor’s produces a Corporate Governance Score which, at the option of the company, may be disclosed to the public. The score or rating is based on a review of both publicly available information, interviews with senior management and directors, and confidential information that S&P may have available from its credit rating of the corporation’s debt.
S&P believes that its Corporate Governance Score helps companies in the following ways:
• Benchmark their current governance practices against global best practices
• Communicate both the substance and form of their governance practices to investors, insurers, creditors, customers, regulators, employees, and other stakeholders
• Enhance the investor relations process when used as part of a program designed to highlight governance effectiveness to both potential and current investors, thus differentiating the company from its competitors223
The score is based on four key elements evaluated by S&P:224
1. Ownership structure and external influences
• Transparency of ownership structure
• Concentration and influence of ownership and external stakeholders
2. Shareholder rights and stakeholder relations
• Shareholder meeting and voting procedures
• Ownership rights and takeover defenses
• Stakeholder relations
3. Transparency, disclosure and audit
• Content of public disclosure
• Timing of and access to public disclosure
• Audit process
4. Board structure and effectiveness
• Board structure and independence
• Role and effectiveness of the board
• Director and senior executive compensation
Based on the S&P’s analysis of the four key elements listed above, its assessment of the company’s corporate governance practices and policies and how its policies serve shareholders and other stakeholders is reflected in the Corporate Governance Score. The score ranges from 10 (the highest score) to 1 (the lowest score).
Governance Metrics International (GMI) provides two types of ratings. The first is what GMI refers to as a its “basic” rating; the information for this rating is based on publicly available information (regulatory filings, company websites, and news services); no fee is charged to a company receiving a basic rating. The second is a fee-based “comprehensive” rating obtained from interviews with outside directors and senior management. The seven categories analyzed by GMI are shareholder rights, compensation policies, accountability of the board, financial disclosure, market for control, shareholder base, and corporate reputation. There are more than 600 metrics that are used in generating the rating. GMI’s scoring model calculates a value between 1 (l lowest score) and 10 (highest score). The scores are relative to the other companies that are included in the universe researched by GMI. The ratings provided include a global rating (which allows a comparison to all the companies in the universe), a home market rating (which allows a comparison to all of the companies in the home country or region), and corresponding ratings for each of the seven categories analyzed by GMI.
The Corporate Library (TCL) has a rating service it calls “Board Effectiveness Rating.” Rather than using best practice standards or codes in developing its corporate governance indicators, ratings are based on what this firm believes are “proven dynamics indicators of interest to shareholders and investors.”225 The indicators include compensation, outside director shareholdings, board structure and make-up, accounting and audit oversight, and board decision-making. The focus is on “which boards are most likely to enhance and preserve shareholder value, and which boards might actually increase investor risk.”226 The ratings are expressed on a scale ranging from A (highest effectiveness) to F (lowest effectiveness). TCL does not intend for its ratings to be used on a stand alone basis. Rather, the ratings are intended to improve current investment research methods employed by investors.
Finally, Deminor focuses on corporate governance ratings for Western European firms. The rating is based on 300 corporate governance indicators obtained from public and non-public information provided by the company being rated, as well as on interviews with members of the board of directors and executive committee. The ratings are based on standards that are internationally recognized such as the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. The four categories analyzed are (1) rights and duties of shareholders, (2) commitment to shareholder value, (3) disclosure on corporate governance, and (4) board structure and functioning. The ratings range from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). There is an overall rating and a rating for each of the four categories.

E. Special Considerations for High-Yield Corporate Bonds

The discussion thus far has focused on credit analysis for any issuer regardless of credit rating. There are some unique factors that should be considered in the analysis of high-yield bonds. We will discuss the following:
• analysis of debt structure
• analysis of corporate structure
• analysis of covenants
In addition, we will discuss the reasons why an equity analysis approach to high-yield bond issuers is being used.
1. Analysis of Debt Structure In January 1990, the Association for Investment Management and Research held a conference on high-yield bonds. One of the presenters at the conference was William Cornish, then President of Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Company.227 In his presentation he identified a unique factor in the credit analysis of high-yield issuers—the characteristics of the types of debt obligations comprising a high-yield issuer’s debt structure.228
Cornish explained why it was necessary for an analyst to examine a high-yield issuer’s debt structure. At the time of his presentation, new types of bonds were being introduced into the high-yield market such as deferred coupon bonds. He noted that the typical debt structure of a high-yield issuer includes:
• bank debt
• brokers loans or “bridge loans”
• reset notes
• senior debt
• senior subordinated debt
• subordinated debt (payment in kind bonds)
Cornish then went on to explain the importance of understanding the characteristics of the diverse debt obligations that are included in a typical high-yield debt structure.
Consider first bank loans. While investment-grade issuers also have bank debt in their capital structure, high-yield issuers rely to a greater extent on this form of debt because of a lack of alternative financing sources. Banks loans have three key characteristics. First, holders of bank debt have a priority over other debt holders on the firm’s assets. Second, bank debt is typically short-term (usually it is not greater than two years). Finally, the rate on bank debt floats with the level of interest rates.
There are three implications of these characteristics of bank debt for the analysis of the credit worthiness of high-yield issuers. First, because the cost of this source of debt financing is affected by changes in short-term interest rates, the analyst must incorporate changing interest rate scenarios into cash flow projections. A rise in short-term interest rates can impose severe cash flow problems for an issuer heavily financed by bank debt.
Second, because the debt is short term, bank debt must be repaid in the near future. The challenge that the analyst faces is determining where the funds will be obtained to pay off maturing bank debt. There are three sources available:
1. repayment from operating cash flow
2. refinancing
3. sale of assets
Typically, it is a combination of the above three sources that a high-yield issuer will use. The implication is that the analyst must carefully examine the timing and amount of maturing bank debt and consider the sources for repayment.
If the repayment is to come from operations, the projections of cash flow from operations become even more critical than for a high-grade issuer which can rely on a wider range of funding sources such as commercial paper. When refinancing is the source of funds for loan repayment, there is the issue discussed earlier that future conditions in the financial market must be incorporated into the analyst’s projections in order to assess future funding costs.
If the source of the loan repayment is the sale of assets, the analyst must consider which assets will be sold and how the sale of such assets will impact future cash flow from operations. If key assets must be sold to pay off maturing bank debt, management is adversely impacting the ability to repay other debt in the future from cash flow from operations. In leveraged buyouts, the new management will have a specific plan for the disposal of certain assets in order to pay off bank debt and other debt or related payments. One credit analyst, Jane Tripp Howe, suggests that the analyst ask the following questions regarding asset sales:229
Can the company meet its cash obligations if the sale of assets is delayed?
How liquid are the assets that are scheduled for sale?
Are the appraised values for these assets accurate?
Banks will not provide short-term funds where there are insufficient assets to cover a loan in the case of liquidation. If short-term to intermediate-term funds are needed, a high-yield issuer will turn to broker loans (or bridge loans) and/or reset notes. Earlier (Chapter 1), we covered reset notes. A reset note is a security where the coupon rate is reset periodically such that the security price will trade at some specified premium above par value. The presence of reset notes in the debt structure is of particular concern to the analyst for two reasons. First, there is the need to analyze the impact of future interest rates and spreads to assess the impact of higher borrowing costs. Second, to avoid a higher reset rate when interest rates rise due to rising interest rates in general and/or because of a higher spread demanded by the market for the particular issuer, the issuer may seek to dispose of assets. Again the assets sold may have an adverse impact on future cash flow from operations.
While there are typically longer term bonds referred to as “senior bonds” in a high-yield issuer’s debt structure, the term “senior bonds” is misleading in the presence of bank loans. Moreover, there are deferred coupon bonds. One such bond structure is a zero-coupon bond. Deferred coupon bonds permit the issuer to postpone interest payment to some future year. As a result, the interest burden is placed on future cash flow to meet the interest obligations. Because of this burden, the presence of deferred coupon bonds may impair the ability of the issuer to improve its credit quality in future periods. Moreover, if senior bonds have deferred coupon payments, the subordinated bonds will be adversely affected over time as the amount of senior bonds increases over time relative to the amount of subordinated bonds. For example, one type of deferred coupon bond that was commonly issued at one time was the payment-in-kind (PIK) bond. With this bond structure, a high-yield issuer has the option to either pay interest in cash or pay the equivalent of interest with another bond with the same coupon rate. If the issuer does not have the ability to pay the interest in cash, payment with another bond will increase future interest expense and thereby adversely impact the issuer’s future cash flow. If the PIK bonds are senior bonds, subordinated bonds are adversely affected over time as more senior bonds are added to the capital structure and future interest expense is increased further.
2. Analysis of Corporate Structure High-yield issuers usually have a holding company structure. The assets to pay creditors of the holding company will come from the operating subsidiaries. Cornish explains why it is critical to analyze the corporate structure for a high-yield issuer. Specifically, the analyst must understand the corporate structure in order to assess how cash will be passed between subsidiaries and the parent company and among the subsidiaries. The corporate structure may be so complex that the payment structure can be confusing.
Cornish provides an illustration of this. At the time of his presentation (January 1990), Farley Inc. had the following debt structure: senior subordinated debt, subordinated notes, and junior subordinated debt. The question raised by Cornish was where Farley Inc. was going to obtain cash flow to make payments to its creditors. One possibility was to obtain funds from its operating subsidiaries. At the time, Farley Inc. had three operating subsidiaries: Fruit of the Loom, Acme Boot, and West Point Pepperell. An examination of the debt structure of Fruit of the Loom (20% owned by Farley Inc.) indicated that there was bank debt and no intercompany loans were permitted. While there were restrictions on dividend payments, none were being paid at the time. An examination of the Acme Boot (100% owned by Farley Inc.) showed that there was bank debt and while there were restrictions but no prohibitions on intercompany loans, Farley Inc. had in fact put cash into this operating subsidiary. Finally, West Point Pepperell (95% owned by Farley Inc.) had bridge loans that restricted asset sales and dividend payments. Moreover, any payments that could be made to Farley Inc. from West Point Pepperell had to be such that they would not violate West Point Pepperell’s financial ratio requirements imposed by its bridge loan. The key point of the illustration is that an analyst evaluating the ability of Farley Inc. to meet its obligations to creditors would have to look very closely at the three operating subsidiaries. Just looking at financial ratios for the entire holding company structure would not be adequate. At the time, it was not likely that the three operating subsidiaries would be able to make any contribution to assist the parent company in paying off its creditors.
3. Analysis of Covenants While an analyst should of course consider covenants when evaluating any bond issue (investment grade or high yield), it is particularly important for the analysis of high-yield issuers. The importance of understanding covenants was summarized by one high-yield portfolio manager, Robert Levine, as follows:230
Covenants provide insight into a company’s strategy. As part of the credit process, one must read covenants within the context of the corporate strategy. It is not sufficient to hire a lawyer to review the covenants because a lawyer might miss the critical factors necessary to make the appropriate decision. Also, loopholes in covenants often provide clues about the intentions of management teams.
4. Equity Analysis Approach Historically, the return on high-yield bonds has been greater than that of high-grade corporate bonds but less than that of common stocks. The risk (as measured in terms of the standard deviation of returns) has been greater than the risk of high-grade bonds but less than that of common stock. Moreover, high-yield bond returns have been found to be more highly correlated to equity returns than to investment grade bond returns. This is why, for example, managers hedging high-yield bond portfolios have found that a combination of stock index futures contracts and Treasury futures contracts has offered a better hedging alternative than just hedging with Treasury bond futures.231
Consequently, some portfolio managers strongly believe that high-yield bond analysis should be viewed from an equity analyst’s perspective. As Stephen Esser notes:232
Using an equity approach, or at least considering the hybrid nature of high-yield debt, can either validate or contradict the results of traditional credit analysis, causing the analyst to dig further.
He further states:233
For those who work with investing in high-yield bonds, whether issued by public or private companies, dynamic, equity-oriented analysis is invaluable. If analysts think about whether they would want to buy a particular high-yield company’s stock and what will happen to the future equity value of that company, they have a useful approach because, as equity values go up, so does the equity cushion beneath the company’s debt. All else being equal, the bonds then become better credits and should go up in value relative to competing bond investments.
We will not review the equity analysis framework here. But, there has been strong sentiment growing in the investment community that an equity analysis approach will provide a better framework for high-yield bond analysis than a traditional credit approach.

F. Credit Analysis of Non-Corporate Bonds

In this section we will look at the key factors analyzed in assessing the credit of the following non-corporate bonds:
• asset-backed securities and non-agency mortgage-backed securities
• municipal bonds
• sovereign bonds
1. Asset-Backed Securities and Non-Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities Asset-backed securities and non-agency mortgage-backed securities expose investors to credit risk. The three nationally recognized statistical rating organizations rate asset-backed securities. We begin with the factors considered by rating agencies in assigning ratings to asset-backed securities. Then we will discuss how the agencies differ with respect to rating asset-backed securities versus corporate bonds.
a. Factors Considered by Rating Agencies In analyzing credit risk, the rating companies focus on: (1) credit quality of the collateral, (2) quality of the seller/servicer, (3) cash flow stress and payment structure, and (4) legal structure.234 We discuss each below.
i. Credit Quality of the Collateral Analysis of the credit quality of the collateral depends on the asset type. The rating companies will look at the underlying borrower’s ability to pay and the borrower’s equity in the asset. The latter will be a key determinant as to whether the underlying borrower will default or sell the asset and pay off a loan. The rating companies will look at the experience of the originators of the underlying loans and will assess whether the loans underlying a specific transaction have the same characteristics as the experience reported by the issuer.
The concentration of loans is examined. The underlying principle of asset securitization is that the large number of borrowers in a pool will reduce the credit risk via diversification. If there are a few borrowers in the pool that are significant in size relative to the entire pool balance, this diversification benefit can be lost, resulting in a higher level of default risk. This risk is called concentration risk. In such instances, rating companies will set concentration limits on the amount or percentage of receivables from any one borrower. If the concentration limit at issuance is exceeded, the issue will receive a lower credit rating than if the concentration limit was not exceeded. If after issuance the concentration limit is exceeded, the issue may be downgraded.
Based on its analysis of the collateral and other factors described below, a rating company will determine the amount of credit enhancement necessary for an issue to receive a particular rating. Credit enhancement levels are determined relative to a specific rating desired for a security and can be either internal or external. External credit enhancement can be either insurance, corporate guarantees, letters of credit, or cash collateral reserves. Internal credit enhancements include reserve funds, overcollateralization, and senior/subordinated structures.
ii. Quality of the Seller/Servicer All loans must be serviced. Servicing involves collecting payments from borrowers, notifying borrowers who may be delinquent, and, when necessary, recovering and disposing of the collateral if the borrower does not make loan repayments by a specified time. These responsibilities are fulfilled by a third-party to an asset-backed securities transaction called a servicer. The servicer may be the originator of the loans used as the collateral.
In addition to the administration of the loan portfolio as just described, the servicer is responsible for distributing the proceeds collected from the borrowers to the different bondholders according to the payment priorities. Where there are floating-rate securities in the transaction, the servicer will determine the interest rate for the period. The servicer may also be responsible for advancing payments when there are delinquencies in payments (that are likely to be collected in the future) resulting in a temporary shortfall in the payments that must be made to the bondholders.
The role of the servicer is critical in a securitization transaction. Therefore, rating agencies look at the ability of a servicer to perform its duties before assigning a rating to the bonds in a transaction. For example, the following factors are reviewed when evaluating servicers: servicing history, experience, underwriting standard for loan originations, servicing capabilities, human resources, financial condition, and growth/competition/business environment.
As explained in the chapter on asset-backed securities, the issuer is the special purpose vehicle or trust. There are no employees. The trust simply has loans and receivables. The servicer therefore plays an important role in assuring that the payments are made to the bondholders. Shortly we will see how the characteristics of the servicer affect the way in which an issue is evaluated in terms of credit quality in comparison to the rating of a corporate bond issue.
iii. Cash Flow Stress and Payment Structure As explained in the chapter on asset-backed securities, the waterfall describes how the cash flow (i.e., interest and principal payments) from the collateral will be distributed to pay trustee fees, servicing fees, other administrative fees, and interest and principal to the bondholders in the structure. In determining a rating for bond class, the process begins with an analysis of the cash flow from the collateral under different assumptions about losses and delinquencies and economic scenarios established by the rating agency. (That is, the rating agencies perform a scenario analysis.) Then in each scenario, the cash flow is distributed to all bond classes in accordance with the structure’s waterfall. Once a determination of what loss to the different bond’s in the structure can occur, a rating can be assigned.
iv. Legal Structure A corporation using structured financing seeks a rating on the securities it issues that is higher than its own corporate bond rating. If that is not possible, the corporation seeking funds would be better off simply issuing a corporate bond.
As explained in the discussion on securitization in Chapter 11, the corporation seeking funds will sell collateral to a special purpose vehicle (SPV). The corporation selling the collateral to the SPV is called the “seller.” It is the SPV that issues the securities and is therefore referred to as the “issuer.” The SPV is used so that the collateral is no longer an asset of the corporation that sold it and therefore available to the seller’s creditors. The key in a securitization is to protect the buyers of the asset-backed securities issued by the SPV from having a bankruptcy judge redirect the collateral to the creditors of the selling corporation. Consequently, the rating agencies examine the legal structure and the underlying legal documents to assure that this will not happen in a bankruptcy.235
b. Corporate Bond versus Asset-Backed Securities Credit Analysis Let’s look at how the rating of an asset-backed security differs from that of a corporate bond issue. To understand the difference, it is important to appreciate how the cash flow that must be generated differs for a corporate bond issue and a securitization transaction from which the asset-backed securities are created.
In a corporate bond issue, management through its operations must undertake the necessary activities that will produce revenues and collect revenues. Management will incur costs in creating products and services. These costs include management compensation, employee salaries, the costs of raw materials, and financial costs. Consequently, in evaluating the credit risk of a corporate bond issue, an analyst will examine the factors discussed earlier in this chapter regarding the corporation’s capacity to pay and the corporation’s character.
In contrast, in a securitization transaction, there are assets (loans or receivables) that are to be collected and distributed to bondholders (i.e., investors in the asset-backed securities). There are no operating or business risks such as the competitive environment or existence of control systems that are needed to assess the cash flow. What is important is the quality of the collateral in generating the cash flow needed to make interest and principal payments. The assurance of cash flow based on different scenarios regarding defaults and delinquencies that the rating agencies will review. The rating agencies will review the likelihood of the cash flow based on different scenarios regarding defaults and delinquencies. The greater predictability of the cash flow in a securitization transaction that will be distributed to each bond class issue due to the absence of operational risks that distinguishes it from a corporate bond issue. It is the greater predictability of the cash flow in an asset-backed security transaction due to the absence of operational risks that distinguishes it from a corporate bond issue.
In a “true” securitization transaction, the role of the servicer is to simply collect the cash flow. There is no active management with respect to the collateral as is the case of the management necessary to operate a corporation to generate cash flow to pay bondholders. Standard & Poor’s defines a “true securitization” as follows:
In a true securitization, repayment is not dependent on the ability of the servicer to replenish the pool with new collateral or to perform more than routine administrative functions.236
There are securitization transactions where the role of the servicer is more than administrative. Where the role of the servicer is more than administrative, Standard & Poor’s, for example, refers to such transactions as hybrid transactions. This is because such transactions have elements of an asset-backed security transaction and a corporation performing a service. According to Standard & Poor’s:
In a hybrid transaction, the role of the servicer is akin to that of a business manager. The hybrid servicer performs not only administrative duties, as in a true securitization, but also ... [other] services that are needed to generate cash flow for debt service.237
Moreover, Standard & Poor’s notes that:
Unlike a true securitization, where the servicer is a fungible entity replaceable with few, if any, consequences to the transaction, bondholders depend on the expertise of the hybrid servicer for repayment.... Not coincidentally, these are the same attributes that form the basis of a corporate rating of the hybrid servicer. They also explain the rating linkage between the securitization and its hybrid servicer.238
Standard & Poor’s provides an illustration of the distinction between a true asset-backed securitization transaction and one requiring a more active role for the servicer.239 Consider a railcar company that has several hundred leases and the leases are with a pool of diversified highly rated companies. Suppose that each lease is for 10 years and it is the responsibility of the customers—not the railcar company—to perform the necessary maintenance on the leased railcars. If there is an asset-backed security transaction backed by these leases and the term of the transaction is 10 years, then the role of the servicer is minimal. Since the leases are for 10 years and the securities issued are for 10 years, the servicer is just collecting the lease payments and distributing them to the holders of the securities. In such a transaction, it is possible for this issue to obtain a high investment-grade rating as a true asset-backed security transaction.
Suppose we change the assumptions as follows. The securities issued are for 25 years, not 10 years. Also assume that the railcar company, not the customers, is responsible for the servicing. Now the role of the servicer changes. The servicer will be responsible for finding new companies to release the railcars to when the original leases terminate in 10 years. This is necessary because the securities issued have a maturity of 25 years but the original leases only cover payments to securityholders for the first 10 years. It is the releasing of the railcars that is required for the last 15 years. The servicer under this new set of assumptions is also responsible for the maintenance of the railcars leased. Thus, the servicer must be capable of maintaining the railcars or have on-going arrangements with one or more companies that have the ability to perform such maintenance.
How do rating agencies evaluate hybrid transactions? These transactions will be rated both in terms of a standard methodology for rating an asset-backed security transaction and using a “quasi-corporate approach” (in the words of Standard & Poor’s) which involves an analysis of the servicer. The relative weight of the evaluations in assigning a rating to an asset-backed security transaction will depend on the involvement of the servicer. The more important the role of the servicer, the more weight will be assigned to the quasi-corporate approach analysis.
2. Municipal Bonds Earlier we discussed municipal bonds available in the United States—tax-backed debt and revenue bonds. However, municipal governments in other countries are making greater use of bonds with similar structures to raise funds. Below we discuss the factors that should be considered in assessing the credit risk of an issue.
a. Tax-Backed Debt In assessing the credit risk of tax-backed debt, there are four basic categories that should be considered. The first category includes information on the issuer’s debt structure to determine the overall debt burden.240 The second category relates to the issuer’s ability and political discipline to maintain sound budgetary policy. The focus of attention here usually is on the issuer’s general operating funds and whether it has maintained at least balanced budgets over three to five years. The third category involves determining the specific local taxes and intergovernmental revenues available to the issuer, as well as obtaining historical information both on tax collection rates, which are important when looking at property tax levies, and on the dependence of local budgets on specific revenue sources. The final category of information necessary to the credit analysis is an assessment of the issuer’s overall socioeconomic environment. The determinations that have to be made here include trends of local employment distribution and composition, population growth, real estate property valuation, and personal income, among other economic factors.
b. Revenue Bonds Revenue bonds are issued for either project or enterprise financings where the bond issuers pledge to the bondholders the revenues generated by the operating projects financed, or for general public-purpose financings in which the issuers pledge to the bondholders the tax and revenue resources that were previously part of the general fund.
While there are numerous security structures for revenue bonds, the underlying principle in assessing an issuer’s credit worthiness is whether the project being financed will generate sufficient cash flows to satisfy the obligations due bondholders. Consequently, the analysis of revenue bonds is similar to the analysis of corporate bonds.
In assessing the credit risk of revenue bonds, the trust indenture and legal opinion should provide legal comfort in the following bond-security areas: (1) the limits of the basic security, (2) the flow-of-funds structure, (3) the rate, or user-charge, covenant, (4) the priority-of-revenue claims, (5) the additional-bonds tests, and (6) other relevant covenants.
i. Limits of the Basic Security The trust indenture and legal opinion should explain the nature of the revenues for the bonds and how they realistically may be limited by federal, state, and local laws and procedures. The importance of this is that while most revenue bonds are structured and appear to be supported by identifiable revenue streams, those revenues sometimes can be negatively affected directly by other levels of government.
ii. Flow of Funds Structure for Revenue Bonds For a revenue bond, the revenue of the enterprise is pledged to service the debt of the issue. The details of how revenue received by the enterprise will be disbursed are set forth in the trust indenture. Typically, the flow of funds for a revenue bond is as follows. First, all revenues from the enterprise are put into a revenue fund. It is from the revenue fund that disbursements for expenses are made to the following funds: operation and maintenance fund, sinking fund, debt service reserve fund, renewal and replacement fund, reserve maintenance fund, and surplus fund.
There are structures in which it is legally permissible for others to tap the revenues of the enterprise prior to the disbursement set forth in the flow of funds structure just described. For example, it is possible that the revenue bond could be structured such that the revenue is first applied to the general obligation of the municipality that has issued the bond.
Operations of the enterprise have priority over the servicing of the issue’s debt, and cash needed to operate and maintain the enterprise is deposited from the revenue fund into the operation and maintenance fund. The pledge of revenue to the bondholders is a net revenue pledge, “net” meaning after operation expenses, so cash required to service the debt is deposited next into the sinking fund. Disbursements are then made to bondholders as specified in the trust indenture. Any remaining cash is then distributed to the reserve funds.
The purpose of the debt service reserve fund is to accumulate cash to cover any shortfall of future revenue to service the issue’s debt. The specific amount that must be deposited is stated in the trust indenture. The function of the renewal and replacement fund is to accumulate cash for regularly scheduled major repairs and equipment replacement. The function of the reserve maintenance fund is to accumulate cash for extraordinary maintenance or replacement costs that might arise. Finally, if any cash remains after disbursement for operations, debt servicing, and reserves, it is deposited in the surplus fund. The entity issuing the bond can use the cash in this fund in any way it deems appropriate.
iii. Rate, or User-Charge, Covenants There are various restrictive covenants included in the trust indenture for a revenue bond to protect the bondholders. A rate covenant (or user charge covenant) dictates how charges will be set on the product or service sold by the enterprise. The covenant could specify that the minimum charges be set so as to satisfy both expenses and debt servicing, or to yield a higher rate to provide for a certain amount of reserves.
iv. Priority-of-Revenue Claims The legal opinion as summarized in the official statement should clearly indicate whether or not others can legally tap the revenue of the issuer even before they start passing through the issuer’s flow-of-funds structure.
v. Additional-Bonds Test An additional-bonds test covenant indicates whether additional bonds with the same lien (i.e., claim against property) may be issued. If additional bonds with the same lien may be issued, the conditions that must first be satisfied are specified. Other covenants specify that the facility may not be sold, the amount of insurance to be maintained, requirements for recordkeeping and for the auditing of the enterprise’s financial statements by an independent accounting firm, and requirements for maintaining the facilities in good order.
vi. Other Relevant Covenants There are other relevant covenants for the bondholder’s protection that the trust indenture and legal opinion should cover. These usually include pledges by the issuer of the bonds to have insurance on the project, to have accounting records of the issuer annually audited by an outside certified public accountant, to have outside engineers annually review the condition of the facility, and to keep the facility operating for the life of the bonds.
c. Corporate Versus Municipal Bond Credit Analysis The credit analysis of municipal bonds involves the same factors and quantitative measures as in corporate credit analysis. For tax-backed debt, the analysis of the character of the public officials is the same as that of the analysis of the character of management for a corporate bond. The analysis of the ability to pay in the case of tax-backed debt involves looking at the ability of the issuing entity to generate taxes and fees. As a corporate analyst would look at the composition of the revenues and profits by product line for a corporation, the municipal analyst will look at employment, industry, and real estate valuation trends needed to generate taxes and fees.
The credit analysis of municipal revenue bonds is identical to that of a corporate bond analysis. Effectively, the enterprise issuing a municipal revenue bond must generate cash flow from operations to satisfy the bond payments. For example, here are the types of questions that a municipal analyst evaluating a toll road, bridge, or tunnel revenue bond would ask. As you read these questions you will see that they are the same types of questions that a corporate analyst would ask in evaluating a corporate issuer if it could issue a bond for a toll road, bridge, or tunnel.241
1. What is the traffic history and how sensitive is the demand to the toll charged? Equivalently, does the toll road, bridge, or tunnel provide a vital transportation link or does it face competition from interstate highways, toll-free bridges, or mass transportation?
2. How well is the facility maintained? Has the issuer established a maintenance reserve fund at a reasonable level to use for such repair work as road resurfacing and bridge painting?
3. What is the history of labor-management relations, and can public employee strikes substantially reduce toll collections?
The covenants that are unique to a municipal revenue bond and impact the credit analysis are the rate covenants and the priority-of-revenue covenants. The former dictates how the user charges will be set to meet the bond obligations. Also, just as in the case of a bond issue of a regulated corporate entity, restrictions on pricing must be recognized. In a municipal revenue bond the analyst must determine whether changes in the user charge require approval of other governmental entities such as the governor or state legislature. Priority-of-revenue covenants specify if other parties can legally tap the revenue of the enterprise before the revenue can be passed through to bondholders.
3. Sovereign Bonds The debt of other national governments is rated by nationally recognized statistical rating organizations. These ratings are referred to as sovereign ratings. Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s rate sovereign debt. We will first look at the factors considered by rating agencies in assigning sovereign ratings and then look at a structured approach that an analyst familiar with corporate credit analysis can use in assessing sovereign credits.
The categories used by S&P in deriving their ratings are listed in Exhibit 1. The two general categories are economic risk and political risk. The former category represents S&P’s assessment of the ability of a government to satisfy its obligations. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are used in assessing economic risk. Political risk is an assessment of the willingness of a government to satisfy its obligations. A government may have the ability to pay, but many be unwilling to pay. Political risk is assessed based on qualitative analysis of the economic and political factors that influence a government’s economic policies.
There are two ratings assigned to each national government. One is a local currency debt rating and the other is a foreign currency debt rating. The reason for distinguishing between the two types of debt is that historically, the default frequency differs by the currency denomination of the debt. Specifically, defaults have been greater on foreign currency denominated debt.242
The reason for the difference in default rates for local currency debt and foreign currency debt is that if a government is willing to raise taxes and control its domestic financial system, it can generate sufficient local currency to meet its local currency debt obligation. This is not the case with foreign currency denominated debt. A national government must purchase foreign currency to meet a debt obligation in that foreign currency and therefore has less control with respect to its exchange rate. Thus, a significant depreciation of the local currency relative to a foreign currency in which a debt obligation is denominated will impair a national government’s ability to satisfy a foreign currency obligation.
EXHIBIT 1 S&P Sovereign Ratings Methodology Profile
Source: David T. Beers and Marie Cavanaugh, “Sovereign Ratings: A Primer,” Chapter 6 in Frank J. Fabozzi and Alberto Franco (eds.), Handbook of Emerging Fixed Income & Currency Markets (New Hope, PA: Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 1997), p. 67.
Political Risk Public Debt Burden
• Form of government and adaptability of political institutions• General government financial assets
• Public debt and interest burden
• Extent of popular participation• Currency composition, structure of public debt
• Orderliness of leadership succession
• Degree of consensus on economic policy objectives• Pension liabilities
• Contingent liabilities
• Integration in global trade and financial system
Price Stability
• Internal and external security risks
• Trends in price inflation
Income and Economic Structure • Rates of money and credit growth
• Exchange rate policy
• Living standards, income, and wealth dis- tribution• Degree of central bank autonomy
• Market, non-market economyBalance of Payments Flexibility
• Resource endowments, degree of diversification
• Impact on external accounts of fiscal and monetary policies
Economic Growth Prospects • Structure of the current account
• Composition of capital flows
• Size, composition of savings, and investment
External Debt and Liquidity
• Rate, pattern of economic growth• Size and currency composition of public external debt
Fiscal Flexibility
• Importance of banks and other public and private entities as contingent liabilities of the sovereign
• budget balances General government operating and total budget balances
• Tax competitiveness and tax-raising flexibility• Maturity structure and debt service burden
• Spending pressures• Debt service track record
• Level, composition of reserves and other public external assets
The implication of this is that the factors S&P analyzes in assessing the credit worthiness of a national government’s local currency debt and foreign currency debt will differ to some extent. In assessing the credit quality of local currency debt, for example, S&P emphasizes domestic government policies that foster or impede timely debt service. The key factors looked at by S&P are:
• the stability of political institutions and degree of popular participation in the political process,
• income and economic structure,
• fiscal policy and budgetary flexibility,
• monetary policy and inflation pressures, and
• public debt burden and debt service track record.243
For foreign currency debt, credit analysis by S&P focuses on the interaction of domestic and foreign government policies. S&P analyzes a country’s balance of payments and the structure of its external balance sheet. The area of analysis with respect to its external balance sheet are the net public debt, total net external debt, and net external liabilities.


The previous section described the traditional ratios and other measures that credit analysts use in assessing default risk. Several researchers have used these measures as input to assess the default risk of issuers using the statistical technique of multiple discriminant analysis (MDA). This statistical technique is primarily a classification technique that is helpful in distinguishing between or among groups of objects and in identifying the characteristics of objects responsible for their inclusion in one or another group. One of the chief advantages of MDA is that it permits a simultaneous consideration of a large number of characteristics and does not restrict the investigator to a sequential evaluation of each individual attribute. For example, MDA permits a credit analyst studying ratings of corporate bonds to examine, at one time, the total and joint impact on ratings of multiple financial ratios, financial measures, and qualitative factors. Thus, the analyst is freed from the cumbersome and possibly misleading task of looking at each characteristic in isolation from the others. MDA seeks to form groups that are internally as similar as possibly but that are as different from one another as possible.
From the above description of MDA it can be seen why it has been applied to problems of why bonds get the ratings they do and what variables seem best able to account for a bond’s rating. Moreover, MDA has been used as a predictor of bankruptcy. While the steps involved in MDA for predicting bond ratings and corporate bankruptcies are a specialist topic, we will discuss the results of the work by Edward Altman, the primary innovator of MDA for predicting corporate bankruptcy.244 The models of Altman and others involved in this area are updated periodically. Our purpose here is only to show what an MDA model looks like.
In one of Altman’s earlier models, referred to as the “Z-score model,” he found that the following MDA could be used to predict corporate bankruptcy:245
Z = 1.2 X1 + 1.4 X2 + 3.3 X3 + 0.6 X4 + 1.0 X5
X1 = Working capital/Total assets (in decimal)
X2 = Retained earnings/Total assets (in decimal)
X3 = Earnings before interest and taxes/Total assets (in decimal)
X4 = Market value of equity/Total liabilities (in decimal)
X5 = Sales/Total assets (number of times)
Z = Z-score
Given the value of the five variables for a given firm, a Z-score is computed. It is the Z-score that is used to classify firms with respect to whether or not there is potentially a serious credit problem that would lead to bankruptcy. Specifically, Altman found that Z-scores less than 1.81 indicated a firm with serious credit problems while a Z-score in excess of 3.0 indicated a healthy firm.
Subsequently, Altman and his colleagues revised the Z-score model based on more recent data. The resulting model, referred to as the “Zeta model,” found that the following seven variables were important in predicting corporate bankruptcies and were highly correlated with bond ratings:246
• Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)/Total assets
• Standard error of estimate of EBIT/Total assets (normalized) for 10 years
• EBIT/Interest charges
• Retained earnings/Total assets
• Current assets/Current liabilities
• Five-year average market value of equity/Total capitalization
• Total tangible assets, normalized
While credit scoring models have been found to be helpful to analysts and bond portfolio managers, they do have limitations as a replacement for human judgment in credit analysis. Marty Fridson, for example, provides the following sage advice about using MDA models:
. . . quantitative models tend to classify as troubled credits not only most of the companies that eventually default, but also many that do not default. Often, firms that fall into financial peril bring in new management and are revitalized without ever failing in their debt service. If faced with a huge capital loss on the bonds of a financially distressed company, an institutional investor might wish to assess the probability of a turnaround—an inherently difficult-to-quantify prospect—instead of selling purely on the basis of a default model.247
Fridson then goes on to explain that credit analyst must bear in mind that “companies can default for reasons that a model based on reported financial data cannot pick up” and provides several actual examples of companies that filed for bankruptcy for such reasons.


Historically, credit risk modeling has focused on credit ratings, default rates, and traditional credit analysis. In recent years, models for assessing credit risk to value corporate bonds have been introduced. The models can be divided into two groups: structural models and reduced form models. In this section we briefly describe these models.

A. Structural Models

Structural models are credit risk models developed on the basis of option pricing theory presented by Fisher Black and Mryon Scholes248 and Robert Merton.249 The basic idea, common to all structural-type models, is that a company defaults on its debt if the value of the assets of the company falls below a certain default point. For this reason, these models are also known as “firm-value models.”250 In these models it has been demonstrated that default can be modeled as an option to the stockholders granted by the bondholders and, as a result, an analyst can apply the same principles used for option pricing to the valuation of risky corporate securities.251
The use of the option pricing theory set forth by Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) provides a significant improvement over traditional methods for valuing default risky bonds. Subsequent to the work of BSM, there have been many extensions on both a theoretical and practical level. The BSM framework has been used by a number of credit software/consulting companies, including Moody’s KMV Corporation and JP Morgan’s Credit Metrics (co-developed with Reuters). Both systems use the BSM approach to model defaults and obtain the probability of default. (Moody’s KMV refers to this probability as the “expected default frequency.”) To make the BSM model operational, model developers define default occurring when the equity price falls below a certain barrier. This simplification is due to the fact that equity prices are much more available than asset values of the company.

B. Reduced Form Models

In structural models, the default process of a corporation is driven by the value of its assets. Since the value of any option depends on the volatility of the underlying (the volatility of the asset value in structural models), the probability of default is explicitly linked to the expected volatility of a corporation’s asset value. Thus, in structural models both the default process and recovery rates should a bankruptcy occur depend on the corporation’s structural characteristics.
In contrast, reduced form models do not look “inside the firm,” but instead model directly the probability of default or downgrade.252 That is, the default process and the recovery process are (1) modeled independently of the corporation’s structural features and (2) are independent of each other.
The two most popular reduced form models are the Jarrow and Turnbull model253 and the Duffie and Singleton model.254 The statistical tools for modeling the default process and the recovery process are a specialized topic.255


The purpose of this case is to illustrate how the analysis of financial statements based on traditional ratios discussed in this chapter can be used to identify a corporate issuer that might be downgraded. The corporation used in the illustration is Bergen Brunswig Corporation.


Bergen Brunswig Corporation is a supply channel management company that provides pharmaceuticals, medical-surgical supplies, and specialty products. The company also provides information management solutions and outsourcing services, as well as develops disease-specific treatment protocols and pharmaco-economic initiatives to assist in the reduction of health care costs.
The original corporate bond rating was BBB+. On December 17, 1999, S&P lowered the company’s rating to BBB− citing “disappointing results at the company’s two recently acquired businesses, PharMerica and Statlander.” PharMerica, an institutional pharmacy, suffered from changes in Medicare reimbursement policies which reduced hospital patient occupancy and the use of high-margin drugs.
On February 2, 2000, S&P decided to downgrade the company’s corporate rating again to BB. S&P’s rationale was “deteriorating conditions in the company’s core drug distribution business as well as continued losses at Statlander, a specialty drug distributor acquired in 1999.”
EXHIBIT A1 Financial Data and Selected Ratios for Bergen Brunswig: Fiscal Years 1996-1999 Based on 10K Data


Exhibit A1 shows the financial data for the 1996-1999 fiscal years and various financial ratios. (The financial ratios are shaded in the exhibit.) The company’s fiscal year ends on September 30th. Since each rating agency uses slightly different inputs for the ratios it computes, we have included the ratio definitions used by S&P in Exhibit A2.
Exhibit A3 provides a summary of all the ratios that show a deteriorating trend of Bergen Brunswig’s financial condition. The eight ratios shown in the exhibit strongly suggest that Bergen Brunswig was losing its financial strength and could possibly be a candidate for downgrade. To show the degree of deterioration, Exhibit A3 also displays for the eight ratios the median ratios for BBB and BB ratings.
Exhibit A4 highlights the trending of two key ratios—EBIT interest coverage and funds from operations/total debt—relative to the BBB benchmark. For 1999, the EBIT fell below 4 times, the median for BBB rated firms. For 1999, the ratio of funds from operations to total debt fell below the median for BB rated firms.


An analysis of the key ratios would have clearly signaled by December 1999 that Bergen Brunswig was a candidate for downgrading. As noted earlier, S&P lowered the company’s corporate credit rating from BBB+ to BBB− on December 17, 1999 and then lowered it again on February 2, 2000 to BB. Among the reasons for the downgrade, S&P indicated that it expected EBITDA/interest to drop below 4 times in fiscal year 2000.
EXHIBIT A2 S&P’s Formula for Key Ratio
EXHIBIT A3 Summary of Ratios Showing Deteriorating Trend and Median Ratio for S&P BBB and BB Ratings
EXHIBIT A4 Trending of EBIT Interest Leverage and Funds from Operating/Total Debt Ratios Relative to BBB and BB Benchmark
While we have demonstrated that traditional analysis could have identified a potential downgrade, what we did not address was the timing of information for preparing the analysis and reaching our conclusion. Specifically, S&P downgraded Bergen Brunswig the first time on December 17, 1999, but the company did not file its 10K (annual filing with the SEC) until December 29, 1999. Although we use the 10K numbers (since they are more accurate) for this project, an analyst would most probably estimate the ratios by looking at the 10Qs (the quarterly filings with the SEC).
Exhibit A5 shows how this would be done for the first two ratios (EBIT interest coverage and EBITDA interest coverage). An analyst would add the results from the first 9 months of 1999 (fiscal year) to the last quarter of 1998 in order to estimate the annual ratio and show the trend.
As we can see from Exhibit A5, the annualized EBITDA interest coverage ratio (5.65) is much lower than the 1998 ratio. If we take a closer look, the ratio for the first nine months of 1999 is even lower. This strongly suggests a deteriorating trend. Bergen Brunswig filed its 1999 third quarter 10Q on August 17, 1999, so the information was available to the analyst before December 1999.
EXHIBIT A5 Using Quarterly Financial Data from Bergen Brunswig to Compute EBIT and EBITDA Interest Coverage Ratios
We believe S&P further lowered Bergen Brunswig’s rating because of the first quarter result. Again, S&P’s action date (February 2) is slightly earlier than the date that the company filed with the SEC (February 17). However, the weakening of Bergen Brunswig’s financial position is apparent by the fact that the full-year 1999 ratios are even weaker than those for the first nine months of 1999.
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