Implementing the application process

Since the application process is not a part of the deployed Firebase application that we built in the previous chapter, we will create a new folder for it (for this chapter, it will be named firebase-process).

First, we will be copying over the get-sensor-readings.js module from the previous implementations (shown here for reference):

    var sensor = require('node-dht-sensor')

    const getSensorReadings = (callback) => {, 4, function (err, temperature, 
humidity) { if (err) { return callback(err) } callback(null, temperature, humidity) }) } module.exports = getSensorReadings

Next, we implement the core module:

     * Import the "get-sensor-readings" module, as well as
the firebase admin module */
const getSensorReadings = require('./get-sensor-
) var admin = require('firebase-admin') /** * Read the JSON key that was downloaded from firebase, in this case, it has * been placed in the "/home/pi" directory, and named "firebase-key.json" * You can change this to the location where your key is. * * Remember, this key should not be accessible by the public, and so should not * be kept inside the repository */ const serviceAccount = require('/home/pi/firebase-
) /** * The firebase admin SDK is initialized with the key and the project URL * Change the "databaseURL" to match that of your application. * Once the admin object is initialized, it will have access to all the * functionality that firebase provides, and can now write to the database */ admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount), databaseURL: 'https://sensor-project-'
}) /** * Initialize the database, and create refs for the temperature * and humidity keys on our database. This is very similar to the refs we * created on the client side. */ const db = admin.database() const temperatureRef = db.ref('temperature') const humidityRef = db.ref('humidity') /** * Create a task that runs after a fixed interval of time * * Here, we have set the interval to be slightly longer than it was * before. This is to account for the delay that may occur in the network, * since we are not running the database on the local machine anymore. * If you find that the application is not communicating with firebase * as fast as you would like, try increasing this interval based on your * network speed. */ setInterval(() => { /** * Retrieve sensor readings */ getSensorReadings((err, temperature, humidity) => { if (err) { /** * If any error comes up, log it to the console and return from this * function call */ return console.error(err) } /** * Finally, set the values for the temperature and humidity keys */ temperatureRef.set(temperature) humidityRef.set(humidity) }) }, 4000)

Start your application by running the following command:

node firebase-process

Now, navigate to your Realtime Database on the Firebase console, and you should see the readings updating every time a new reading is retrieved (the value that changes will show up in real time and be highlighted along with its respective key):

Now for the fun part: navigate to the location of the deployed Firebase application, and you should see the dashboard, just like it was before!

Moreover, some of the features that we had built ourselves earlier are already in place for us:

  • The charts and display update instantly whenever a new reading is received, without any explicit HTTP calls.
  • Only values that change are updated. If the sensor receives the same value twice, it does not send it over as an update.
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