Chapter 5. Network Data and Network Errors

The first four chapters have given us a foundation: we have learned how hosts are named on an IP network, and we understand how to set up and tear down both TCP streams and UDP datagram connections between those hosts.

But what data should we then send across those lengths? How should it be encoded and formatted? For what kinds of errors will our Python programs need to be prepared?

These questions are all relevant regardless of whether we are using streams or datagrams. We will look at the basic answers in this chapter, and learn how to use sockets responsibly so that our data arrives intact.

Text and Encodings

If you were watching for it as you read the first few chapters, you may have caught me using two different terms for the same concept. Those terms were byte and octet, and by both words I always mean an 8-bit number—an ordered sequence of eight digits, that are each either a one or a zero. They are the fundamental units of data on modern computing systems, used both to represent raw binary numbers and to stand for characters or symbols. The binary number 1010000, for example, usually stands for either the number 80 or the letter P:

>>> 0b1010000
>>> chr(0b1010000)

The reason that the Internet RFCs are so inveterate in their use of the term "octet" instead of "byte" is that the earliest of RFCs date from a very ancient era in which bytes could be one of several different lengths—byte sizes from as little as 5 to as many as 16 bits were used on various systems. So the term "octet," meaning a "group of eight things," is always used in the standards so that their meaning is unambiguous.

Four bits offer a mere sixteen values, which does not come close to even fitting our alphabet. But eight bits—the next-higher multiple of two—proved more than enough to fit both the upper and lower cases of our alphabet, all the digits, lots of punctuation, and 32 control codes, and it still left a whole half of the possible range of values empty. The problem is that many rival systems exist for the specific mapping used to turn characters into bytes, and the differences can cause problems unless both ends of your network connection use the same rules.

The use of ASCII for the basic English letters and numbers is nearly universal among network protocols these days. But when you begin to use more interesting characters, you have to be careful. In Python you should always represent a meaningful string of text with a "Unicode string" that is denoted with a leading u, like this:

>>> elvish = u'Namárië!'

But you cannot put such strings directly on a network connection without specifying which rival system of encoding you want to use to mix your characters down to bytes. A very popular system is UTF-8, because normal characters are represented by the same codes as in ASCII, and longer sequences of bytes are necessary only for international characters:

>>> elvish.encode('utf-8')

You can see, for example, that UTF-8 represented the letter ë by a pair of bytes with hex values C3 and AB.

Be very sure, by the way, that you understand what it means when Python prints out a normal string like the one just given. The letters strung between quotation characters with no leading u do not inherently represent letters; they do not inherently represent anything until your program decides to do something with them. They are just bytes, and Python is willing to store them for you without having the foggiest idea what they mean.

Other encodings are available in Python—the Standard Library documentation for the codecs package lists them all. They each represent a full system for reducing symbols to bytes. Here are a few examples of the byte strings produced when you try encoding the same word in different ways; because each successive example has less in common with ASCII, you will see that Python's choice to use ASCII to represent the bytes in strings makes less and less sense:

>>> elvish.encode('utf-16')
>>> elvish.encode('cp1252')
>>> elvish.encode('idna')
>>> elvish.encode('cp500')

You might be surprised that my first example was the encoding UTF-16, since at first glance it seems to have created a far greater mess than the encodings that follow. But if you look closely, you will see that it is simply using two bytes—sixteen bits—for each character, so that most of the characters are simply a null character x00 followed by the plain ASCII character that belongs in the string. (Note that the string also begins with a special sequence xffxfe that designates the byte order in use; see the next section for more about this concept.)

On the receiving end of such a string, simply take the byte string and call its decode() method with the name of the codec that was used to encode it:

>>> print 'xd5x81x94Ex99x89SO'.decode('cp500')

These two steps—encoding to a byte string, and then decoding again on the receiving end—are essential if you are sending real text across the network and want it to arrive intact. Some of the protocols that we will learn about later in this book handle encodings for you (see, for example, the description of HTTP in Chapter 9), but if you are going to write byte strings to raw sockets, then you will not be able to avoid tackling the issue yourself.

Of course, many encodings do not support enough characters to encode all of the symbols in certain pieces of text. The old-fashioned 7-bit ASCII encoding, for example, simply cannot represent the string we have been working with:

>>> elvish.encode('ascii')
Traceback (most recent call last):
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'xe1' in position 3: ordinal 
Text and Encodings
not in range(128)

Note that some encodings have the property that every character they are able to encode will be represented by the same number of bytes; ASCII uses one byte for every character, for example, and UTF-32 uses four. If you use one of these encodings, then you can both determine the number of characters in a string by a simple examination of the number of bytes it contains, and jump to character n of the string very efficiently. (Note that UTF-16 does not have this property, since it uses 16 bits for some characters and 32 bits for others.)

Some encodings also add prefix characters that are not part of the string, but help the decoder detect the byte ordering that was used (byte order is discussed in the next section)—thus the xffxfe prefix that Python's UTF-16 encoder added to the beginning of our string. Read the codecs package documentation and, if necessary, the specifications for particular encodings to learn more about the actions they perform when turning your stream of symbols into bytes.

Note that it is dangerous to decode a partially received message if you are using an encoding that encodes some characters using multiple bytes, since one of those characters might have been split between the part of the message that you have already received and the packets that have not yet arrived. See the section later in this chapter on "Framing" for some approaches to this issue.

Network Byte Order

If all you ever want to send across the network is text, then encoding and framing (which we tackle in the next section) will be your only worries.

But sometimes you might want to represent your data in a more compact format than text makes possible. Or you might be writing Python code to interface with a service that has already made the choice to use raw binary data. In either case, you will probably have to start worrying about a new issue: network byte order.

To understand the issue of byte order, consider the process of sending an integer over the network. To be specific, think about the integer 4253.

Many protocols, of course, will simply transmit this integer as the string '4253'—that is, as four distinct characters. The four digits will require at least four bytes to transmit, at least in any common text encoding. And using decimal digits will also involve some computational expense: since numbers are not stored inside computers in base 10, it will take repeated division—with inspection of the remainder—to determine that this number is in fact made of 4 thousands, plus 2 hundreds, plus 5 tens, plus 3 left over. And when the four-digit string '4253' is received, repeated addition and multiplication by powers of ten will be necessary to put the text back together into a number.

Despite its verbosity, the technique of using plain text for numbers may actually be the most popular on the Internet today. Every time you fetch a web page, for example, the HTTP protocol expresses the Content-Length of the result using a string of decimal digits just like '4253'. Both the web server and client do the decimal conversion without a second thought, despite the bit of expense. Much of the story of the last 20 years in networking, in fact, has been the replacement of dense binary formats with protocols that are simple, obvious, and human-readable—even if computationally expensive compared to their predecessors.

(Of course, multiplication and division are also cheaper on modern processors than back when binary formats were more common—not only because processors have experienced a vast increase in speed, but because their designers have become much more clever about implementing integer math, so that the same operation requires far fewer cycles today than on the processors of, say, the early 1980s.)

In any case, the string '4253' is not how your computer represents this number as an integer variable in Python. Instead it will store it as a binary number, using the bits of several successive bytes to represent the one's place, two's place, four's place, and so forth of a single large number. We can glimpse the way that the integer is stored by using the hex() built-in function at the Python prompt:

>>> hex(4253)

Each hex digit corresponds to four bits, so each pair of hex digits represents a byte of data. Instead of being stored as four decimal digits 4, 4, 2, and 3 with the first 4 being the "most significant" digit (since tweaking its value would throw the number off by a thousand) and 3 being its least significant digit, the number is stored as a most significant byte 0x10 and a least significant byte 0x9d, adjacent to one another in memory.

But in which order should these two bytes appear? Here we reach a great difference between computers. While they will all agree that the bytes in memory have an order, and they will all store a string like Content-Length: 4253 in exactly that order starting with C and ending with 3, they do not share a single idea about the order in which the bytes of a binary number should be stored.

Some computers are "big-endian" (for example, older SPARC processors) and put the most significant byte first, just like we do when writing decimal digits; others (like the nearly ubiquitous x86 architecture) are "little-endian" and put the least significant byte first.

For an entertaining historical perspective on the issue, be sure to read Danny Cohen's paper IEN-137, "On Holy Wars and a Plea for Peace," which introduced the words "big-endian" and "little-endian" in a parody of Jonathan Swift:

Python makes it very easy to see the difference between the two endiannesses. Simply use the struct module, which provides a variety of operations for converting data to and from popular binary formats. Here is the number 4253 represented first in a little-endian format and then in a big-endian order:

>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('<i', 4253)
>>> struct.pack('>i', 4253)

We here used the code i, which uses four bytes to store an integer, so the two upper bytes are zero for a small number like 4253. You can think of the struct codes for these two orders as little arrows pointing toward the least significant end of a string of bytes, if that helps you remember which one to use. See the struct module documentation in the Standard Library for the full array of data formats that it supports. It also supports an unpack() operation, which converts the binary data back to Python numbers:

>>> struct.unpack('>i', 'x00x00x10x9d')

If the big-endian format makes more sense to you intuitively, then you may be pleased to learn that it "won" the contest of which endianness would become the standard for network data. Therefore the struct module provides another symbol, '!', which means the same thing as '>' when used in pack() and unpack() but says to other programmers (and, of course, to yourself as you read the code later), "I am packing this data so that I can send it over the network."

In summary, here is my advice for preparing binary data for transmission across a network socket:

  • Use the struct module to produce binary data for transmission on the network, and to unpack it upon arrival.

  • Select network byte order with the '!' prefix if the data format is up to you.

  • If someone else has designed the protocol and specified little-endian, then you will have to use '<' instead.

  • Always test struct to see how it lays out your data compared to the specification for the protocol you are speaking; note that 'x' characters in the packing format string can be used to insert padding bytes.

You might see older Python code use a cadre of awkwardly named functions from the socket module in order to turn integers into byte strings in network order. These functions have names like ntohl() and htons(), and correspond to functions of the same name in the POSIX networking library— which also supplies calls like socket() and bind(). I suggest that you ignore these awkward functions, and use the struct module instead; it is more flexible, more general, and produces more readable code.

Framing and Quoting

If you are using UDP datagrams for communication, then the protocol itself takes the trouble to deliver your data in discrete and identifiable chunks—and you have to reorder and re-transmit them yourself if anything goes wrong on the network, as outlined in Chapter 2.

But if you have made the far more common option of using a TCP stream for communication, then you will face the issue of framing—of how to delimit your messages so that the receiver can tell where one message ends and the next begins. Since the data you supply to sendall() might be broken up into several packets, the program that receives your message might have to make several recv() calls before your whole message has been read.

The issue of framing asks the question: when is it safe for the receiver to finally stop calling recv() and respond to your message?

As you might imagine, there are several approaches.

First, there is a pattern that can be used by extremely simple network protocols that involve only the delivery of data—no response is expected, so there never has to come a time when the receiver decides "Enough!" and turns around to send a response. In this case, the sender can loop until all of the outgoing data has been passed to sendall() and then close() the socket. The receiver need only call recv() repeatedly until the call finally returns an empty string, indicating that the sender has finally closed the socket. You can see this pattern in Listing 5-1.

Example 5.1. Sending a Single Stream of Data

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 5 -
# Client that sends data then closes the socket, not expecting a reply.

import socket, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else ''
PORT = 1060

if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']:
»   s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
»   s.bind((HOST, PORT))
»   s.listen(1)
»   print 'Listening at', s.getsockname()
»   sc, sockname = s.accept()
»   print 'Accepted connection from', sockname
»   sc.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
»   message = ''
»   while True:
»   »   more = sc.recv(8192)  # arbitrary value of 8k
»   »   if not more:  # socket has closed when recv() returns ''
»   »   »   break
»   »   message += more
»   print 'Done receiving the message; it says:'
»   print message
»   sc.close()
»   s.close()

elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']:
»   s.connect((HOST, PORT))
»   s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD)
»   s.sendall('Beautiful is better than ugly.
»   s.sendall('Explicit is better than implicit.
»   s.sendall('Simple is better than complex.
»   s.close()

»   print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]'

If you run this script as a server and then, at another command prompt, run the client version, you will see that all of the client's data makes it intact to the server, with the end-of-file event generated by the client closing the socket serving as the only framing that is necessary:

$ python server
Listening at ('', 1060)
Accepted connection from ('', 52039)
Done receiving the message; it says:
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.

Note the nicety that, since this socket is not intended to receive any data, the client and server both go ahead and shut down communication in the other direction. This prevents any accidental use of the socket in the other direction—use that could eventually queue up enough unread data to produce deadlock, as we saw in Listing 3-2. It is really only necessary for either the client or server to call shutdown() on the socket; it is redundant for both of them to do so. But since you someday might be programming only one end of such a connection, I thought you might want to see how the shutdown looks from both directions.

A second pattern is a variant on the first: streaming in both directions. The socket is initially left open in both directions. First, data is streamed in one direction—exactly as shown in Listing 5-1—and then that direction alone is shut down. Second, data is then streamed in the other direction, and the socket is finally closed. Again, Listing 3-2 provides an important warning: always finish the data transfer in one direction before turning around to stream data back in the other, or you could produce a client and server that are deadlocked.

A third pattern, which we have already seen, is to use fixed-length messages, as illustrated in Listing 3-1. You can use the Python sendall() method to keep sending parts of a string until the whole thing has been transmitted, and then use a recv() loop of our own devising to make sure that you receive the whole message:

def recvall(sock, length):
»   data = ''
»   while len(data) < length:
»   »   more = sock.recv(length - len(data))
»   »   if not more:
»   »   »   raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message'
»   »   »   »   »   »      % (len(data), length))
»   »   data += more
»   return data

Fixed-length messages are a bit rare since so little data these days seems to fit within static boundaries, but when transmitting binary data in particular, you might find it a good fit for certain situations.

A fourth pattern is to somehow delimit your messages with special characters. The receiver would wait in a recv() loop like the one just cited, but wait until the reply string it was accumulating finally contained the delimiter indicating the end-of-message. If the bytes or characters in the message are guaranteed to fall within some limited range, then the obvious choice is to end each message with a symbol chosen from outside that range. If you were sending ASCII strings, for example, you might choose the null character '' as the delimiter.

If instead the message can include arbitrary data, then using a delimiter is a problem: what if the character you are trying to use as the delimiter turns up as part of the data? The answer, of course, is quoting, just like having to represent a single-quote character as ' in the middle of a Python string that is itself delimited by single-quote characters:

'All's well that ends well.'

I recommend using a delimiter scheme only where your message alphabet is constrained; it is too much trouble if you have to handle arbitrary data. For one thing, your test for whether the delimiter has arrived now has to make sure that you are not confusing a quoted delimiter for a real one that actually ends the message. A second complexity is that you then have to make a pass over the message to remove the quote characters that were protecting literal occurrences of the delimiter. Finally, it means that message length cannot be measured until you have performed decoding—a message of length 400 could be 400 symbols long, or it could be 200 instances of the delimiter accompanied by the quoting character, or anything in between.

A fifth pattern is to prefix each message with its length. This is a very popular choice for high-performance protocols since blocks of binary data can be sent verbatim without having to be analyzed, quoted, or interpolated. Of course, the length itself has to be framed using one of the techniques given previously—often it is simply a fixed-width binary integer, or else a variable-length decimal string followed by a delimiter. But either way, once the length has been read and decoded, the receiver can enter a loop and call recv() repeatedly until the whole message has arrived. The loop can look exactly like the one in Listing 3-1, but with a length variable in place of the number 16.

Finally, what if you want the simplicity and efficiency of this fifth pattern but you do not know ahead of time how long each message will be—perhaps because the sender is himself reading data from a source whose length he cannot predict? In such cases, do you have to abandon elegance and slog through the data looking for delimiters?

Unknown lengths are no problem if you use a final, and sixth, pattern. Instead of sending just one, try sending several blocks of data that are each prefixed with their length. This means that as each chunk of new information becomes available to the sender, it can be labeled with its length and placed on the outgoing stream. When the end finally arrives, the sender can emit an agreed-upon signal—perhaps a length field giving the number zero—that tells the receiver that the series of blocks is complete.

A very simple example of this idea is shown in Listing 5-2. Like the previous listing, this sends data in only one direction—from the client to the server—but the data structure is much more interesting. Each message is prefixed with a 4-byte length; in a struct, 'I' means a 32-bit unsigned integer, meaning that these messages can be up to 4GB in length. A series of three such messages is sent to the server, followed by a zero-length message—which is essentially just a length field with zeros inside and then no message data after it—to signal that the series of blocks is over.

Example 5.2. Sending Blocks of Data

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 5 -
# Sending data one block at a time.

import socket, struct, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else ''
PORT = 1060
format = struct.Struct('!I')  # for messages up to 2**32 - 1 in length

def recvall(sock, length):
»   data = ''
»   while len(data) < length:
»   »   more = sock.recv(length - len(data))
»   »   if not more:
»   »   »   raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message'
»   »   »   »   »   »      % (len(data), length))
»   »   data += more
»   return data

def get(sock):
»   lendata = recvall(sock, format.size)
»   (length,) = format.unpack(lendata)
»   return recvall(sock, length)

def put(sock, message):
»   sock.send(format.pack(len(message)) + message)

if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']:
»   s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
»   s.bind((HOST, PORT))
»   s.listen(1)
»   print 'Listening at', s.getsockname()
»   sc, sockname = s.accept()
»   print 'Accepted connection from', sockname
»   sc.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
»   while True:
»   »   message = get(sc)
»   »   if not message:
»   »   »   break
»   »   print 'Message says:', repr(message)
»   sc.close()
»   s.close()

elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']:
»   s.connect((HOST, PORT))
»   s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD)
»   put(s, 'Beautiful is better than ugly.')
»   put(s, 'Explicit is better than implicit.')
»   put(s, 'Simple is better than complex.')
»   put(s, '')
»   s.close()

»   print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]'

Note how careful we have to be! Even though four bytes of length is such a tiny amount of data that we cannot imagine recv() not returning it all at once, our code is still correct only if we carefully wrap recv() in a loop that—just in case—will keep demanding more data until all four bytes have arrived. This is the kind of caution that will serve you well when writing network code. It is also the kind of fiddly little detail that makes most people glad that they can deal just with higher-level protocols, and not have to learn to talk with sockets in the first place!

So those are six good options for dividing up an unending stream of data into digestible chunks so that clients and servers know when a message is complete and they can turn around and respond. Note that many modern protocols mix them together, and that you are free to do the same thing.

A good example is the HTTP protocol, which we will learn more about in Part 2 of this book. It uses a delimiter—the blank line ' '—to signal when its headers are complete. Because the headers are text, line endings can safely be treated as special characters. But since the actual payload can be pure binary data, like an image or compressed file, the Content-Length provided in the headers is used to determine how much more data to read off of the socket. Thus HTTP mixes the fourth and fifth patterns we have looked at here. In fact, it can also use our sixth option: if a server is streaming a response whose length it cannot predict, then it can use a "chunked encoding," which sends several blocks that are each prefixed with their length. A zero length marks the end of the transmission, just as it does in Listing 5-2.

Pickles and Self-Delimiting Formats

Note that some kinds of data that you might send across the network already include some form of delimiting built-in. If you are transmitting such data, then you might not have to impose your own framing atop what the data is already doing.

Consider Python "pickles," for example, the native form of serialization that comes with the Standard Library. Using a quirky mix of text commands and data, a pickle stores the contents of a Python data structure so that you can reconstruct it later or on a different machine:

>>> import pickle
>>> pickle.dumps([5, 6, 7])

The interesting thing about the format is the '.' character that you see at the end of the foregoing string—it is the format's way of marking the end of a pickle. Upon encountering it, the loader can stop and return the value without reading any further. Thus we can take the foregoing pickle, stick some ugly data on the end, and see that loads() will completely ignore it and give us our original list back:

>>> pickle.loads('(lp0
[5, 6, 7]

Of course, using loads() this way is not useful for network data, since it does not tell us how many bytes it processed in order to reload the pickle; we still do not know how much of our string is pickle data. But if we switch to reading from a file and using the pickle load() function, then the file pointer will be left right at the end of the pickle data, and we can start reading from there if we want to read what came after the pickle:

>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> f = StringIO('(lp0
>>> pickle.load(f)
[5, 6, 7]
>>> f.pos

Alternately, we could create a protocol that just consisted of sending pickles back and forth between two Python programs. Note that we would not need the kind of loop that we put into the recvall() function in Listing 5-2, because the pickle library knows all about reading from files and how it might have to do repeated reads until an entire pickle has been read. Remember to use the makefile() socket method—which was discussed in Chapter 3—if you want to wrap a socket in a Python file object for consumption by a routine like the pickle load() function.

Note that there are many subtleties involved in pickling large data structures, especially if they contain Python objects beyond simple built-in types like integers, strings, lists, and dictionaries. See the pickle module documentation for more details.


If your protocol needs to be usable from other programming languages—or if you simply prefer universal standards to formats specific to Python—then the JSON and XML data formats are each a popular choice. Note that neither of these formats supports framing, so you will have to first figure out how to extract a complete string of text from over the network before you can then process it.

JSON is among the best choices available today for sending data between different computer languages. Since Python 2.6, it has been included in the Standard Library as a module named json; for earlier Python versions, simply install the popular simplejson distribution. Either way, you will have available a universal technique for serializing simple data structures:

>>> try:
...     import json
... except ImportError:
...     import simplejson as json
>>> json.dumps([ 51, u'Namárië!' ])
'[51, "Nam\u00e1ri\u00eb!"]'
>>> json.loads('{"name": "Lancelot", "quest": "Grail"}')
{u'quest': u'Grail', u'name': u'Lancelot'}

Note that the protocol fully supports Unicode strings—using the popular UTF-8 as its default encoding—and that it supports strings of actual characters, not Python-style strings of bytes, as its basic type. For more information about JSON, see the discussion in Chapter 18 about JSON-RPC; that chapter talks in greater detail about the Python data types that the JSON format supports, and also has some hints about getting your data ready for serialization.

It does, however, have a weakness: a vast omission in the JSON standard is that it provides absolutely no provision for cleanly passing binary data like images or arbitrary documents. There exists a kindred format named BSON—the "B" is for "binary"—that supports additional types including raw binary strings. In return it sacrifices human readability, substituting raw binary octets and length fields for the friendly braces and quotation marks of JSON.

The XML format is better for documents, since its basic structure is to take strings and mark them up by wrapping them in angle-bracketed elements. In Chapter 10, we will take an extensive look at the various options available in Python for processing documents written in XML and related formats. But for now, simply keep in mind that you do not have to limit your use of XML to when you are actually using the HTTP protocol; there might be a circumstance when you need markup in text and you find XML useful in conjunction with some other protocol.

Among many other formats that developers might want to consider are Google Protocol Buffers, which are a bit different than the formats just defined because both the client and server have to have a code definition available to them of what each message will contain. But the system contains provisions for different protocol versions so that new servers can be brought into production still talking to other machines with an older protocol version until they can all be updated to the new one. They are very efficient, and pass binary data with no problem.


Since the time necessary to transmit data over the network is often more significant than the time your CPU spends preparing the data for transmission, it is often worthwhile to compress data before sending it. The popular HTTP protocol, as we will see in Chapter 9, lets a client and server figure out whether they can both support compression.

An interesting fact about the most ubiquitous form of compression, the GNU zlib facility that is available through the Python Standard Library, is that it is self-framing. If you start feeding it a compressed stream of data, then it can tell you when the compressed data has ended and further, uncompressed data has arrived past its end.

Most protocols choose to do their own framing and then, if desired, pass the resulting block to zlib for decompression. But you could conceivably promise yourself that you would always tack a bit of uncompressed data onto the end of each zlib compressed string—here, we will use a single '.' byte—and watch for your compression object to split out that "extra data" as the signal that you are done.

Consider this combination of two compressed data streams:

>>> import zlib
>>> data = zlib.compress('sparse') + '.' + zlib.compress('flat') + '.'
>>> data
>>> len(data)

Yes, I know, using 28 bytes to represent 10 actual characters of data is not terribly efficient; but this is just an example, and zlib works well only when given several dozen or more bytes of data to compress!

Imagine that these 28 bytes arrive at their destination in 8-byte packets. After processing the first packet, we will find the decompression object's unused_data slot still empty, which tells us that there is still more data coming, so we would recv() on our socket again:

>>> dobj = zlib.decompressobj()
>>> dobj.decompress(data[0:8]), dobj.unused_data
('spars', '')

But the second block of eight characters, when fed to our decompress object, both finishes out the compressed data we were waiting for (since the final 'e' completes the string 'sparse') and also finally has a non-empty unused_data value that shows us that we finally received our '.' byte:

>>> dobj.decompress(data[8:16]), dobj.unused_data
('e', '.x')

If another stream of compressed data is coming, then we have to provide everything past the '.'—in this case, the character 'x'—to our new decompress object, then start feeding it the remaining "packets":

>>> dobj2 = zlib.decompressobj()
>>> dobj2.decompress('x'), dobj2.unused_data
('', '')
>>> dobj2.decompress(data[16:24]), dobj2.unused_data
('flat', '')
>>> dobj2.decompress(data[24:]), dobj2.unused_data
('', '.')

At this point, unused_data is again non-empty, meaning that we have read past the end of this second bout of compressed data and can examine its content.

Again, most protocol designers make compression optional and simply do their own framing. But if you know ahead of time that you will always want to use zlib, then a convention like this would let you take advantage of the stream termination built into zlib and always detect the end of a compressed stream.

Network Exceptions

The example scripts in this book are generally designed to catch only those exceptions that are integral to the feature being demonstrated. So when we illustrated socket timeouts in Listing 2-2, we were careful to catch the exception socket.timeout since that is how timeouts are signaled; but we ignored all of the other exceptions that will occur if the hostname provided on the command line is invalid, or a remote IP is used with bind(), or the port used with bind() is already busy, or the peer cannot be contacted or stops responding.

What errors can result from working with sockets? Though the number of errors that can take place while using a network connection is quite large—involving every possible misstep that can occur at every stage of the complex TCP/IP protocol, for example—the number of actual exceptions with which socket operations can hit your programs is fortunately quite few. The exceptions that are specific to socket operations are:

  • socket.gaierror: This exception is raised when getaddrinfo() cannot find a name or service that you ask about—hence the letters G, A, and I in its name! It can be raised not only when you make an explicit call to getaddrinfo(), but if you supply a hostname instead of an IP address to a call like bind() or connect() and the hostname lookup fails:

    >>> import socket
    >>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    >>> s.connect(('', 80))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    gaierror: [Errno −5] No address associated with hostname
  • socket.error: This is the workhorse of the socket module, and will be raised for nearly every failure that can happen at any stage in a network transmission. Starting with Python 2.6, this exception became, appropriately enough, a subclass of the more general IOError. This can occur during nearly any socket call, even when you least expect it—because a previous send(), for example, might have elicited a reset (RST) packet from the remote host and the error will then be delivered whenever you next try to manipulate the socket.

  • socket.timeout: This exception is raised only if you, or a library that you are using, decides to set a timeout on a socket rather than wait forever for a send() or recv() to complete. It indicates that the timeout was reached before the operation could complete normally.

You will see that the Standard Library documentation for the socket module also describes an herror exception; fortunately, it can occur only if you use certain old-fashioned address lookup calls instead of following the practices we outlined in Chapter 4.

A big question when you are using higher-level socket-based protocols from Python is whether they allow raw socket errors to hit your own code, or whether they catch them and turn them into their own kind of error.

Examples of both approaches exist within the Python Standard Library itself! For example, the httplib considers itself low-level enough that it can let you see the raw socket error that results from connecting to an unknown hostname:

>>> import httplib
>>> h = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
>>> h.request('GET', '/')
Traceback (most recent call last):
gaierror: [Errno −2] Name or service not known

But the urllib2, probably because it wants to preserve the semantics of being a clean and neutral system for resolving URLs to documents, hides the very same error and returns a URLError instead:

>>> import urllib2
>>> urllib2.urlopen('')
Traceback (most recent call last):
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno −2] Name or service not known>

So depending on the protocol implementation that you are using, you might have to deal only with exceptions specific to that protocol, or you might have to deal with both protocol-specific exceptions and with raw socket errors as well. Consult documentation carefully if you are in doubt about the approach taken by a particular library. For the major packages that we cover in the subsequent chapters of this book, I have tried to provide insets that list the possible exceptions to which each library can subject your code.

And, of course, you can always fire up the library in question, provide it with a non-existent hostname (or simply run it when disconnected from the network!), and see what kind of exception comes out.

Handling Exceptions

When writing a network program, how should you handle all of the errors that can occur?

Of course, this question is not really specific to networking; all sorts of Python programs have to handle exceptions, and the techniques that we discuss briefly in this chapter are applicable to many other kinds of programs.

There are four basic approaches.

The first is not to handle exceptions at all. If only you or only other Python programmers will be using your script, then they will probably not be fazed by seeing an exception. Though they waste screen space and can make the reader squint to actually find the error message buried down at the bottom of the traceback, they are useful if the only recourse is likely to be editing the code to improve it!

If you are writing a library of calls to be used by other programmers, then this first approach is usually preferable, since by letting the exception through you give the programmer using your API the chance to decide how to present errors to his or her users. It is almost never appropriate for a library of code to make its own decision to terminate the program and print out a human-readable error message. What, for example, if the program is not running from the console and a pop-up window or system log message should be used instead?

But if you are indeed writing a library, then there is a second approach to consider: wrapping the network errors in an exception of your own. This can be very valuable if your library is complex—perhaps it maintains connections to several other services—and if it will be difficult for a programmer to guess which of the network operations that you are attempting resulted in the raw socket.error that you have allowed to be dumped in his or her lap.

If you offer a netcopy() method that copies a file from one remote machine to another, for example, a socket.error does not help the caller know whether the error was with the connection to the source machine, or the destination machine, or was some other problem altogether! In this case, it would be much better to define your own exceptions, like SourceHostError and DestHostError, which have a tight semantic relationship to the purpose of the netcopy API call that raised them. You can always include the original socket error as an instance variable of your own exception instances in case some users of your API will want to investigate further:

»   host = sock.bind(address)
except socket.error as e:
»   raise URLError(e)

A third approach to exceptions is to wrap a try...except clause around every single network call that you ever make, and print out a pithy error message in its place. While suitable for short programs, this can become very repetitive when long programs are involved, without necessarily providing that much more information for the user. When you wrap the hundredth network operation in your program with yet another try...except and error message, ask yourself whether you are really providing that much more information than if you had just caught them all with one big exception handler.

And the idea of having big exception handlers that cover lots of code is the fourth and—in my opinion—best approach. Step back from your code and identify big regions that do specific things, like "this whole routine connects to the license server"; "all the socket operations in this function are fetching a response from the database"; and "this is all cleanup and shutdown code." Then the outer parts of your program—the ones that collect input, command-line arguments, and configuration, and then set big operations in motion—can wrap those big operations with handlers like the following:

»   deliver_updated_keyfiles(...)
except (socket.error, socket.gaierror) as e:
»   print >>sys.stderr, 'cannot deliver remote keyfiles: %s' % (e)
»   exit(1)

Or, better yet, have pieces of code like this raise an error of your own devising:

»   FatalError('cannot send replies: %s' % (e))

Then, at the very top level of your program, catch all of the FatalError exceptions that you throw and print the error messages out there. That way, when the day comes that you want to add a command-line option that sends fatal errors to the system error logs instead of to the screen, you have to adjust only one piece of code!

There is one final reason that might dictate where you add an exception handler to your network program: you might want to intelligently re-try an operation that failed. In long-running programs, this is common. Imagine a utility that periodically sent out e-mails with its status; if suddenly it cannot send them successfully, then it probably does not want to shut down for what might be just a transient error. Instead, the e-mail thread might log the error, wait several minutes, and try again.

In such cases, you will add exception handlers around very specific sequences of network operations that you want to treat as having succeeded or failed as a single combined operation. "If anything goes wrong in here, then I will just give up, wait ten minutes, and then start all over again the attempt to send that e-mail." Here the structure and logic of the network operations that you are performing—and not user or programmer convenience—will guide where you deploy try...except clauses.


For machine information to be placed on the network, it has to be transformed, so that whatever private and idiosyncratic storage mechanism is used inside your machine gets replaced by a public and reproducible representation that can be read on other systems, by other programs, and perhaps even by other programming languages.

For text, the big question will be choosing an encoding, so that the symbols you want to transmit can be changed into bytes, since 8-bit octets are the common currency of an IP network. Binary data will require your attention to make sure that bytes are ordered in a way that is compatible between different machines; the Python struct module will help you with this. Finally, data structures and documents are sometimes best sent using something like JSON or XML that provides a common way to share structured data between machines.

When using TCP/IP streams, a big question you will face is about framing: how, in the long stream of data, will you tell where a particular message starts and ends? There are many possible techniques for accomplishing this, all of which must be handled with care since recv() might return only part of an incoming transmission with each call. Special delimiter characters or patterns, fixed-length messages, and chunked-encoding schemes are all possible ways to festoon blocks of data so that they can be distinguished.

Not only will Python pickles transform data structures into strings that you can send across the network, but also the pickle module can tell where a pickle ends; this lets you use pickles not only to encode data but also to frame the individual messages on a stream. The zlib compression mechanism, which is often used with HTTP, also can tell when a compressed segment comes to an end, which can also provide you with inexpensive framing.

Sockets can raise several kinds of exceptions, as can network protocols that your code uses. The choice of when to use try...except clauses will depend on your audience—are you writing a library for other developers, or a tool for end users?—and also on semantics: you can wrap a whole section of your program in a try...except if all of that code is doing one big thing from the point of view of the caller or end user.

Finally, you will want to separately wrap operations with a try...except that can logically be re-tried in case the error is transient and they might later succeed.

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