Chapter 4. Socket Names and DNS

Having spent the last two chapters learning the basics of UDP and TCP, the two major data transports available on IP networks, it is time for us to step back and talk about two larger issues that need to be tackled regardless of which transport you are using. In this chapter, we will discuss the topic of network addresses and will describe the distributed service that allows names to be resolved to raw IP addresses.

Hostnames and Domain Names

Before we plunge into this topic, we should get a few terms straight that will play a big role in the discussion that follows.

  • Top-level domain (TLD): These are the few hundred strings like com, net, org, gov, and mil that, together with country codes like de and uk, form the set of possible suffixes for valid domain names. Typically, each TLD has its own set of servers and its own organization that is in charge of granting ownership to domains beneath the TLD.

  • Domain name: This is the name that a business or organization appends as a suffix to its sites and hosts on the Internet, like,, or It typically costs an annual fee to own a domain name, but owning one gives you the right to create as many hostnames beneath it as you want.

  • Fully qualified domain name: The FQDN names an Internet site or host by appending its organization's full domain name to the name of a particular machine in that organization. Example FQDNs are and Whether a domain name is "fully qualified" does not depend on its having any specific number of components—it may have two, three, four, or more dot-separated names. What makes it a FQDN is that it ends with a TLD and therefore will work from anywhere. You can often use just the hostname athena if you are connected to an MIT network, but from anywhere else in the world, you have to fully qualify the name and specify

  • Hostname: This term, unfortunately, is ambiguous! Sometimes it means the bare, unqualified name that a machine might print when you connect to it, like asaph or athena. But sometimes people instead mean the FQDN when they say "the hostname."

  • In general, an FQDN may be used to identify a host from anywhere else on the Internet. Bare hostnames, by contrast, work as relative names only if you are already inside the organization and using their own nameservers (a concept we discuss later in this chapter) to resolve names on your desktop, laptop, or server. Thus athena should work as an abbreviation for if you are actually on the MIT campus, but it will not work if you are anywhere else in the world—unless you have configured your system to always try MIT hostnames first, which would be unusual, but maybe you are on their staff or something.

Socket Names

The last two chapters have already introduced you to the fact that sockets cannot be named with a single primitive Python value like a number or string. Instead, both TCP and UDP use integer port numbers to share a single machine's IP address among the many different applications that might be running there, and so the address and port number have to be combined in order to produce a socket name, like this:

('', 80)

While you might have been able to pick up some scattered facts about socket names from the last few chapters—like the fact that the first item can be either a hostname or a dotted IP address—it is time for us to approach the whole subject in more depth.

You will recall that socket names are important at several points in the creation and use of sockets. For your reference, here are all of the major socket methods that demand of you some sort of socket name as an argument:

  • mysocket.accept(): Each time this is called on a listening TCP stream socket that has incoming connections ready to hand off to the application, it returns a tuple whose second item is the remote address that has connected (the first item in the tuple is the net socket connected to that remote address).

  • mysocket.bind(address): Assigns the socket the local address so that outgoing packets have an address from which to originate, and so that any incoming connections from other machines have a name that they can use to connect.

  • mysocket.connect(address): Establishes that data sent through this socket will be directed to the given remote address. For UDP sockets, this simply sets the default address used if the caller uses send() rather than sendto(); for TCP sockets, this actually negotiates a new stream with another machine using a three-way handshake, and raises an exception if the negotiation fails.

  • mysocket.getpeername(): Returns the remote address to which this socket is connected.

  • mysocket.getsockname(): Returns the address of this socket's own local endpoint.

  • mysocket.recvfrom(...): For UDP sockets, this returns a tuple that pairs a string of returned data with the address from which it was just sent.

  • mysocket.sendto(data, address): An unconnected UDP port uses this method to fire off a data packet at a particular remote address.

So, there you have it! Those are the major socket operations that care about socket addresses, all in one place, so that you have some context for the remarks that follow. In general, any of the foregoing methods can receive or return any of the sorts of addresses that follow, meaning that they will work regardless of whether you are using IPv4, IPv6, or even one of the less common address families that we will not be covering in this book.

Five Socket Coordinates

Monty Python's Holy Grail famously includes "the aptly named Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film" in its list of knights of the round table, and this section does something of the same service for this book. Here we will consider the full range of "coordinates" that identify a socket, only to note that most of the possible values are not within the scope of our project here in this book.

When reviewing the sample programs of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, we paid particular attention to the hostnames and IP addresses that their sockets used. But if you read each program listing from the beginning, you will see that these are only the last two coordinates of five major decisions that were made during the construction and deployment of each socket object. Recall that the steps go something like this:

>>> import socket
>>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> s.bind(('localhost', 1060))

In order, here is the full list of values that had to be chosen, and you will see that there are five in all.

First, the address family makes the biggest decision: it names what kind of network you want to talk to, out of the many kinds that a particular machine might support.

In this book, we will always use the value AF_INET for the address family, because we believe that making this book about IP networking will best serve the vast majority of Python programmers, while at the same time giving them skills that will work on Linux, Mac OS, or even Windows. But if you will import the socket module in Python, print out dir(socket), and look for the symbols that start with AF_ ("Address Family"), you may see choices whose names you will recognize, like AppleTalk and Bluetooth.

Especially popular on POSIX systems is the AF_UNIX address family, which works just like Internet sockets but runs directly between programs on the same machine with more efficiency than is possible when traversing the entire IP network stack just to arrive back at the localhost interface.

Next after the address family comes the socket type. It chooses the particular kind of communication technique that you want to use on the network you have chosen. You might guess that every single address family presents entirely different socket types that you would have to go look up for each one, since, after all, what address family besides AF_INET is going to present socket types like UDP and TCP?

Happily, this suspicion is misplaced. Although UDP and TCP are indeed quite specific to the AF_INET protocol family, the socket interface designers decided to create more generic names for the broad idea of a packet-based socket, which goes by the name SOCK_DGRAM, and the broad idea of a reliable flow-controlled data stream, which as we have seen is known as a SOCK_STREAM. Because many address families support either one or both of these mechanisms, even though they might implement them a bit differently than they are implemented under IP, only these two symbols are necessary to cover many protocols under a variety of different address families.

The third field in the socket() call, the protocol, is rarely used because once you have specified the address family and socket type, you have narrowed down the possible protocols to one major option. For this reason, programmers usually leave this unspecified or provide the value zero to force it to be chosen automatically. If you want a stream under IP, the system knows to choose TCP; if you want datagrams, then it selects UDP. That is why none of our socket() calls in this book has a third argument: it is in practice almost never needed. Look inside the socket module for names starting with IPPROTO for some examples of protocols defined for the AF_INET family; listed there you will see the two this book actually addresses, under the names IPPROTO_TCP and IPPROTO_UDP.

The fourth and fifth fields are, then, the IP address and UDP or TCP port number that were explained in detail in the last two chapters.

But we should immediately step back, and note that it is only because of our specific choices for the first three coordinates that our socket names have had two components, hostname and port! If you instead had chosen AppleTalk or ATM or Bluetooth for your address family, then some other data structure might have been required of you instead of a tuple with a string and an integer inside. So the whole set of coordinates, which in this section we have talked about as five coordinates, is really three fixed coordinates needed to create the socket, followed by however many more coordinates your particular address family requires you to use in order to make a network connection.


And having explained all of that, it turns out that this book actually does need to introduce one additional address family, beyond the AF_INET we have used so far: the address family for IPv6, named AF_INET6, which is the way forward into a future where the world does not, in fact, run out of IP addresses.

Once the old ARPANET really started taking off, its choice of 32-bit address names—which made so much sense back when computer memory chips were measured by the kilobyte—became a clear and worrying limitation. With only about four billion possible addresses available, even assuming that we could use the address space that fully, that makes fewer than one IP address for every person on the earth—which means real trouble once everyone has both a computer and an iPhone!

Even though only a few percent of the computers on the Internet today are actually using IPv6 to communicate with the global network through their Internet service providers (where "today" is September 2010), the steps necessary to make your Python programs compatible with IPv6 are simple enough that you should go ahead and try writing code that prepares us all for the future.

In Python you can test directly for whether the underlying platform supports IPv6 by checking the has_ipv6 Boolean attribute inside the socket module:

>>> import socket
>>> socket.has_ipv6

But note that this does not tell you whether an actual IPv6 interface is up and configured and can currently be used to send packets anywhere; it is purely an assertion about whether IPv6 support has been compiled into the operating system, not about whether it is in use!

The differences that IPv6 will make for your Python code might sound quite daunting, if listed one right after the other:

  • Your sockets have to be prepared to have the family AF_INET6 if you are called upon to operate on an IPv6 network.

  • No longer do socket names consist of just two pieces, an address and a port number; instead, they can also involve additional coordinates that provide "flow" information and a "scope" identifier.

  • The pretty IPv4 octets like that you might already be reading from configuration files or from your command-line arguments will now sometimes be replaced by IPv6 host addresses instead, which you might not even have good regular expressions for yet. They have lots of colons, they can involve hexadecimal numbers, and in general they look quite ugly.

The benefits of the IPv6 transition are not only that it will make an astronomically large number of addresses available, but also that the protocol has more complete support for things like link-level security than do most implementations of IPv4.

But the changes just listed can sound like a lot of trouble if you have been in the habit of writing clunky, old-fashioned code that puts IP addresses and hostnames through regular expressions of your own devising. If, in other words, you have been in the business of interpreting addresses yourself in any form, you probably imagine that the transition to IPv6 will make you write even more complicated code than you already have. Fear not: my actual recommendation is that you get out of address interpretation or scanning altogether, and the next section will show you how!

Modern Address Resolution

To make your code simple, powerful, and immune from the complexities of the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, you should turn your attention to one of the most powerful tools in the Python socket user's arsenal: getaddrinfo().

The getaddrinfo() function sits in the socket module along with most other operations that involve addresses (rather than being a socket method). Unless you are doing something specialized, it is probably the only routine that you will ever need to transform the hostnames and port numbers that your users specify into addresses that can be used by socket methods!

Its approach is simple: rather than making you attack the addressing problem piecemeal, which is necessary when using the older routines in the socket module, it lets you specify everything you know about the connection that you need to make in a single call. In response, it returns all of the coordinates we discussed earlier that are necessary for you to create and connect a socket to the named destination.

Its basic use is very simple and goes like this:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> infolist = socket.getaddrinfo('', 'www')
>>> pprint(infolist)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80)),
 (2, 2, 17, '', ('', 80))]
>>> ftpca = infolist[0]
>>> ftpca[0:3]
(2, 1, 6)
>>> s = socket.socket(*ftpca[0:3])
>>> ftpca[4]
('', 80)
>>> s.connect(ftpca[4])

The variable that I have so obscurely named ftpca here is an acronym for the order of the variables that are returned: "family, type, protocol, canonical name, and address," which contain everything you need to make a connection. Here, we have asked about the possible methods for connecting to the HTTP port of the host, and have been told that there are two ways to do it: by creating a SOCK_STREAM socket (socket type 1) that uses IPPROTO_TCP (protocol number 6) or else by using a SOCK_DGRAM (socket type 2) socket with IPPROTO_UDP (which is the protocol represented by the integer17).

And, yes, the foregoing answer is indicative of the fact that HTTP officially supports both TCP and UDP, at least according to the official organization that doles out port numbers (and that gave HTTP one of each). Usually when calling getaddrinfo(), you will specify which kind of socket you want rather than leaving the answer up to chance!

If you use getaddrinfo() in your code, then unlike the listings in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3—which used real symbols like AF_INET just to make it clearer how the low-level socket mechanisms were working—your production Python code might not even have to reference any symbols at all from the socket module except for those that explain to getaddrinfo() which kind of address you want. Instead, you will use the first three items in the getaddrinfo() return value as the arguments to the socket() constructor, and then use the fifth item as the address to any of the calls listed in the first section of this chapter.

As you can see from the foregoing code snippet, getaddrinfo() generally allows not only the hostname but also the port name to be a symbol rather than an integer—eliminating the need of older Python code to make extra calls if the user might want to provide a symbolic port number like www or smtp instead of 80 or 25.

Asking getaddrinfo() Where to Bind

Before tackling all of the options that getaddrinfo() supports, it will be more useful to see how it is used to support three basic network operations. We will tackle them in the order that you might perform operations on a socket: binding, connecting, and then identifying a remote host who has sent you information.

If you want an address to provide to bind(), either because you are creating a server socket or because you for some reason want your client to be connecting to someone else but from a predictable address, then you will call getaddrinfo() with None as the hostname but with the port number and socket type filled in. Note that here, as in the following getaddrinfo() calls, zeros serve as wildcards in fields that are supposed to contain numbers:

>>> from socket import getaddrinfo
>>> getaddrinfo(None, 'smtp', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 25)), (10, 1, 6, '', ('::', 25, 0, 0))]
>>> getaddrinfo(None, 53, 0, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE)
[(2, 2, 17, '', ('', 53)), (10, 2, 17, '', ('::', 53, 0, 0))]

Here we asked about where we should bind() a socket if we want to serve SMTP traffic using TCP, and if we want to serve DNS traffic using DCP, respectively. The answers we got back in each case are the appropriate wildcard addresses that will let us bind to every IPv4 and every IPv6 interface on the local machine with all of the right values for the socket family, socket type, and protocol in each case.

If you instead want to bind() to a particular IP address that you know that the local machine holds, then omit the AI_PASSIVE flag and just specify the hostname. For example, here are two ways that you might try binding to localhost:

>>> getaddrinfo('', 'smtp', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 25))]
>>> getaddrinfo('localhost', 'smtp', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
[(10, 1, 6, '', ('::1', 25, 0, 0)), (2, 1, 6, '', ('', 25))]

You can see that supplying the IPv4 address for the localhost locks you down to receiving connections only over IPv4, while using the symbolic name localhost (at least on my Linux laptop, with a well-configured /etc/hosts file) makes available both the IPv4 and IPv6 local names for the machine.

One question that you might already be asking at this point, by the way, is what on earth you are supposed to do when you assert that you want to supply a basic service and getaddrinfo() goes and gives you several addresses to use—you certainly cannot create a single socket and bind() it to more than one address! In Chapter 7, we will tackle the techniques that you can use if you are writing server code and want to have several sockets going at once.

Asking getaddrinfo() About Services

Except for the use shown in the previous section, all other uses of getaddrinfo() are outward-looking, and generate information suitable for connecting you to other applications. In all such cases, you can either use an empty string to indicate that you want to connect back to the localhost using the loopback interface, or provide a string giving an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or hostname to name your destination.

The usual use of getaddrinfo() in all other cases—which, basically, is when you are preparing to connect() or sendto()—is to specify the AI_ADDRCONFIG flag, which filters out any addresses that are impossible for your computer to reach. For example, an organization might have both an IPv4 and an IPv6 range of IP addresses; but if your particular host supports only IPv4, then you will want the results filtered to include only addresses in that family. In case the local machine has only an IPv6 network interface but the service you are connecting to is supporting only IPv4, the AI_V4MAPPED will return you those IPv4 addresses re-encoded as IPv6 addresses that you can actually use.

So you will usually use getaddrinfo() this way when connecting:

>>> getaddrinfo('', 'ftp', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
...     socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 21)),
 (2, 1, 6, '', ('', 21))]

And we have gotten exactly what we wanted: every way to connect to a host named through a TCP connection to its FTP port. Note that several IP addresses were returned because this service, to spread load, is located at several different machines on the Internet. You should generally always use the first address returned, and if a connection fails, then try the remaining ones, because there is intelligence built into the name-resolution system to properly randomize the order in which you receive them. By always trying the first server IP address first, you will offer the various servers a workload that is in the proportion that the machine administrators intend.

Here is another query, which describes how I can connect from my laptop to the HTTP interface of the IANA that assigns port numbers in the first place:

>>> getaddrinfo('', 'www', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
...     socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80))]

The IANA web site is actually a good one for demonstrating the utility of the AI_ADDRCONFIG flag, because—like any other good Internet standards organization—their web site already supports IPv6. It just so happens that my laptop can speak only IPv4 on the wireless network to which it is currently connected, so the foregoing call was careful to return only an IPv4 address. But if we take away our carefully chosen flags in the sixth parameter, then we will also be able to see their IPv6 address:

>>> getaddrinfo('', 'www', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80)),
 (10, 1, 6, '', ('2001:500:88:200::8', 80, 0, 0))]

This can be useful if you are not going to try to use the addresses yourself, but if you are providing some sort of directory information to other hosts or programs.

Asking getaddrinfo() for Pretty Hostnames

One last circumstance that you will commonly encounter is where you either are making a new connection, or maybe have just received a connection to one of your own sockets, and you want an attractive hostname to display to the user or record in a log file. This is slightly dangerous because a hostname lookup can take quite a bit of time, even on the modern Internet, and might return a hostname that no longer works by the time you go and check your logs—so for log files, try to record both the hostname and raw IP address!

But if you have a good use for the "canonical name" of a host, then try running getaddrinfo() with the AI_CANONNAME flag turned on, and the fourth item of any of the tuples that it returns—that were always empty strings in the foregoing examples, you will note—will contain the canonical name:

>>> getaddrinfo('', 'www', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
...     socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED | socket.AI_CANONNAME)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80))]

You can also supply getaddrinfo() with the attributes of a socket that is already connected to a remote peer, and get a canonical name in return:

>>> mysock = old_sock.accept()
>>> addr, port = mysock.getpeername()
>>> getaddrinfo(addr, port,, mysock.type, mysock.proto,
...             socket.AI_CANONNAME)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80))]

Again, this will work only if the owner of the IP address happens to have a name defined for it (and, obviously, it requires the hostname lookup to succeed).

Other getaddrinfo() Flags

The examples just given showed the operation of three of the most important getaddrinfo() flags. The flags available vary somewhat by operating system, and you should always consult your own computer's documentation (not to mention its configuration!) if you are confused about a value that it chooses to return. But there are several flags that tend to be cross-platform; here are some of the more important ones:

  • AI_ALL: We have already discussed that the AI_V4MAPPED option will save you in the situation where you are on a purely IPv6-connected host, but the host to which you want to connect advertises only IPv4 addresses: it resolves this problem by "mapping" the IPv4 addresses to their IPv6 equivalent. But if some IPv6 addresses do happen to be available, then they will be the only ones shown. Thus the existence of this option: if you want to see all of the addresses from your IPv6-connected host, even though some perfectly good IPv6 addresses are available, then combine this AI_ALL flag with AI_V4MAPPED and the list returned to you will have every address known for the target host.

  • AI_NUMERICHOST: This turns off any attempt to interpret the hostname parameter (the first parameter to getaddrinfo()) as a textual hostname like, and only tries to interpret the hostname string as a literal IPv4 or IPv6 hostname like or fe80::fcfd:4aff:fecf:ea4e. This is much faster, as no DNS round-trip is incurred (see the next section), and prevents possibly untrusted user input from forcing your system to issue a query to a nameserver under someone else's control.

  • AI_NUMERICSERV: This turns off symbolic port names like www and insists that port numbers like 80 be used instead. This does not necessarily have the network-query implications of the previous option, since port-number databases are typically stored locally on IP-connected machines; on POSIX systems, resolving a symbolic port name typically requires only a quick scan of the /etc/services file (but check your /etc/nsswitch.conf file's services option to be sure). But if you know your port string should always be an integer, then activating this flag can be a useful sanity check.

One final note about flags: you do not have to worry about the IDN-related flags that some operating systems use in order to enable getaddrinfo() to resolve those fancy new domain names that have Unicode characters in them. Instead, Python will accept a Unicode string as the hostname and set whatever options are necessary to get it converted for you:

>>> getaddrinfo(u'παράδΕιγμα.δΟκιμή', 'www', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
...     socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED)
[(2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80))]

If you are curious about how this works behind the scenes, read up on the relevant international standards starting with RFC 3492, and note that Python now includes an idna codec that can translate to and from internationalized domain names:

>>> u'παράδΕιγμα.δΟκιμή'.encode('idna')

It is this resulting plain-ASCII string that is actually sent to the domain name service when you enter the Greek sample domain name just shown.

Primitive Name Service Routines

Before getaddrinfo() was all the rage, programmers doing socket-level programming got by with a simpler collection of name service routines supported by the operating system. They should be avoided today since most of them are hardwired to speak only IPv4.

You can find their documentation in the Standard Library page on the socket module. Here, the most efficient thing to do will be to play show-and-tell and use quick examples to illustrate each call. Two calls let you learn about the hostname of the current machine:

>>> socket.gethostname()
>>> socket.getfqdn()

And two more let you convert between IPv4 hostnames and IP addresses:

>>> socket.gethostbyname('')
>>> socket.gethostbyaddr('')
('', [], [''])

Finally, three routines let you look up protocol numbers and ports using symbolic names known to your operating system:

>>> socket.getprotobyname('UDP')
>>> socket.getservbyname('www')
>>> socket.getservbyport(80)

If you want to try learning the primary IP address for the machine on which your Python program is running, you can try passing its fully qualified hostname into a gethostbyname() call, like this:

>>> socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn())

But since either call could fail and return an address error (see the section on error handling in Chapter 5), your code should have a backup plan in case this pair of calls fails to return a useful IP address.

Using getsockaddr() in Your Own Code

To put everything together, I have assembled a quick example of how getaddrinfo() looks in actual code. Take a look at Listing 4-1.

Example 4.1. Using getaddrinfo() to Create and Connect a Socket

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 -
# Find the WWW service of an arbitrary host using getaddrinfo().

import socket, sys

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
»   print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname_or_ip>'
»   sys.exit(2)

hostname_or_ip = sys.argv[1]

»   infolist = socket.getaddrinfo(
»   »   hostname_or_ip, 'www', 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
»   »   socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED | socket.AI_CANONNAME,
»   »   )
except socket.gaierror, e:
»   print 'Name service failure:', e.args[1]
»   sys.exit(1)

info = infolist[0]  # per standard recommendation, try the first one
socket_args = info[0:3]
address = info[4]
s = socket.socket(*socket_args)
»   s.connect(address)
except socket.error, e:
»   print 'Network failure:', e.args[1]
»   print 'Success: host', info[3], 'is listening on port 80'

It performs a simple are-you-there test of whatever web server you name on the command line by attempting a quick connection to port 80 with a streaming socket. Using the script would look something like this:

$ python
Success: host WEB.MIT.EDU is listening on port 80
$ python
Network failure: Connection timed out
$ python
Name service failure: No address associated with hostname

Note three things about the source code.

First, it is completely general, and contains no mention either of IP as a protocol nor of TCP as a transport. If the user happened to type a hostname that the system recognized as a host to which it was connected through AppleTalk (if you can imagine that sort of thing in this day and age), then getaddrinfo() would be free to return the AppleTalk socket family, type, and protocol, and that would be the kind of socket that we would wind up creating and connecting.

Second, note that getaddrinfo() failures cause a specific name service error, which Python calls a gaierror, rather than a plain socket error of the kind used for the normal network failure that we detected at the end of the script. We will learn more about error handling in Chapter 5.

Third, note that the socket() constructor does not take a list of three items as its parameter. Instead, the parameter list is introduced by an asterisk, which means that the three elements of the socket_args list are passed as three separate parameters to the constructor. This is the opposite of what you need to do with the actual address returned, which is instead passed as a single unit into all of the socket routines that need it.

Better Living Through Paranoia

In certain high-security situations, people worry about trusting a hostname provided by an untrusted organization because there is nothing to stop you from creating a domain and pointing the hostnames inside it at the servers that actually belong to other organizations. For example, imagine that you provide a load-testing service, and that someone from comes along and asks you to perform a murderously heavy test on their server to see how their web server configuration holds up. The first thing you might ask yourself is whether they really own the host at, or whether they have created that name in their domain but given it the IP address of the main web server of a competing organization so that your "test" in fact shuts their competition down for the afternoon.

But since it is common to have service-specific hostnames like point to the IP address of a real host like, it can actually be rather tricky to determine if a reverse name mismatch indicates a problem. Ignoring the first element can be helpful, as can truncating both hostnames to the length of the shorter one—but the result might still be something that should be looked at by a human before making real access-control decisions based on the result!

But, to show you the sort of checking that might be attempted, you can take a look at Listing 4-2 for a possible sanity check that you might want to perform before starting the load test.

Example 4.2. Confirming a Forward Lookup with a Reverse Lookup

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 -
# Checking whether a hostname works both forward and backward.

import socket, sys

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
»   print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>'
»   sys.exit(2)
hostname = sys.argv[1]

»   infolist = socket.getaddrinfo(
»   »   hostname, 0, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
»   »   socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG | socket.AI_V4MAPPED | socket.AI_CANONNAME,
»   »   )
except socket.gaierror, e:
»   print 'Forward name service failure:', e.args[1]
»   sys.exit(1)

info = infolist[0]  # choose the first, if there are several addresses
canonical = info[3]
socketname = info[4]
ip = socketname[0]

if not canonical:
»   print 'WARNING!  The IP address', ip, 'has no reverse name'
»   sys.exit(1)

print hostname, 'has IP address', ip
print ip, 'has the canonical hostname', canonical

# Lowercase for case-insensitive comparison, and chop off hostnames.

forward = hostname.lower().split('.')
reverse = canonical.lower().split('.')

if forward == reverse:
»   print 'Wow, the names agree completely!'
»   sys.exit(0)

# Truncate the domain names, which now look like ['www', 'mit', 'edu'],
# to the same length and compare.  Failing that, be willing to try a
# compare with the first element (the hostname?) lopped off if both of
# them are the same length.

length = min(len(forward), len(reverse))
if (forward[-length:] == reverse[-length:]
»   or (len(forward) == len(reverse)
»   »   and forward[-length+1:] == reverse[-length+1:]
»   »   and len(forward[-2]) > 2)):  # avoid thinking '' means a match!
»   print 'The forward and reverse names have a lot in common'
»   print 'WARNING!  The reverse name belongs to a different organization'

Here, we are not only telling getaddrinfo() to perform the "forward" lookup that resolves a hostname to an IP address, but also asking for the "reverse" lookup to discover what the actual owner of the IP address says that he or she has named that machine.

Using this script, you can see that some hosts have quite straightforward names that reverse to exactly the same string:

$ python has IP address has the canonical hostname
Wow, the names agree completely!

On the other hand, it is common for web site names that are designed to be short and pretty to actually be served by physical machines with longer names:

$ python has IP address has the canonical hostname WEB.MIT.EDU
The forward and reverse names have a lot in common

But very often a name is completely symbolic, and the site or services behind it are actually provided by machines in a completely different domain for perfectly legitimate reasons, but there is no way for our little script to know this:

$ python has IP address has the canonical hostname
WARNING! The reverse name belongs to a different organization

This means that unless you are writing code for a very specific situation in which you know that hostnames and their reverse names should strictly correspond, something like Listing 4-2 will be far too strict.

What, then, is the real usefulness of reverse lookups? The big reason is to have a second name to test against whatever lists of allowed and disallowed hosts your user might have configured. Of course, if the connection is an incoming one rather than an outgoing one, then the reverse name—which getsockaddr() will fetch for you if you provide the remote socket name—will be the only name you have to go on; forward names exist, of course, only when you are doing the connecting yourself based on a name that a user has configured or typed.

And here we conclude our discussion of how you should best do name resolution in your Python programs. But what if you need to go one level deeper—what if your application needs to speak to the name service infrastructure on its own for some reason? Then keep reading, and we will soon learn about DNS, which drives name resolution on IP networks!

A Sketch of How DNS Works

The Domain Name System, DNS, is a scheme by which millions of Internet hosts cooperate to answer the question of what hostnames resolve to what IP addresses. The DNS is behind the fact that you can type into your web browser instead of always having to remember for those of you on IPv4, or 2001:888:2000:d::a2 if you are already enjoying IPv6.

The messages that computers send to perform this resolution form the "DNS Protocol," which operates in a hierarchical fashion. If your local computer and nameserver cannot resolve a hostname because it is neither local to your organization nor has been seen recently enough to still be in the nameserver's cache, then the next step is to query one of the world's top-level nameservers to find out which machines are responsible for the domain you need to ask about. Once their IP addresses are ascertained, they can then be queried for the domain name itself.

We should first step back for a moment and see how this operation is usually set in motion.

For example, consider the domain name If your web browser needs to know this address, then the browser runs a call like getaddrinfo() to ask the operating system to resolve that name. Your system will know either that it is running a nameserver of its own, or that the network to which it is attached provides name service. Nameserver information these days is typically learned automatically through DHCP, whether in corporate offices, in schools, on wireless networks, or on home cable and DSL connections. In other cases, the DNS server IP addresses will have been configured by hand when a system administrator set up your machine. Either way, the DNS servers must typically be specified as IP addresses, since you obviously cannot use DNS itself to find them!

Sometimes people are unhappy with their ISP's DNS behavior or performance and choose to configure a third-party DNS server of their own choosing, like the servers at and run by Google. And in some rarer cases, the local DNS domain nameservers are known through some other set of names in use by the computer, like the WINS Windows naming service. But one way or another, a DNS server must be identified for name resolution to continue.

Checking DNS for the hostname is not actually the first thing that an operating system usually does when you make a call like getaddrinfo()—in fact, because making a DNS query can be time-consuming, it is often the very last choice! Depending on the hosts entry in your /etc/nsswitch.conf if you are on a POSIX box, or else depending on your Windows control panel settings, there might be one or several other places that the operating system looks first before turning to DNS. On my Ubuntu laptop, for example, the /etc/hosts file is checked first on every single hostname lookup; then a specialized protocol called multicast DNS is used, if possible; and only if that fails or is unavailable is full-blown DNS cranked up to answer the hostname query.

To continue our example, imagine that the name has not, in fact, been recently enough queried to be in any local cache on the machine where you are running your web browser. In that case, the computer will look up the local DNS server and, typically, send it a DNS request packet over UDP.

Now the question is in the hands of a real DNS server! For the rest of this discussion, we will call it "your DNS server," in the sense of "the DNS server that is doing work for you"; but, of course, the server itself probably belongs to someone else, like your employer or your ISP or Google!

The first act of your DNS server will be to check its own cache of recently queried domain names to see if has already been checked by some other machine served by the DNS server in the last few minutes or hours. If an entry is present and has not yet expired—and the owner of each domain name gets to choose its expiration timeout, because some organizations like to change IP addresses quickly if they need to, while others are happy to have old IP addresses linger for hours or days in the world's DNS caches—then it can be returned immediately. But let us imagine that it is morning and that you are the first person in your office or in the coffee shop to try talking to today, and so the DNS server has to go find the hostname from scratch.

Your DNS server will now begin a recursive process of asking about at the very top of the world's DNS server hierarchy: the "root-level" nameservers that know all of the top-level domains (TLDs) like .com, .org, .net, and all of the country domains, and know the groups of servers that are responsible for each. Nameserver software generally comes with the IP addresses of these top-level servers built in, to solve the bootstrapping problem of how you find any domain nameservers before you are actually connected to the domain name system! With this first UDP round-trip, your DNS server will learn (if it did not know already from another recent query) which servers keep the full index of .org domain.

Now a second DNS request will be made, this time to one of the .org servers, asking who on earth runs the domain. You can find out what those top-level servers know about a domain by running the whois command-line program on a POSIX system, or use one of the many "whois" web pages online:

$ whois
Domain Name:PYTHON.ORG
Created On:27-Mar-1995 05:00:00 UTC
Last Updated On:07-Sep-2006 20:50:54 UTC
Expiration Date:28-Mar-2016 05:00:00 UTC
Registrant Name:Python Software Foundation
Name Server:NS2.XS4ALL.NL
Name Server:NS.XS4ALL.NL

And that provides our answer! Wherever you are in the world, your DNS request for any hostname within must be passed on to one of the two DNS servers named in that entry. Of course, when your DNS server makes this request to a top-level domain nameserver, it does not really get back only two names like those just given; instead, it is also given their IP addresses so that it can contact them directly without incurring another round of DNS lookup.

Your DNS server is now finished talking to both the root-level DNS server and the top-level .org DNS server, and can communicate directly with NS2.XS4ALL.NL or NS.XS4ALL.NL to ask about the domain—and, in fact, it will usually try one of them and then fall back to trying the other if the first one is unavailable. This increases the chances of you getting an answer, but, of course, it can increase the amount of time that you sit staring at your web browser before the page can actually be displayed!

Depending on how has its nameservers configured, the DNS server might require just one more query to get its answer, or it might take several if the organization is a large one with many departments and sub-departments that all run their own DNS servers to which requests need to be delegated. In this case, the query can be answered directly by either of the two servers just named, and your DNS server can now return a UDP packet to your browser telling it which IP addresses belong to that hostname.

Note that this process required four separate network round-trips. Your machine made a request and got a response from your own DNS server, and in order to answer that request, your DNS server had to make a recursive query that consisted of three different round-trips to other servers. No wonder your browser sits there spinning when you enter a domain name for the first time!

Why Not to Use DNS

The foregoing explanation of a typical DNS query has, I hope, made clear that your operating system is doing a lot for you when you need a hostname looked up. For this reason, I am going to recommend that, unless you absolutely need to speak DNS for some quite particular reason, you always rely on getaddrinfo() or some other system-supported mechanism for resolving hostnames. Consider the benefits:

  • The DNS is often not the only way that a system gets name information. If your application runs off and tries to use DNS on its own as its first choice for resolving a domain name, then users will notice that some computer names that work everywhere else on your system—in their browser, in file share names, and so forth—suddenly do not work when they use your application, because you are not deferring to mechanisms like WINS or /etc/hosts like the operating system itself does.

  • The local machine probably has a cache of recently queried domain names that might already know about the host whose IP address you need. If you try speaking DNS yourself to answer your query, you will be duplicating work that has already been done.

  • The system on which your Python script is running already knows about the local domain nameservers, thanks either to manual intervention by your system administrator or a network configuration protocol like DHCP in your office, home, or coffee shop. To crank up DNS right inside your Python program, you will have to learn how to query your particular operating system for this information—an operating-system-specific action that we will not be covering in this book.

  • If you do not use the local DNS server, then you will not be able to benefit from its own cache that would prevent your application and other applications running on the same network from repeating requests about a hostname that is in frequent use at your location.

  • From time to time, adjustments are made to the world DNS infrastructure, and operating system libraries and daemons are gradually updated to accommodate this. If your program makes raw DNS calls of its own, then you will have to follow these changes yourself and make sure that your code stays up-to-date with the latest changes in TLD server IP addresses, conventions involving internationalization, and tweaks to the DNS protocol itself.

Finally, note that Python does not come with any DNS facilities built into the Standard Library. If you are going to talk DNS using Python, then you must choose and learn a third-party library for doing so.

Why to Use DNS

There is, however, a solid and legitimate reason to make a DNS call from Python: because you are a mail server, or at the very least a client trying to send mail directly to your recipients without needing to run a local mail relay, and you want to look up the MX records associated with a domain so that you can find the correct mail server for your friends at

So we are going to go ahead and take a look at one of the third-party DNS libraries for Python as we bring this chapter to its close. There are at least two good ones available for Python at the moment. They are available for quick installation into a virtual environment if you want to try them out. (See Chapter 1 to remember how to use virtualenv and pip.)

We will focus on the slightly more popular distribution, pydns, which descends from a DNS module first written by Guido van Rossum, which at least gives it a glow of historical legitimacy. It makes a DNS package available for you to import. Its competitor, the dnspython distribution, creates a lower-case dns package instead, just so you can keep things straight! Both distributions have seen updates within the past year, as of this writing—in fact, as I type this in September 2010, I can see that both packages were updated within a few days of each other back in January 2010.

Note that neither project provides code that knows how to "start from scratch" and begin a query with a search of the Internet root domain nameservers! Instead, each library uses its own tricks to find out what domain nameservers your Windows or POSIX operating system is currently using, and then asks those servers to go do recursive queries on its behalf. So not a single piece of code in this chapter avoids needing to have a correctly configured host which an administrator or network configuration service has already configured with working nameservers.

Since both are on the Python Package Index, you can install and try one of them out like this:

$ pip install pydns

Your Python interpreter will then gain the ability to run our first DNS program listing, shown in Listing 4-3. Neither package seems to have any real documentation, so you will have to start with what is shown here and extrapolate by reading whatever example code you can find on the Web.

Example 4.3. A Simple DNS Query Doing Its Own Recursion

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 -
# Basic DNS query

import sys, DNS

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
»   print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>'
»   sys.exit(2)

request = DNS.Request()
for qt in DNS.Type.A, DNS.Type.AAAA, DNS.Type.CNAME, DNS.Type.MX, DNS.Type.NS:
»   reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=qt)
»   for answer in reply.answers:
»   »   print answer['name'], answer['classstr'], answer['typename'], 
»   »   »   repr(answer['data'])

Running this against will immediately teach us several things about DNS:

$ python IN A '' IN AAAA ' x01x08x88 x00x00
x00x00x00x00x00x00x00xa2' IN MX (50, '') IN NS '' IN NS ''

As you can see from the program, each "answer" in the reply that has been returned is represented by a dictionary in pydns, and we are here grabbing a few of its most important keys and printing them out. In order, the keys that get printed on each line are as follows:

  • The name that we looked up.

  • The "class," which in all queries you are likely to see is IN, meaning it is a question about Internet addresses.

  • The "type" of record; some common ones are A for an IPv4 address, AAAA for an IPv6 address, NS for a record that lists a nameserver, and MX for a statement about what mail server should be used for a domain.

  • Finally, the "data" provides the information for which the record type was essentially a promise: the address, or data, or hostname associated with the name that we asked about.

In the query just quoted, we learn three things about the domain. First, the A record tells us that if we want to connect to an actual machine—to make an HTTP connection, or start an SSH session, or to do anything else because the user has supplied as the machine he or she wants to connect to—then we should direct our packets at IP address Second, the NS records tell us that if we want the names of any hosts beneath, then we should ask the two nameservers and to resolve those names for us. Finally, if we want to send e-mail to someone at the e-mail domain, then we will need to go look up the hostname and connect to its SMTP port.

There is also a record type CNAME, which indicates that the hostname you have queried about is actually just an alias for another hostname—that you then have to go and look up separately! Because it often requires two round-trips, this record type is unpopular these days, but you still might run across it occasionally.

That MX record is crucial, by the way, and is something that newcomers to network programming often get confused! Sending e-mail to a domain is a completely different act from trying to make an HTTP or SSH connection to a domain; if you want to send e-mail to someone, then do not try making an SMTP connection to the host named! Always rely on MX records to point you to your destination, if they exist; try making an SMTP connection to an A record for the domain named in an e-mail address only if there are no MX records returned for that domain name.

Resolving Mail Domains

I mentioned previously that resolving an e-mail domain is a very legitimate use of raw DNS in most Python programs. The rules for doing this resolution are specified most recently in RFC 5321. They are, briefly, that if MX records exist, then you must try to contact those SMTP servers, and return an error to the user (or put the message on a re-try queue) if none of them will accept the message. If instead no MX records exist, but an A or AAAA record is provided for the domain, then you are allowed to try an SMTP connection to that address. If neither record exists, but a CNAME is specified, then the domain name it provides should be searched for MX or A records using the same rules.

Listing 4-4 shows how you might implement this algorithm. By doing a series of DNS queries, it works its way through the possible destinations, printing out its decisions as it goes. By adjusting a routine like this to return addresses rather than just printing them out, you could power a Python mail dispatcher that needed to deliver e-mail to remote hosts.

Example 4.4. Resolving an E-mail Domain Name

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Foundations of Python Network Programming - Chapter 4 -
# Looking up a mail domain - the part of an email address after the `@`

import sys, DNS

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
»   print >>sys.stderr, 'usage: <hostname>'
»   sys.exit(2)

def resolve_hostname(hostname, indent=0):
»   """Print an A or AAAA record for `hostname`; follow CNAMEs if necessary."""
»   indent = indent + 4
»   istr = ' ' * indent
»   request = DNS.Request()
»   reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.A)
»   if reply.answers:
»   »   for answer in reply.answers:
»   »   »   print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, '= A', answer['data']
»   »   return
»   reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.AAAA)
»   if reply.answers:
»   »   for answer in reply.answers:
»   »   »   print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, '= AAAA', answer['data']
»   »   return
»   reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.CNAME)
»   if reply.answers:
»   »   cname = reply.answers[0]['data']
»   »   print istr, 'Hostname', hostname, 'is an alias for', cname
»   »   resolve_hostname(cname, indent)
»   »   return
»   print istr, 'ERROR: no records for', hostname

def resolve_email_domain(domain):
»   """Print mail server IP addresses for an email address @ `domain`."""
»   request = DNS.Request()
»   reply = request.req(name=sys.argv[1], qtype=DNS.Type.MX)
»   if reply.answers:
»   »   print 'The domain %r has explicit MX records!' % (domain,)
»   »   print 'Try the servers in this order:'
»   »   datalist = [ answer['data'] for answer in reply.answers ]
»   »   datalist.sort()  # lower-priority integers go first
»   »   for data in datalist:
»   »   »   priority = data[0]
»   »   »   hostname = data[1]
»   »   »   print 'Priority:', priority, '  Hostname:', hostname
»   »   »   resolve_hostname(hostname)
»   else:
»   »   print 'Drat, this domain has no explicit MX records'
»   »   print 'We will have to try resolving it as an A, AAAA, or CNAME'
»   »   resolve_hostname(domain)


Of course, the implementation of resolve_hostname() shown here is rather fragile, since it should really have a dynamic preference between A and AAAA records based on whether the current host is connected to an IPv4 or to an IPv6 network. In fact, it is likely that our friend getsockaddr() should really be deferred to here instead of trying to resolve the hostname ourselves! But since Listing 4-4 is designed to show off how the DNS works, I thought I might as well follow through with the logic using pure DNS so that you could see how the queries are resolved.

A real mail server implementation, instead of printing out the mail server addresses, would obviously attempt to deliver mail to them instead, and stop once the first success was achieved. (If it kept going through the server list after the success, then several copies of the e-mail would be generated, one for each server to which it was delivered successfully!) But this simple script gives us a good idea of the process. We can see that at the moment has but a single mail server IP address:

$ python
The domain '' has explicit MX records!
Try the servers in this order:
Priority: 50   Hostname:
»    Hostname = A

Whether that IP belongs to one machine, or is shared by a cluster of hosts, is, of course, something that we cannot easily see from outside. Other organizations are more aggressive in giving incoming e-mails several places to land; the IANA currently has no fewer than eight e-mail servers:

$ python
The domain '' has explicit MX records!
Try the servers in this order:
Priority: 10   Hostname:
»    Hostname = A
Priority: 10   Hostname:
»    Hostname = A
Priority: 10   Hostname:
»    Hostname = A

By trying this script against many different domains, you will be able to see how both big and small organizations arrange for incoming e-mails to be routed to IP addresses.

Zeroconf and Dynamic DNS

There are two last technologies that you are perhaps not likely to implement yourself, but that deserve a quick mention because they allow machines to find each other when they lack permanent and stable IP addresses.

The Zeroconf standard combines three techniques so that computers thrown on to a network segment with each other can discover each other's presence and names without a network administrator needing to install and configure a DHCP and DNS server. Apple computers use this technology extensively to find adjacent machines and printers, Linux machines often run an avahi service that implements the protocol, and there is an old pyzeroconf project that offers a complete Python implementation of the protocol suite. One of the technologies included in Zeroconf is "multicast DNS" (mDNS), which allows all of the machines on the local network to answer when another machine needs to look up a hostname.

Dynamic DNS services are Internet sites built to serve users whose machines are regularly changing their IP address—perhaps because the address assigned by their ISP is not stable but is pulled from a pool of free addresses with every reconnect. By offering an API through which the user can offer her username, password, and new IP address, the DDNS service can update its database and point the user's domain name at the new IP. This technology was pioneered by the site, and it absolves the user of the need to rent and operate his or her own DNS server if he or she has only a few domain names to maintain. There appears to be a dyndnsc project on the Package Index that offers a client that can communicate with DDNS services.


Python programs often have to turn hostnames into socket addresses to which they can actually make connections.

Most hostname lookup should occur through the getsockaddr() function in the socket module, since its intelligence is usually supplied by your operating system and it will know not only how to look up domain names, but also what flavor of address the local IP stack is configured to support.

Old IPv4 addresses are still the most prevalent on the Internet, but IPv6 is becoming more and more common. By deferring all hostname and port name lookup to getsockaddr(), your Python program can treat addresses as opaque strings and not have to worry about parsing or interpreting them.

Behind most name resolution is the DNS, a worldwide distributed database that forwards domain name queries directly to the servers of the organization that owns a domain. While not often used directly from Python, it can be very helpful in determining where to direct e-mail based on the e-mail domain named after the @ sign in an e-mail address.

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