Chapter 3. TCP

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the workhorse of the Internet. First defined in 1974, it lets applications send one another streams of data that, if they arrive at all—that is, unless a connection dies because of a network problem—are guaranteed to arrive intact, in order, and without duplication.

Protocols that carry documents and files nearly always ride atop TCP, including HTTP and all the major ways of transmitting e-mail. It is also the foundation of choice for protocols that carry on long conversations between people or computers, like SSH and many popular chat protocols.

When the Internet was younger, it was sometimes possible to squeeze a little more performance out of a network by building your application atop UDP and choosing the size and timing of each individual packet yourself. But modern TCP implementations tend to be very smart, having benefited from more than 30 years of improvement, innovation, and research, and these days even very performance-critical applications like message queues (Chapter 8) often choose TCP as their medium.

How TCP Works

As we learned in Chapter 2, real networks are fickle things that sometimes drop the packets you transmit across them, occasionally create extra copies of a packet instead, and are also known to deliver packets out of order. With a bare-packet facility like UDP, your own application code has to worry about whether messages arrived, and have a plan for recovering if they did not. But with TCP, the packets themselves are hidden and your application can simply stream data toward its destination, confident that it will be re-transmitted until it finally arrives.

The classic definition of TCP is RFC 793 from 1981, though many subsequent RFCs have detailed extensions and improvements.

How does TCP provide a reliable connection? It starts by combining two mechanisms that we discussed in Chapter 2. There, we had to implement them ourselves because we were using UDP. But with TCP they come built in, and are performed by the operating system's network stack without your application even being involved.

First, every packet is given a sequence number, so that the system on the receiving end can put them back together in the right order, and so that it can notice missing packets in the sequence and ask that they be re-transmitted.

Instead of using sequential integers (1,2,...) to mark packets, TCP uses a counter that counts the number of bytes transmitted. So a 1,024-byte packet with a sequence number of 7,200 would be followed by a packet with a sequence number of 8,224. This means that a busy network stack does not have to remember how it broke a data stream up into packets; if asked for a re-transmission, it can break the stream up into packets some other way (which might let it fit more data into a packet if more bytes are now waiting for transmission), and the receiver can still put the packets back together.

The initial sequence number, in good TCP implementations, is chosen randomly so villains cannot assume that every connection starts at byte zero and easily craft forged packets by guessing how far a transmission that they want to interrupt has proceeded.

Rather than running very slowly in lock-step by needing every packet to be acknowledged before it sends the next one, TCP sends whole bursts of packets at a time before expecting a response. The amount of data that a sender is willing to have on the wire at any given moment is called the size of the TCP "window."

The TCP implementation on the receiving end can regulate the window size of the transmitting end, and thus slow or pause the connection. This is called "flow control." This lets it forbid the transmission of additional packets in cases where its input buffer is full and it would have to discard any more data if it were to arrive right now.

Finally, if TCP sees that packets are being dropped, it assumes that the network is becoming congested and stops sending as much data every second. This can be something of a disaster on wireless networks and other media where packets are sometimes simply lost because of noise. It can also ruin connections that are running fine until a router reboots and the endpoints cannot talk for, say, 20 seconds; by the time the network comes back up, the two TCP peers will have determined that the network is quite extraordinarily overloaded with traffic, and will for some time afterward refuse to send each other data at anything other than a trickle.

The protocol involves many other nuances and details beyond the behaviors just described, but hopefully this description gives you a good feel for how it will work—even though, you will remember, all your application will see is a stream of data, with the actual packets and sequence numbers cleverly hidden away by your operating system network stack.

When to Use TCP

If your network programs are at all like mine, then most of the network communications you perform from Python will use TCP. You might, in fact, spend an entire career without ever deliberately generating a UDP packet from your code. (Though, as we will see in Chapter 5, UDP is probably involved every time your program needs to use a DNS hostname!)

Because TCP has very nearly become a universal default when two programs need to communicate, we should look at a few instances in which its behavior is not optimal for certain kinds of data, in case an application you are writing ever falls into one of these categories.

First, TCP is unwieldy for protocols where clients want to send single, small requests to a server, and then are done and will not talk to it further. It takes three packets for two hosts to set up a TCP connection—the famous sequence of SYN, SYN-ACK, and ACK (which mean "I want to talk, here is the packet sequence number I will be starting with"; "okay, here's mine"; "okay!")—and then another three or four to shut the connection back down (either a quick FIN, FIN-ACK, ACK, or a slightly longer pair of separate FIN and ACK packets). That is six packets just to send a single request! Protocol designers quickly turn to UDP in such cases.

One question to ask, though, is whether a client might want to open a TCP connection and then use it over several minutes or hours to make many separate requests to the same server. Once the connection was going and the cost of the handshake had been paid, each actual request and response would only require a single packet in each direction—and they would benefit from all of TCP's intelligence about re-transmitting, exponential backing off, and flow control.

Where UDP really shines, then, is where such a long-term relationship does not pertain between client and server, and especially where there are so many clients that a typical TCP implementation would run out of port numbers if it had to keep up with a separate data stream for each active client.

The second situation where TCP is inappropriate is when an application can do something much smarter than simply re-transmit data when a packet has been lost. Imagine an audio chat conversation, for example: if a second's worth of data is lost because of a dropped packet, then it will do little good to simply re-send that same second of audio, over and over, until it finally arrives.

Instead, the client should just paper over that awkward second with whatever audio it can piece together from the packets that did arrive (a clever audio protocol will begin and end each packet with a bit of heavily-compressed audio from the preceding and following moments of time for exactly this situation), and then keep going after the interruption as though it did not occur. This is impossible with TCP, and so UDP is often the foundation of live-streaming multimedia over the Internet.

What TCP Sockets Mean

As was the case with UDP in Chapter 2, TCP uses port numbers to distinguish different applications running at the same IP address, and follows exactly the same conventions regarding well-known and ephemeral port numbers. Re-read the section "Addresses and Port Numbers" if you want to review the details.

As we saw in the previous chapter, it takes only a single socket to speak UDP: a server can open a datagram port and then receive packets from thousands of different clients. While it is possible to connect() a datagram socket to a particular conversation partner so that you always send() to one address and only recv() packets sent back from that address, the idea of a connection is just a convenience. The effect of connect() is exactly the same as your application simply deciding to send to only one address with sendto() calls, and then ignoring responses from any but that same address.

But with a stateful stream protocol like TCP, the connect() call becomes the fundamental act upon which all other network communication hinges. It is, in fact, the moment when your operating system's network stack kicks off the handshake protocol just described that—if successful—will make both ends of the TCP stream ready for use.

And this means that a TCP connect() can fail. The remote host might not answer; it might refuse the connection; or more obscure protocol errors might occur like the immediate receipt of a RST ("reset") packet. Because a stream connection involves setting up a persistent connection between two hosts, the other host needs to be listening and ready to accept your connection.

On the "server side"—which, for the purpose of this chapter, is the conversation partner not doing the connect() call but receiving the SYN packet that it initiates—an incoming connection generates an even more momentous event, the creation of a new socket! This is because the standard POSIX interface to TCP actually involves two completely different kinds of sockets: "passive" listening sockets and active "connected" ones.

  • A passive socket holds the "socket name"—the address and port number—at which the server is ready to receive connections. No data can ever be received or sent by this kind of port; it does not represent any actual network conversation. Instead, it is how the server alerts the operating system to its willingness to receive incoming connections in the first place.

  • An active, connected socket is bound to one particular remote conversation partner, who has their own IP address and port number. It can be used only for talking back and forth with that partner, and can be read and written to without worrying about how the resulting data will be split up into packets—in many cases, a connected socket can be passed to another POSIX program that expects to read from a normal file, and the program will never even know that it is talking to the network!

Note that while a passive socket is made unique by the interface address and port number at which it is listening (so that no one else is allowed to grab that same address and port), there can be many active sockets that all share the same local socket name. A busy web server to which a thousand clients have all made HTTP connections, for example, will have a thousand active sockets all bound to its public IP address at port 80. What makes an active socket unique is, rather, the four-part coordinate:

(local_ip, local_port, remote_ip, remote_port)

It is this four-tuple by which the operating system names each active TCP connection, and incoming TCP packets are examined to see whether their source and destination address associate them with any of the currently active sockets on the system.

A Simple TCP Client and Server

Take a look at Listing 3-1. As I did in the last chapter, I have here combined what could have been two separate programs into a single listing, both so that they can share a bit of common code (you can see that both the client and server create their TCP socket in the same way), and so that the client and server code are directly adjacent here in the book and you can read them together more easily.

Example 3.1. Simple TCP Server and Client

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 3 -
# Simple TCP client and server that send and receive 16 octets

import socket, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

HOST = sys.argv.pop() if len(sys.argv) == 3 else ''
PORT = 1060

def recv_all(sock, length):
»   data = ''
»   while len(data) < length:
»   »   more = sock.recv(length - len(data))
»   »   if not more:
»   »   »   raise EOFError('socket closed %d bytes into a %d-byte message'
»   »   »                  % (len(data), length))
»   »   data += more
»   return data

if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']:
»   s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
»   s.bind((HOST, PORT))
»   s.listen(1)
»   while True:
»   »   print 'Listening at', s.getsockname()
»   »   sc, sockname = s.accept()
»   »   print 'We have accepted a connection from', sockname
»   »   print 'Socket connects', sc.getsockname(), 'and', sc.getpeername()
»   »   message = recv_all(sc, 16)
»   »   print 'The incoming sixteen-octet message says', repr(message)
»   »   sc.sendall('Farewell, client')
»   »   sc.close()
»   »   print 'Reply sent, socket closed'

elif sys.argv[1:] == ['client']:
»   s.connect((HOST, PORT))
»   print 'Client has been assigned socket name', s.getsockname()
»   s.sendall('Hi there, server')
»   reply = recv_all(s, 16)
»   print 'The server said', repr(reply)
»   s.close()

»   print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server|client [host]'

In Chapter 2, we approached the subject of bind() quite carefully, since the address we provide as its argument makes a very important choice: it determines whether remote hosts can try connecting to our server, or whether our server is protected against outside connections and will be contacted only by other programs running on the same machine. So Chapter 2 started with safe program listings that used only the localhost's loopback interface, which always has the IP address, and then progressed to more dangerous listings that allowed hosts anywhere on the Internet to connect to our sample code.

Here, we have combined both possibilities into a single listing. By default, this server code makes the safe choice of binding to, but we can supply a command-line argument to bind to one of our machine's external IP addresses instead—or we can even supply a blank string to indicate that we will accept connections at any of our machine's IP addresses whatever. Again, review Chapter 2 if you want to remember all the rules, which apply equally to TCP and UDP connections and sockets.

Our choice of port number is also the same as the one we made for our UDP port in Chapter 2 and, again, the symmetry between TCP and UDP on the subject of port numbers is close enough that you can simply apply the reasoning we used there to understand why the same choice has been used here in this chapter.

So what are the differences between our earlier efforts with UDP, and this new client and server that are instead built atop TCP?

The client actually looks much the same. It creates a socket, runs connect() with the address of the server with which it wants to communicate, and then is free to send and receive data. But notice that there are several differences.

First, the TCP connect() call—as we discussed a moment ago—is not the innocuous bit of local socket configuration that it is in the case of UDP, where it merely sets a default address used with any subsequent send() calls, and places a filter on packets arriving at our socket. Here, connect() is a real live network operation that kicks off the three-way handshake between the client and server machine so that they are ready to communicate. This means that connect() can fail, as you can verify quite easily by executing this script when the server is not running:

$ python client
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 29, in <module>
    s.connect((HOST, PORT))
  File "<string>", line 1, in connect
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

Second, you will see that this TCP client is in one way much simpler than our UDP client, because it does not need to make any provision for missing data. Because of the assurances that TCP provides, it can send() data without checking whether the remote end receives it, and run recv() without having to consider the possibility of re-transmitting its request. The client can rest assured that the network stack will perform any necessary re-transmission to get its data through.

Third, there is a direction in which this program is actually more complicated than the equivalent UDP code—and this might surprise you, because with all of its guarantees it sounds like TCP streams would be uniformly simpler to program with than UDP datagrams. But precisely because TCP considers your outgoing and incoming data to be, simply, streams, with no beginning or end, it feels free to split them up into packets however it wants. And this means that send() and recv() mean different things than they meant before. In the case of UDP, they simply meant "send this data in a packet" or "receive a single data packet," and so each datagram was atomic: it either succeeded or failed as an entire unit. You will, at the application level, never see UDP packets that are only half-sent or half-received; only fully intact datagrams are delivered to the application.

But TCP might split data into several pieces during transmission and then gradually reassemble it on the receiving end. Although this is vanishingly unlikely with the small sixteen-octet messages in Listing 3-1, our code still needs to be prepared for the possibility. What are the consequences of TCP streaming for both our send() and our recv() calls?

When we perform a TCP send(), our operating system's networking stack will face one of three situations:

  • The data can be immediately accepted by the system, either because the network card is immediately free to transmit, or because the system has room to copy the data to a temporary outgoing buffer so that your program can continue running. In these cases, send() returns immediately, and it will return the length of your data string because the whole string was transmitted.

  • Another possibility is that the network card is busy and that the outgoing data buffer for this socket is full and the system cannot—or will not—allocate any more space. In this case, the default behavior of send() is simply to block, pausing your program until the data can be accepted.

  • There is a final, hybrid possibility: that the outgoing buffers are almost full, but not quite, and so part of the data you are trying to send can be immediately queued, but the rest will have to wait. In this case, send() completes immediately and returns the number of bytes accepted from the beginning of your data string, but leaves the rest of the data unprocessed.

Because of this last possibility, you cannot simply call send() on a stream socket without checking the return value. Instead, you have to put a send() call inside a loop like this one, that—in the case of a partial transmission—keeps trying to send the remaining data until the entire string has been sent:

bytes_sent = 0
while bytes_sent < len(message):
»   message_remaining = message[bytes_sent:]
»   bytes_sent += s.send(message_remaining)

Fortunately, Python does not force us to do this dance ourselves every time we have a block of data to send: the Standard Library socket implementation provides a friendly sendall() method, which Listing 3-1 uses instead. Not only is sendall() faster than doing it ourselves because it is implemented in C, but (for those readers who know what this means) it releases the Global Interpreter Lock during its loop so that other Python threads can run without contention until all of the data has been transmitted.

Unfortunately, no equivalent is provided for the recv() call, despite the fact that it might return only part of the data that is on the way from the client. Internally, the operating system implementation of recv() uses logic very close to that used when sending:

  • If no data is available, then recv() blocks and your program pauses until data arrives.

  • If plenty of data is available already in the incoming buffer, then you are given as many bytes as you asked recv() for.

  • But if the buffer contains a bit of data, but not as much as you are asking for, then you are immediately returned what does happen to be there, even if it is not as much as you have asked for.

That is why our recv() call has to be inside a loop: the operating system has no way of knowing that this simple client and server are using fixed-width sixteen-octet messages, and so the system cannot guess when the incoming data might finally add up to what your program will consider a complete message.

Why does the Python Standard Library include sendall() but no equivalent for the recv() method? Probably because fixed-length messages are so uncommon these days. Most protocols have far more complicated rules about how part of an incoming stream is delimited than a simple decision that "the message is always 16 bytes long."

So, in most real-world programs, the loop that runs recv() is actually much more complicated than the one in Listing 3-1, because it often has to read or process part of the message before it can guess how much more is coming. For example, an HTTP request often consists of headers, a blank line, and then however many further bytes of data were specified in the Content-length header. You would not know how many times to keep running recv() until you had at least received the headers and then parsed them to find out the content length!

One Socket per Conversation

Turning to the server code in Listing 3-1, we see a very different pattern than we have seen before—and it is a difference that hinges on the very meaning of a TCP stream socket. Recall from our foregoing discussion that there are two very different kinds of stream sockets: listening sockets, with which servers make a port available for incoming connections, and connected sockets, which represent the conversation that a server is having with a particular client.

In Listing 3-1, you can see how this distinction is carried through in actual server code. The link, which might strike you as odd at first, is that a listening socket actually produces new connected sockets as the return value that you get by listening! Follow the steps in the program listing to see the order in which the socket operations occur.

First, the server runs bind() to claim a particular port. Note that this does not yet decide whether the socket will be a client or server socket—that is, whether it will be actively making a connection or passively waiting to receive incoming connections. It simply claims a particular port, either on a particular interface or all interfaces, for the use of this socket. Clients can use this call if, for some reason, they want to reach out to a server from a particular port on their machine rather than simply accepting whatever ephemeral port number they would otherwise be assigned.

The real moment of decision comes with the next method call, when the server announces that it wants to use the socket to listen(). Running this on a TCP socket utterly transforms its character: after listen() has been called, the socket is irrevocably changed and can never, from this point on, be used to send or receive data. That particular socket object will now never be connected to any specific client. Instead, the socket can now be used only to receive incoming connections through its accept() method—a method that we have not seen yet in this book, because its purpose is solely to support listening TCP sockets—and each of these calls waits for a new client to connect and then returns an entirely new socket that governs the new conversation that has just started with them!

As you can see from the code, getsockname() works fine against both listening and connected sockets, and in both cases lets you find out what local TCP port the socket is occupying. To learn the address of the client to which a connected socket is connected, you can at any time run the getpeername() method, or you can store the socket name that is returned as the second return value from accept(). When we run this server, we see that both values give us the same address:

$ python server
Listening at ('', 1060)
We have accepted a connection from ('', 58185)
Socket connects ('', 1060) and ('', 58185)
The incoming sixteen-octet message says 'Hi there, server'
Reply sent, socket closed
Listening at ('', 1060)

The foregoing example output is produced by having the client make one connection to the server, like this:

$ python client
Client has been assigned socket name ('', 58185)
The server said 'Farewell, client'

You can see from the rest of the server code that, once a connected socket has been returned by accept(), it works exactly like a client socket with no further asymmetries evident in their pattern of communication. The recv() call returns data as it becomes available, and sendall() is the best way to send a new string of data when you want to make sure that it all gets transmitted.

You will note that an integer argument was provided to listen() when it was called on the server socket. This number indicates how many waiting connections, which have not yet had sockets created for them by accept() calls, should be allowed to stack up before the operating system starts turning new connections away by returning connection errors. We are using the very small value 1 here in our examples because we support only one example client connecting at a time; but we will consider larger values for this call when we talk about network server design in Chapter 7.

Once the client and server have said everything that they need to, they close() their end of the socket, which tells the operating system to transmit any remaining data still left in their output buffer and then conclude the TCP session with the shutdown procedure mentioned previously.

Address Already in Use

There is one last detail in Listing 3-1 that you might be curious about: why is the server careful to set the socket option SO_REUSEADDR before trying to bind to its port?

You can see the consequences of failing to set this option if you comment out that line and then try running the server. At first, you might think that it has no consequence. If all you are doing is stopping and starting the server, then you will see no effect at all:

$ python server
Listening at ('', 1060)
Traceback (most recent call last):
$ python server
Listening at ('', 1060)

But you will see a big difference if you bring up the server, run the client against it, and then try killing and re-running the server. When the server starts back up, you will get an error:

$ python server
Traceback (most recent call last):
socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

How mysterious! Why would a bind() that can be repeated over and over again at one moment suddenly become impossible the next? If you keep trying to run the server without the SO_REUSEADDR option, you will find that the address does not become available again until several minutes after your last client connection!

The answer is that, from the point of view of your operating system's network stack, a socket that is merely listening can immediately be shut down and forgotten about, but a connected TCP socket—that is actually talking to a client—cannot immediately disappear when both ends have closed their connection and initiated the FIN handshakes in each direction. Why? Because after it sends the very last ACK packet, the system has no way to ever be sure that it was received. If it was dropped by the network somewhere along its route, then the remote end might at any moment wonder what is taking the last ACK packet so long and re-transmit its FIN packet in the hope of finally receiving an answer.

A reliable protocol like TCP obviously has to have some point like this where it stops talking; some final packet must, logically, be left hanging with no acknowledgment, or systems would have to commit to an endless exchange of "okay, we both agree that we are all done, right?" messages until the machines were finally powered off. Yet even the final packet might get lost and need to be re-transmitted a few times before the other end finally receives it. What is the solution?

The answer is that once a connected TCP connection is finally closed from the point of view of your application, the operating system's network stack actually keeps it around for up to four minutes in a waiting state (the RFC names these states CLOSE-WAIT and TIME-WAIT) so that any final FIN packets can be properly replied to. If instead the TCP implementation just forgot about the connection, then it could not reply to the FIN with a proper ACK.

So a server that tries claiming a port on which a live connection was running within the last few minutes is, really, trying to claim a port that is in some sense still in use. That is why you are returned an error if you try a bind() to that address. By specifying the socket option SO_REUSEADDR, you are indicating that your application is okay about owning a port whose old connections might still be shutting down out on some client on the network. In practice, I always use SO_REUSEADDR when writing server code without putting thought into it, and have never had any problems.

Binding to Interfaces

As was explained in Chapter 2 when we discussed UDP, the IP address that you pair with a port number when you perform a bind() operation tells the operating system which network interfaces you are willing to receive connections from. The example invocations of Listing 3-1 used the localhost IP address, which protects your code from connections originating on other machines.

You can verify this by running Listing 3-1 in server mode as shown previously, and trying to connect with a client from another machine:

$ python client
Traceback (most recent call last):
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

You will see that the server Python code does not even react; the operating system does not even inform it that an incoming connection to its port was refused. (Note that if you have a firewall running on your machine, the client might just hang when it tries connecting, rather than getting a friendly "Connection refused" that tells it what is going on!)

But if you run the server with an empty string for the hostname, which tells the Python bind() routine that you are willing to accept connections through any of your machine's active network interfaces, then the client can connect successfully from another host (the empty string is supplied by giving the shell these two double-quotes at the end of the command line):

$ python server ""
Listening at ('', 1060)
We have accepted a connection from ('', 46090)
Socket connects ('', 1060) and ('', 46090)
The incoming sixteen-octet message says 'Hi there, server'
Reply sent, socket closed
Listening at ('', 1060)

As before, my operating system uses the special IP address to mean "accept connections on any interface," but that may vary with operating system, and Python hides this fact by letting you use the empty string instead.


The term "deadlock" is used for all sorts of situations in computer science where two programs, sharing limited resources, can wind up waiting on each other forever because of poor planning. It turns out that it can happen fairly easily when using TCP.

I mentioned previously that typical TCP stacks use buffers, both so that they have somewhere to place incoming packet data until an application is ready to read it, and so that they can collect outgoing data until the network hardware is ready to transmit an outgoing packet. These buffers are typically quite limited in size, and the system is not generally willing to let programs fill all of RAM with unsent network data. After all, if the remote end is not yet ready to process the data, it makes little sense to expend system resources on the generating end trying to produce more of it.

This limitation will generally not trouble you if you follow the client-server pattern shown in Listing 3-1, where each end always reads its partner's complete message before turning around and sending data in the other direction. But you can run into trouble very quickly if you design a client and server that leave too much data waiting without having some arrangement for promptly reading it.

Take a look at Listing 3-2 for an example of a server and client that try to be a bit too clever without thinking through the consequences. Here, the server author has done something that is actually quite intelligent. His job is to turn an arbitrary amount of text into uppercase. Recognizing that its client's requests can be arbitrarily large, and that one could run out of memory trying to read an entire stream of input before trying to process it, the server reads and processes small blocks of 1,024 bytes at a time.

Example 3.2. TCP Server and Client That Deadlock

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 3 -
# TCP client and server that leave too much data waiting

import socket, sys
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

HOST = ''
PORT = 1060

if sys.argv[1:] == ['server']:
»   s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
»   s.bind((HOST, PORT))
»   s.listen(1)
»   while True:
»   »   print 'Listening at', s.getsockname()
»   »   sc, sockname = s.accept()
»   »   print 'Processing up to 1024 bytes at a time from', sockname
»   »   n = 0
»   »   while True:
»   »   »   message = sc.recv(1024)
»   »   »   if not message:
»   »   »   »   break
»   »   »   sc.sendall(message.upper())  # send it back uppercase
»   »   »   n += len(message)
»   »   »   print '
%d bytes processed so far' % (n,),
»   »   »   sys.stdout.flush()
»   »   print
»   »   sc.close()
»   »   print 'Completed processing'

elif len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == 'client' and sys.argv[2].isdigit():

»   bytes = (int(sys.argv[2]) + 15) // 16 * 16  # round up to // 16
»   message = 'capitalize this!'  # 16-byte message to repeat over and over

»   print 'Sending', bytes, 'bytes of data, in chunks of 16 bytes'
»   s.connect((HOST, PORT))

»   sent = 0
»   while sent < bytes:
»   »   s.sendall(message)
»   »   sent += len(message)
»   »   print '
%d bytes sent' % (sent,),
»   »   sys.stdout.flush()

»   print
»   s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)

»   print 'Receiving all the data the server sends back'

»   received = 0
»   while True:
»   »   data = s.recv(42)
»   »   if not received:
»   »   »   print 'The first data received says', repr(data)
»   »   received += len(data)
»   »   if not data:
»   »   »   break
»   »   print '
%d bytes received' % (received,),

»   s.close()

»   print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: server | client <bytes>'

It can split the work up so easily, by the way, because it is merely trying to run the upper() string method on plain ASCII characters—an operation that can be performed separately on each block of input, without worrying about the blocks that came before or after. Things would not be this simple for the server if it were trying to run a more sophisticated string operation like title(), which would capitalize a letter in the middle of a word if the word happened to be split across a block boundary. For example, if a message got split into16-byte blocks, then errors would creep in like this:

>>> message = 'the tragedy of macbeth'
>>> blocks = message[:16], message[16:]
>>> ''.join(b.upper() for b in blocks )   # works fine
>>> ''.join(b.title() for b in blocks )   # whoops
'The Tragedy Of MAcbeth'

Processing text while splitting on fixed-length blocks will also not work for UTF-8 encoded Unicode data, since a multi-byte character could get split across a boundary between two of the binary blocks. In both cases, the server would have to be more careful, and carry some state between one block of data and the next.

In any case, handling input a block at a time like this is quite smart for the server, even if the 1,024-byte block size, used here for illustration, is actually a very small value for today's servers and networks. By handling the data in pieces and immediately sending out responses, the server limits the amount of data that it actually has to keep in memory at any one time. Servers designed like this could handle hundreds of clients at once, each sending streams totaling gigabytes, without taxing the memory resources of the server machine.

And, for small data streams, the client and server in Listing 3-2 seem to work fine. If you start the server and then run the client with a command-line argument specifying a modest number of bytes—say, asking it to send 32 bytes of data (for simplicity, it will round whatever value you supply up to a multiple of 16 bytes)—then it will get its text back in all uppercase:

$ python client 32
Sending 32 bytes of data, in chunks of 16 bytes
32 bytes sent
Receiving all the data the server sends back
The first data received says 'CAPITALIZE THIS!CAPITALIZE THIS!'
32 bytes received

The server (which, by the way, needs to be running on the same machine—this script uses the localhost IP address to make the example as simple as possible) will report that it indeed processed 32 bytes on behalf of its recent client:

$ python server
Processing up to 1024 bytes at a time from ('', 46400)
32 bytes processed so far
Completed processing
Listening at ('', 1060)

So this code works well for small amounts of data. In fact, it might also work for larger amounts; try running the client with hundreds or thousands of bytes, and see whether it continues to work.

This first example exchange of data, by the way, shows you the behavior of recv() that I have previously described: even though the server asked for 1,024 bytes to be received, recv(1024) was quite happy to return only 16 bytes, if that was the amount of data that became available and no further data had yet arrived from the client.

But if you try a large enough value, then disaster strikes! Try using the client to send a very large stream of data, say, one totaling a gigabyte:

$ python client 1073741824

You will see both the client and the server furiously updating their terminal windows as they breathlessly update you with the amount of data they have transmitted and received. The numbers will climb and climb until, quite suddenly, both connections freeze. Actually, if you watch carefully, you will see the server stop first, and then the client will grind to a halt soon afterward. The amount of data processed before they seize up varies on the Ubuntu laptop on which I am typing this chapter, but on the test run that I just completed here on my laptop, the Python script stopped with the server saying:

$ python server
Listening at ('', 1060)
Processing up to 1024 bytes at a time from ('', 46411)
602896 bytes processed so far

And the client is frozen about 100,000 bytes farther ahead in writing its outgoing data stream:

$ python client 1073741824
Sending 1073741824 bytes of data, in chunks of 16 bytes
734816 bytes sent

Why have both client and server been brought to a halt?

The answer is that the server's output buffer and the client's input buffer have both finally filled, and TCP has used its window adjustment protocol to signal this fact and stop the socket from sending more data that would have to be discarded and later re-sent.

Consider what happens as each block of data travels. The client sends it with sendall(). Then the server accepts it with recv(), processes it, and then transmits its capitalized version back out with another sendall() call. And then what? Well, nothing! The client is never running any recv() calls—not while it still has data to send—so more and more capitalized data backs up, until the operating system is not willing to accept any more.

During the run shown previously, about 600KB was buffered by the operating system in the client's incoming queue before the network stack decided that it was full. At that point, the server blocks in its sendall() call, and is paused there by the operating system until the logjam clears and it can send more data. With the server no longer processing data or running any more recv() calls, it is now the client's turn to have data start backing up. The operating system seems to have placed a limit of around 130KB to the amount of data it would queue up in that direction, because the client got roughly another 130KB into producing the stream before finally being brought to a halt as well.

On a different system, you will probably find that different limits are reached. So the foregoing numbers are arbitrary and based on the mood of my laptop at the moment; they are not at all inherent in the way TCP works.

And the point of this example is to teach you two things—besides, of course, showing that recv(1024) indeed returns fewer bytes than 1,024 if a smaller number are immediately available!

First, this example should make much more concrete the idea that there are buffers sitting inside the TCP stacks on each end of a network connection. These buffers can hold data temporarily so that packets do not have to be dropped and eventually re-sent if they arrive at a moment that their reader does not happen to be inside of a recv() call. But the buffers are not limitless; eventually, a TCP routine trying to write data that is never being received or processed is going to find itself no longer able to write, until some of the data is finally read and the buffer starts to empty.

Second, this example makes clear the dangers involved in protocols that do not alternate lock-step between the client requesting and the server acknowledging. If a protocol is not strict about the server reading a complete request until the client is done sending, and then sending a complete response in the other direction, then a situation like that created here can cause both of them to freeze without any recourse other than killing the program manually, and then rewriting it to improve its design!

But how, then, are network clients and servers supposed to process large amounts of data without entering deadlock? There are, in fact, two possible answers: either they can use socket options to turn off blocking, so that calls like send() and recv() return immediately if they find that they cannot send any data yet. We will learn more about this option in Chapter 7, where we look in earnest at the possible ways to architect network server programs.

Or, the programs can use one of several techniques to process data from several inputs at a time, either by splitting into separate threads or processes—one tasked with sending data into a socket, perhaps, and another tasked with reading data back out—or by running operating system calls like select() or poll() that let them wait on busy outgoing and incoming sockets at the same time, and respond to whichever is ready.

Finally, note carefully that the foregoing scenario cannot ever happen when you are using UDP! This is because UDP does not implement flow control. If more datagrams are arriving up than can be processed, then UDP can simply discard some of them, and leave it up to the application to discover that they went missing.

Closed Connections, Half-Open Connections

There are two more points that should be made, on a different subject, from the foregoing example.

First, Listing 3-2 shows us how a Python socket object behaves when an end-of-file is reached. Just like a Python file object returns an empty string upon a read() when there is no more data left, a socket simply returns an empty string when the socket is closed.

We never worried about this in Listing 3-1 because in that case we had imposed a strict enough structure on our protocol—exchanging a pair of messages of exactly 16 bytes—that we did not need to close the socket to signal when communication was done. The client and server simply sent their messages, and then could close their sockets separately without needing to do any further checks.

But in Listing 3-2, the client sends—and thus the server also processes and sends back—an arbitrary amount of data whose length is not decided until the user enters a number of bytes on the command line. And so you can see in the code, twice, the same pattern: a while loop that runs until it finally sees an empty string returned from recv(). Note that this normal Pythonic pattern will not work once we reach Chapter 7 and explore non-blocking sockets—in that case, recv() might return an empty string simply because no data is available at the moment, and other techniques are used to determine whether the socket has closed.

Second, you will see that the client makes a shutdown() call on the socket after it finishes sending its transmission. This solves an important problem: if the server is going to read forever until it sees end-of-file, then how will the client avoid having to do a full close() on the socket and thus forbid itself from doing the many recv() calls that it still needs to make to receive the server's response? The solution is to "half-close" the socket—that is, to permanently shut down communication in one direction but without destroying the socket itself—so that the server can no longer read any data, but can still send any remaining reply back in the other direction, which will still be open.

The shutdown() call can be used to end either direction of communication in a two-way socket like this; its argument can be one of three symbols:

  • SHUT_WR: This is the most common value used, since in most cases a program knows when its own output is finished but not about when its conversation partner will be done. This value says that the caller will be writing no more data into the socket, and that reads from its other end should act like it is closed.

  • SHUT_RD: This is used to turn off the incoming socket stream, so that an end-of-file error is encountered if your peer tries to send any more data to you on the socket.

  • SHUT_RDWR: This closes communication in both directions on the socket. It might not, at first, seem useful, because you can also just perform a close() on the socket and communication is similarly ended in both directions. The difference is a rather advanced one: if several programs on your operating system are allowed to share a single socket, then close() just ends your process's relationship with the socket, but keeps it open as long as another process is still using it; but shutdown() will always immediately disable the socket for everyone using it.

Since you are not allowed to create unidirectional sockets through a standard socket() call, many programmers who need to send information only in one direction over a socket will first create the socket, then—as soon as it is connected—immediately run shutdown() for the direction that they do not need. This means that no operating system buffers will be needlessly filled if the peer with which they are communicating accidentally tries to send data in a direction that it should not.

Running shutdown() immediately on sockets that should really be unidirectional also provides a more obvious error message for a peer that does get confused and tries to send data. Otherwise their data will either simply be ignored, or might even fill a buffer and cause a deadlock because it will never be read.

Using TCP Streams like Files

Since TCP supports streams of data, they might have already reminded you of normal files, which also support reading and writing as fundamental operations. Python does a very good job of keeping these concepts separate: file objects can read() and write(), sockets can send() and recv(), and no kind of object can do both. This is actually a substantially cleaner conceptual split than is achieved by the underlying POSIX interface, which lets a C programmer call read() and write() on a socket indiscriminately as though it were a normal file descriptor!

But sometimes you will want to treat a socket like a normal Python file object—often because you want to pass it into code like that of the many Python modules such as pickle, json, and zlib that can read and write data directly from a file. For this purpose, Python provides a makefile() method on every socket that returns a Python file object that is really calling recv() and send() behind the scenes:

>>> import socket
>>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>> hasattr(s, 'read')
>>> f = s.makefile()
>>> hasattr(f, 'read')

Sockets, like normal Python files, also have a fileno() method that lets you discover their file descriptor number in case you need to supply it to lower-level calls; we will find this very helpful when we explore select() and poll() in Chapter 7.


The TCP-powered "stream" socket does whatever is necessary—including re-transmitting lost packets, reordering the ones that arrive out of sequence, and splitting very large data streams into optimally sized packets for your network in the first place—to support the transmission and reception of streams of data over the network between two sockets.

As with UDP, port numbers are used by TCP to distinguish the many stream endpoints that might exist on a single machine. A program that wants to accept incoming TCP connections needs to bind() to a port, run listen() on the socket, and then go into a loop that runs accept() over and over to receive a new socket for each incoming connection with which it can talk to each particular client that connects. Programs that want to connect to existing server ports need only create a socket and connect() to an address.

Servers will usually want to set the SO_REUSEADDR option on the sockets they bind(), lest old connections still closing down on the same port from the last time the server was run prevent the operating system from allowing the binding.

Data is actually sent and received with send() and recv(). Some protocols will mark up their data so that clients and servers know automatically when a communication is complete. Other protocols will treat the TCP socket as a true stream and send and receive until end-of-file is reached. The shutdown() socket method can be used to produce end-of-file in one direction on a socket (all sockets are bidirectional by nature) while leaving the other direction open.

Deadlock can occur if two peers are written such that the socket fills with more and more data that never gets read. Eventually, one direction will no longer be able to send() and might hang forever waiting for the backlog to clear.

If you want to pass a socket to a Python routine that knows how to read to or write from a normal file object, the makefile() socket method will give you a Python object that calls recv() and send() behind the scenes when the caller needs to read and write.

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