
It will be shown that, under mild conditions, GARCH processes are geometrically ergodic and β-mixing. These properties entail the existence of laws of large numbers and of central limit theorems (see Appendix A), and thus play an important role in the statistical analysis of GARCH processes. This chapter relies on the Markov chain techniques set out, for example, by Meyn and Tweedie (1996).

3.1 Markov Chains with Continuous State Space

Recall that for a Markov chain only the most recent past is of use in obtaining the conditional distribution. More precisely, (Xt) is said to be a homogeneous Markov chain, evolving on a space E (called the state space) equipped with a σ-field ε, if for all x 2208_fmt E, and for all 212C_fmt 2208_fmt ε,

(3.1) c03e001_fmt

In this equation, Pt(x, B) corresponds to the transition probability of moving from the state x to the set 212C_fmt in t steps. The Markov property refers to the fact that Pt(x, B) does not depend on Xr, r < s. The fact that this probability does not depend on s is referred to time homogeneity. For simplicity we write P(x, B) = P1(x, B). The function P : E × ε → [0, 1] is called a transition kernel and satisfies:

(i) 2200_fmt212C_fmt 2208_fmt ε, the function P(·, 212C_fmt) is measurable;

(ii) 2200_fmtx 2208_fmt E, the function P(x, ·) is a probability measure on (E,ε).

The law of the process (Xt) is characterized by an initial probability measure μ and a transition kernel P. For all integers t and all (t + l)-tuples (212C_fmt0,…, 212C_fmtt) of elements of ε, we set

(3.2) c03e002_fmt

In what follows, (Xt) denotes a Markov chain on E = 211D_fmtd and ε is the Borel σ -field.

Irreducibility and Recurrence

The Markov chain (Xt) is said to be ø-irreducible for a nontrivial (that is, not identically equal to zero) measure ø on (E,ε), if


If (Xt) is ø-irreducible, it can be shown that there exists a maximal irreducibility measure, that is, an irreducibility measure M such that all the other irreducibility measures are absolutely continuous with respect to M. If M(212C_fmt) = 0 then the set of points from which 212C_fmt is accessible is also of zero measure (see Meyn and Tweedie, 1996, Proposition 4.2.2). Such a measure M is not unique, but the set


does not depend on the maximal irreducibility measure M. For a particular model, finding a measure that makes the chain irreducible may be a non trivial problem (but see Exercise 3.1 for an example of a time series model for which the determination of such a measure is very simple).

A ø-irreducible chain is called recurrent if


and is called transient if


Note that c03-ie64001_fmt can be interpreted as the average time that the chain spends in 212C_fmt when it starts at x. It can be shown that a ø-ireducible chain (Xt) is either recurrent or transient (see Meyn and Tweedie, 1996, Theorem 8.3.4). It is said that (Xt) is positive recurrent if


If a ø-irreducible chain is not positive recurrent, it is called null recurrent. For a ø-irreducible chain, positive recurrence is equivalent to the existence of a (unique) invariant probability measure (see Meyn and Tweedie, 1996, Theorem 18.2.2), that is, a probability π such that


An important consequence of this equivalence is that, for Markov time series, the issue of finding strict stationarity conditions reduces to that of finding conditions for positive recurrence. Indeed, it can be shown (see Exercise 3.2) that for any chain (Xt) with initial measure μ,

(3.3) c03e003_fmt

For this reason, the invariant probability is also called the stationary probability.

Small Sets and Aperiodicity

For a ø-irreducible chain, there exists a class of sets enjoying properties that are similar to those of the elementary states of a finite state space Markov chain. A set C 2208_fmt ε is called a small set1 if there exist an integer m ≥ 1 and a nontrivial measure υ on ε such that


In the AR(1) case, for instance, it is easy to find small sets (see Exercise 3.4). For more sophisti-cated models, the definition is not sufficient and more explicit criteria are needed. For the so-called Feller chains, we will see below that it is very easy to find small sets. For a general chain, we have the following criterion (see Nummelin, 1984, Proposition 2.11): C 2208_fmt ε+ is a small set if there exists 212C_fmt 2208_fmt ε+ such that, for all 212C_fmt 2282_fmt A, 212C_fmt 2208_fmt ε+, there exists T > 0 such that


If the chain is ø-irreducible, it can be shown that there exists a countable cover of E by small sets. Moreover, each set 212C_fmt 2208_fmt ε+ contains a small set C 2208_fmt ε+. The existence of small sets allows us to define cycles for ø-irreducible Markov chains with general state space, as in the case of countable space chains. More precisely, the period is the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the set


where C 2208_fmt ε+ is any small set (the gcd is independent of the choice of C). When d = 1, the chain is said to be aperiodic. Moreover, it can be shown (see Meyn and Tweedie, 1996, Theorem 5.4.4.) that there exist disjoint sets D1,…, Dd 2208_fmt ε such that (with the convention Dd+1 = D1):

(i) 2200_fmti = l,…, d, 2200_fmtx 2208_fmt Di, P(x, Di+1) = 1;

(ii) ø(E-∪Di) = 0.

A necessary and sufficient condition for the aperiodicity of (Xt) is that there exists A 2208_fmt ε+ such that for all 212C_fmt 2282_fmt A, 212C_fmt 2208_fmt ε+, there exists t > 0 such that

(3.4) c03e004_fmt

(see Chan, 1990, Proposition A1.2).

Geometric Ergodicity and Mixing

In this section, we study the convergence of the probability 2119_fmtμ(Xt 2208_fmt ·) to a probability π(·) independent of the initial probability μ, as t → ∞.

It is easy to see that if there exists a probability measure π such that, for an initial measure μ,

(3.5) c03e005_fmt

where 2119_fmtμ(Xt 2208_fmt 212C_fmt) is defined in (3.2) (for (212C_fmt0,…, 212C_fmtt) = (E,…, E, 212C_fmt)), then the probability π is invariant (see Exercise 3.3). Note also that (3.5) holds for any measure μ if and only if


On the other hand, if the chain is irreducible, aperiodic and admits an invariant probability π, for π -almost all x 2208_fmt E,

(3.6) c03e006_fmt

where 2016_fmt · 2016_fmt denotes the total variation norm2 (see Meyn and Tweedie, 1996, Theorem 14.0.1). A chain (Xt) such that the convergence (3.6) holds for all x is said to be ergodic. However, this convergence is not sufficient for mixing. We will define a stronger notion of ergodicity.

The chain (Xt) is called geometrically ergodic if there exists ρ 2208_fmt (0, 1) such that

(3.7) c03e007_fmt

Geometric ergodicity entails the so-called α- and β -mixing. The general definition of the α- and β-mixing coefficients is given in Appendix A.3.1. For a stationary Markov process, the definition of the α-mixing coefficient reduces to


where the first supremum is taken over the set of the measurable functions f and g such that | f | ≤ 1, | g | ≤ 1 (see Bradley, 1986, 2005). A general process X = (Xt) is said to be α-mixing (β-mixing) if αX(k) (βX(k)) converges to 0 as k → ∞. Intuitively, these mixing properties characterize the decrease in dependence when past and future become sufficiently far apart. The α-mixing is sometimes called strong mixing, but β-mixing entails strong mixing because αX(k) ≤ βX(k) (see Appendix A.3.1).

Davydov (1973) showed that for an ergodic Markov chain (Xt), of invariant probability measure π,


It follows that αX(k) = Ok) if the convergence (3.7) holds. Thus

(3.8) c03e008_fmt

Two Ergodicity Criteria

For particular models, it is generally not easy to directly verify the properties of recurrence, existence of an invariant probability law, and geometric ergodicity. Fortunately, there exist simple criteria on the transition kernel.

We begin by defining the notion of Feller chain. The Markov chain (Xt) is said to be a Feller chain if, for all bounded continuous functions g defined on E, the function of x defined by E(g(Xt)|Xt−1 = x) is continuous. For instance, for an AR(1) we have, with obvious notation,


The continuity of the function xgx + y) for all y, and its boundedness, ensure, by the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, that (Xt) is a Feller chain. For a Feller chain, the compact sets C 2208_fmt ε+ are small sets (see Feigin and Tweedie, 1985).

The following theorem provides an effective way to show the geometric ergodicity (and thus the β-mixing) of numerous Markov processes.

Theorem 3.1 (Feigin and Tweedie (1985, Theorem 1)) Assume that:

(i) (Xt) is a Feller chain;

(ii) (Xt) is ø-irreducible;

(iii) there exist a compact set A 2282_fmt E such that ø (A) > 0 and a continuous function V : E → 211D_fmt+ satisfying

(3.9) c03e009_fmt

and for δ > 0,

(3.10) c03e010_fmt

Then (Xt) is geometrically ergodic.

This theorem will be applied to GARCH processes in the next section (see also Exercise 3.5 for a bilinear example). In equation (3.10), V can be interpreted as an energy function. When the chain is outside the center A of the state space, the energy dissipates, on average. When the chain lies inside A, the energy is bounded, by the compactness of A and the continuity of V. Sometimes V is called a test function and (III) is said to be a drift criterion.

Let us explain why these assumptions imply the existence of an invariant probability measure. For simplicity, assume that the test function V takes its values in [l,+∞), which will be the case for the applications to GARCH models we will present in the next section. Denote by P the operator which, to a measurable function f in E, associates the function Pf defined by


Let Pt be the tth iteration of P, obtained by replacing P(x, dy) by Pt (x, dy) in the previous integral. By convention P0f = f and P0(x, A) = double-struck-1_fmtA. Equations (3.9) and (3.10) and the boundedness of V by some M > 0 on A yield an inequality of the form


where b = M − (1 − δ)., Iterating this relation t times, we obtain, for x0 2208_fmt A

(3.11) c03e011_fmt

It follows (see Exercise 3.6) that there exists a constant k > 0 such that for n large enough,

(3.12) c03e012_fmt

The sequence Qn(x0, ·) being a sequence of probabilities on (E, ε), it admits an accumulation point for vague convergence: there exist a measure π of mass less than 1 and a subsequence (nk) such that for all continuous functions f with compact support,

(3.13) c03e013_fmt

In particular, if we take f = double-struck-1_fmtA in this equality, we obtain π(A) ≥ k, thus π is not equal to zero. Finally, it can be shown that π is a probability and that (3.13) entails that π is an invariant probability for the chain (Xt) (see Exercise 3.7).

For some models, the drift criterion (iii) is too restrictive because it relies on transitions in only one step. The following criterion, adapted from Meyn and Tweedie (1996, Theorems 19.1.3, 6.2.9 and 6.2.5), is an interesting alternative relying on the transitions in n steps.

Theorem 3.2 (Geometric ergodicity criterion) Assume that:

(i) (Xt) is an aperiodic Feller chain;

(ii) (Xt) is ø-irreducible where the support of ø has nonempty interior;

(iii) there exist a compact C 2282_fmt E, an integer n≥1 and a continuous function V : E211D_fmt+ satisfying

(3.14) c03e014_fmt

and for δ > 0 and b >0,

(3.15) c03e015_fmt

Then (Xt) is geometrically ergodic.

The compact C of condition (iii) can be replaced by a small set but the function V must be bounded on C. When (Xt) is not a Feller chain, a similar criterion exists, for which it is necessary to consider such small sets (see Meyn and Tweedie, 1996, Theorem 19.1.3).

3.2 Mixing Properties of GARCH Processes

We begin with the ARCH(l) process because this is the only case where the process (2208_fmtt) is Markovian.

The ARCH(l) Case

Consider the model

(3.16) c03e016_fmt

where ω > 0, α ≥ 0 and (ηt) is a sequence of iid (0, 1) variables. The following theorem establishes the mixing property of the ARCH(l) process under the necessary and sufficient strict stationarity condition (see Theorem 2.1 and (2.10)). An extra assumption on the distribution of ηt is required, but this assumption is mild:

Assumption A The law Pη of the processt) is absolutely continuous, of density f with respect to the Lebesgue measure λ on (211D_fmt, 212C_fmt(211D_fmt)). We assume that

(3.17) c03e017_fmt

and that there exists τ > 0 such that


Note that this assumption includes, in particular, the standard case where f is positive over a neighborhood of 0, possibly over all 211D_fmt. We then have η0 = 0. Equality (3.17) implies some (local) symmetry of the law of (ηt). This symmetry facilitates the proof of the following theorem, but It can be omitted (see Exercise 3.8).

Theorem 3.3 (Mixing of the ARCH(l) model) Under Assumption A and for

(3.18) c03e018_fmt

the nonanticipative strictly stationary solution of the ARCH (1) model (3.16) is geometrically ergodic, and thus geometrically β-mixing.

Proof. Let ψ(x) = (ω + αx2)½. A process (2208_fmtt) satisfying


where ηt is independent of 2208_fmtt-i, i > 0, is clearly a homogenous Markov chain on (211D_fmt, 212C_fmt(211D_fmt)), with transition probabilities


We will show that the conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied.

Step (i). We have


If g is continuous and bounded, the same is true for the function xg{ψ(x)y], for all y. By the Lebesgue theorem, it follows that (2208_fmtt) is a Feller chain.

Step (ii). To show the ø-irreducibility of the chain, for some measure ø, assume for the moment that η0 = 0 in Assumption A. Suppose, for instance, that f is positive on [0, τ). Let ø be the restriction of the Lebesgue measure to the interval c03-ie69001_fmt. Since Ψ(x)root-omega_fmt, It can be seen that


It follows that the chain (2208_fmtt) is ø-irreducible. In particular, ø = λ if ηt has a positive density over 211D_fmt.

The proof of the irreducibility in the case η0>0 is more difficult. First note that


Now E log αsmall-eta-2t_fmt by (3.18). Thus we have


Let τ′ 2208_fmt (0, τ) be small enough such that


Iterating the model, we obtain that, for 2208_fmt0 = x fixed,


It follows that the function


Is a diffeomorphism between open subsets of 211D_fmtt. Moreover, in view of Assumption A, the vector Yt has a density on 211D_fmtt. The same is thus true for Zt, and It follows that, given 2208_fmt0=x,

(3.19) c03e019_fmt

We now Introduce the event

(3.20) c03e020_fmt

Assumption A implies that 2119_fmtt) > 0. Conditional on Ξt, we have


Since the bounds of the interval It are reached, the intermediate value theorem and (3.19) entail that, given 2208_fmt0 = x, 2208-2t_fmt has, conditionally on Ξt, a positive density on It. It follows that

(3.21) c03e021_fmt

where Jt = {x 2208_fmt211D_fmt | x2 2208_fmt It}. Let


and let λJ be the restriction of the Lebesgue measure to J. We have


The chain (2208_fmtt) is thus ø-irreducible with ø = λJ.

Step (iii). We shall use Lemma 2.2. The variable αsmall-eta-2t_fmt Is almost surely positive and satisfies Esmall-eta-2t_fmt) = α < ∞ and Elogαsmall-eta-2t_fmt < 0, in view of assumption (3.18). Thus, there exists s > 0 such that


where μ2s = Esmall-eta-2t_fmts. The proof of Lemma 2.2 shows that we can assume s ≤ 1. Let V(x) = 1 + x2s. Condition (3.9) is obviously satisfied for all x. Let 0 < δ < 1 − c and let the compact set


Since A is a nonempty closed interval with center 0, we have ø(A) > 0. Moreover, by the inequality (a+b)sas+bs for a, b ≥ 0 and s 2208_fmt [0, 1] (see the proof of Corollary 2.3), we have, for x 2209_fmt A,


which proves (3.10). It follows that the chain (2208_fmtt) is geometrically ergodic. Therefore, in view of (3.8), the chain obtained with the invariant law as Initial measure is geometrically β-mixing. The proof of the theorem is complete.        Box_fmt

Remark 3.1 (Case where the law of ηt does not have a density) The condition on the density of ηt is not necessary for the mixing property. Suppose, for example, that small-eta-2t_fmt, a.s. (that is, ηt takes the values − 1 and 1, with probability ½). The strict stationarity condition reduces to α < 1 and the strictly stationary solution is c03-ie71001_fmt a.s This solution is mixing since it is an independent white noise.

Another pathological example is obtained when ηt has a mass at 0: 2119_fmtt = 0) = θ > 0. Regardless of the value of α, the process is strictly stationary because the right-hand side of inequality (3.18) is equal to +∞. A noticeable feature of this chain is the existence of regeneration times at which the past is forgotten. Indeed, if ηt = 0 then 2208_fmtt = 0, c03-ie71002_fmt, … It is easy to see that the process is then mixing, regardless of α.

The GARCH(1,1) Case

Let us consider the GARCH(1, 1) model

(3.22) c03e022_fmt

where ω>0, α ≥0, β ≥ 0 and the sequence (ηt) is as in the previous section. In this case (σt) is Markovian, but (2208_fmtt) is not Markovian when β > 0. The following result extends Theorem 3.3.

Theorem 3.4 (Mixing of the GARCH(1,1) model) Under Assumption A and if

(3.23) c03e023_fmt

then the nonanticipative strictly stationary solution of the GARCH(1, 1) model (3.22) is such that the Markov chain (σt) is geometrically ergodic and the process (2208_fmtt) is geometrically β-mixing.

Proof. If α = 0 the strictly stationary solution is iid, and the conclusion of the theorem follows in this case. We now assume that α > 0. We first show the conclusions of the theorem that concern the process (σt). A homogenous Markov chain (σt) is defined on (211D_fmt+,212C_fmt(211D_fmt+)) by setting, for t ≥ 1,

(3.24) c03e024_fmt

where a(x) = ax2 + β. Its transition probabilities are given by


where 212C_fmtx = {η; {ω + a(η)x2}½ 2208_fmt 212C_fmt}. We show the stated results by checking the conditions of Theorem 3.1.

Step (i). The arguments given in the ARCH(l) case, with


are sufficient to show that (σt) is a Feller chain.

Step (ii). To show the irreducibility, note that (3.23) implies


since |ηt| ≥ η0 a.s. and a(·) is an increasing function. Let τ′ 2208_fmt (0,τ) be small enough such that


If σ0 = x 2208_fmt 211D_fmt+, we have, for t > 0,


Conditionally on Ξt, defined in (3.20), we have




Then, given σ0 = x,

σt has, conditionally on Ξt, a positive density on Jt

where Jt={x 2208_fmt 211D_fmt+|x22208_fmt Ixt}. Let λJ be the restriction of the Lebesgue measure to c03-ie72001_fmt. We have


The chain (σt) is thus ø-irreducible with ø = λJ.

Step (iii). We again use Lemma 2.2. By the arguments used in the ARCH(l) case, there exists s 2208_fmt [0, 1] such that


Define the test function by V(x) = 1 + x2s, let 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1 − c1 and let the compact set


We have, for x 2209_fmt A,


which proves (3.10). Moreover (3.9) is satisfied.

To be able to apply Theorem 3.1, it remains to show that ø(A) >0 where ø is the above irreducibility measure. In view of the form of the intervals I and A, it is clear that, denoting by Å the interior of A,


Therefore, it suffices to choose δ sufficiently close to 1 − c1 so that the last inequality is satisfied. For such a choice of δ, the compact set A satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 3.1. Consequently, the chain (σt) is geometrically ergodic. Therefore the nonanticipative strictly stationary solution (σt), satisfying (3.24) for t 2208_fmt 2124_fmt, is geometrically β-mixing.

Step (iv). Finally, we show that the process (2208_fmtt) inherits the mixing properties of (σt). Since 2208_fmtt = σtηt, it is sufficient to show that the process Yt = (σt, ηt)′ enjoys the mixing property. It is clear that (Yt) is a Markov chain on 211D_fmt+ × 211D_fmt equipped with the Borel σ-field. Moreover, (Yt) is strictly stationary because, under condition (3.23), the strictly stationary solution (σt) is nonanticipative, thus Yt is a function of ηt, ηt−1,… Moreover, σt is independent of ηt. Thus the stationary law of (Yt) can be denoted by 2119_fmtY = 2119_fmtσ2119_fmt 2297_fmt 2119_fmtη where 2119_fmtσ denotes the law of σt and 2119_fmtη that of ηt. Let tilde-P_fmtt(y, ·) the transition probabilities of the chain (Yt). We have, for y = (y1, y2) 2208_fmt 211D_fmt+ × 211D_fmt, 212C_fmt1 2208_fmt 212C_fmt(211D_fmt+), 212C_fmt2 2208_fmt 212C_fmt(211D_fmt) and t > 0,


It follows, since 2119_fmtη is a probability, that


The right-hand side converges to 0 at exponential rate, in view of the geometric ergodicity of (σt). It follows that (Yt) is geometrically ergodic and thus β-mixing. The process (2208_fmtt) is also β-mixing, since 2208_fmtt is a measurable function of Yt.

Theorem 3.4 is of interest because it provides a proof of strict stationarity which is completely different from that of Theorem 2.8. A slightly more restrictive assumption on the law of ηt has been required, but the result obtained in Theorem 3.4 is stronger.

The ARCH(q) Case

The approach developed in the case q = 1 does not extend trivially to the general case because (2208_fmtt) and (σt) lose their Markov property when p>1 or q > 1. Consider the model

(3.25) c03e025_fmt

where ω > 0, αi ≥ 0, i = 1.,…, q, and (ηt) is defined as in the previous section. We will once again use the Markov representation

(3.26) c03e026_fmt



Recall that γ denotes the top Lyapunov exponent of the sequence {At, t 2208_fmt 2124_fmt}.

Theorem 3.5 (Mixing of the ARCH(q) model) If ηt has a positive density on a neighborhood of 0 and γ < 0, then the nonanticipative strictly stationary solution of the ARCH(q) model (3.25) is geometrically β-mixing.

Proof. We begin by showing that the nonanticipative and strictly stationary solution (Z-underline_fmt) of the model (3.26) is mixing. We will use Theorem 3.2 because a one-step drift criterion is not sufficient.

Using (3.26) and the independence between ηt and the past of Z-underline_fmt it can be seen that the process (Z-underline_fmt) is a Markov chain on (211D_fmt+)q equipped with the Borel σ-field, with transition probabilities


The Feller property of the chain (Z-underline_fmt) is obtained by the arguments employed in the ARCH(l) and GARCH(1, 1) cases, relying on the independence between ηt and the past of Z-underline_fmt as well as on the continuity of the function x-underline_fmtunderline-b_fmtt + Atx-underline_fmt.

In order to establish the irreducibility, let us consider the transitions in q steps. Starting from Z-underline_fmt0 = x-underline_fmt, after q transitions the chain reaches a state Z-underline_fmtq of the form


where the functions ψi- are such that ψi(·) ≥ ω > 0. Let τ > 0 be such that the density f of ηi be positive on (−τ, τ), and let ø be the restriction to [0, ωτ2[q of the Lebesgue measure λ on 211D_fmtq.

It follows that, for all 212C_fmt = 212C_fmt1 × … × 212C_fmtq 2208_fmt 212C_fmt((211D_fmt+)q), ø(212C_fmt)>0 implies that, for all x-underline_fmt y1,…,yq 2208_fmt (211D_fmt+)qand for all i = 1,…, q,


which implies in turn that, for all x-underline_fmt 2208_fmt (211D_fmt+)q, Pq(x-underline_fmt,212C_fmt) > 0. We conclude that the chain (Z-underline_fmt) is ø-irreducible.

The same argument shows that


The criterion given in (3.4) can then be checked, which implies that the chain is aperiodic.

We now show that condition (iii) of Theorem 3.2 is satisfied with the test function


where 2016_fmt · 2016_fmt denotes the norm 2016_fmtA2016_fmt = Σ |Aij| of a matrix A = (Aij) and s 2208_fmt (0, 1) is such that


for some integer k0 ≥ 1. The existence of s and k0 is guaranteed by Lemma 2.3. Iterating (3.26), we have


The norm being multiplicative, it follows that


Thus, for all x-underline_fmt 2208_fmt (211D_fmt+)p+q,


The inequality comes from the independence between At and underline-b_fmtt−i for i > 0. The existence of the expectations on the right-hand side of the inequality comes from arguments used to show (2.33). Let δ > 0 such that 1. − δ > p and let C be the subset of (211D_fmt+)p+q defined by


We have C2205_fmt because K > 1. − δ. Moreover, C is compact because 1 − δ − ρ > 0. Condition (3.14) is clearly satisfied, V being greater than 1. Moreover, (3.15) also holds true for n = k0−1. We conclude that, in view of Theorem 3.2, the chain Z-underline_fmt is geometrically ergodic and, when it is initialized with the stationary measure, the chain is stationary and β-mixing.

Consequently, the process (2208-2t_fmt), where (2208_fmttt) is the nonanticipative strictly stationary solution of model (3.25), is βmixing, as a measurable function of Z-underline_fmt This argument is not sufficient to conclude concerning (2208_fmtt). For k > 0, let


where f and g are measurable functions. Note that


Similarly, we have E(Zk |2208-2t_fmt, t 2208_fmt 2124_fmt) = E(Zk|2208-2t_fmt,tk) and we have independence between Y0 and Zk conditionally on (2208-2t_fmt). Thus, we obtain


It follows, in view of the definition (A.5) of the strong mixing coefficients, that


In view of (A.6), we also have c03-ie75001_fmt. Actually, (A.7) entails that the converse inequalities are always true, so we have c03-ie75002_fmt and β2208_fmt2(k) = β2208_fmt(k). The theorem is thus shown.        Box_fmt

3.3 Bibliographical Notes

A major reference on ergodicity and mixing of general Markov chains is Meyn and Tweedie (1996). For a less comprehensive presentation, see Chan (1990), Tj0stheim (1990) and Tweedie (1998). For survey papers on mixing conditions, see Bradley (1986, 2005). We also mention the book by Doukhan (1994) which proposes definitions and examples of other types of mixing, as well as numerous limit theorems.

For vectorial representations of the form (3.26), the Feller, aperiodicity and irreducibility properties were established by Cline and Pu (1998, Theorem 2.2), under assumptions on the error distribution and on the regularity of the transitions.

The geometric ergodicity and mixing properties of the GARCH(p, q) processes were established in the PhD thesis of Boussama (1998), using results of Mokkadem (1990) on polynomial processes. The proofs use concepts of algebraic geometry to determine a subspace of the states on which the chain is irreducible. For the GARCH(1, 1) and ARCH(q) models we did not need such sophisticated notions. The proofs given here are close to those given in Francq and Zakoïan (2006a), which considers more general GARCH(1, 1) models. Mixing properties were obtained by Carrasco and Chen (2002) for various GARCH-type models under stronger conditions than the strict stationarity (for example, α + β < 1 for a standard GARCH(1, 1); see their Table 1). Recently, Meitz and Saikkonen (2008a, 2008b) showed mixing properties under mild moment assumptions for a general class of first-order Markov models, and applied their results to the GARCH(1, 1).

The mixing properties of ARCH(∞) models are studied by Fryzlewicz and Subba Rao (2009). They develop a method for establishing geometric ergodicity which, contrary to the approach of this chapter, does not rely on the Markov chain theory. Other approaches, for instance developed by Ango Nze and Doukhan (2004) and Hormann (2008), aim to establish probability properties (different from mixing) of GARCH-type sequences, which can be used to establish central limit theorems.

3.4 Exercises

3.1 (Irreducibility condition for an AR(1) process)

Given a sequence (2208_fmtq)t2208_fmt2115_fmt of iid centered variables of law P2208_fmt which is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure λ on 211D_fmt, let (Xt)t2208_fmt2115_fmt be the AR(1) process defined by


where θ 2208_fmt 211D_fmt.

(a) Show that if P2208_fmt has a positive density over 211D_fmt, then (Xt) constitutes a λ-irreducible chain.

(b) Show that if the density of 2208_fmtt is not positive over all 211D_fmt, the existence of an irreducibility measure is not guaranteed.

3.2 (Equivalence between stationarity and invariance of the initial measure) Show the equivalence (3.3).

3.3 (Invariance of the limit law)

Show that if π is a probability such that for all 212C_fmt, 2119_fmtμ(Xt 2208_fmt 212C_fmt) → π (212C_fmt) when t→∞, then π is invariant.

3.4 (Small sets for AR(1))

For the AR(1) model of Exercise 3.1, show directly that if the density f of the error term is positive everywhere, then the compacts of the form [−c, c], c> 0, are small sets.

3.5 (From Feigin and Tweedie, 1985)

For the bilinear model


where (2208_fmtt) is as in Exercise 3.1(a), show that if


then there exists a unique strictly stationary solution and this solution is geometrically ergodic.

3.6 (Lower bound for the empirical mean of the pt(x0, A))

Show inequality (3.12).

3.7 (Invariant probability)

Show the invariance of the probability π satisfying (3.13).

Hints: (i) For a function g which is continuous and positive (but not necessarily with compact support), this equality becomes


(see Meyn and Tweedie, 1996, Lemma D.5.5).

(ii) For all σ-finite measures μ on (211D_fmt, 212C_fmt(211D_fmt)) we have


(see Meyn and Tweedie, 1996, Theorem D.3.2).

3.8 (Mixing of the ARCH(1) model for an asymmetric density)

Show that Theorem 3.3 remains true when Assumption A is replaced by the following: The law Pη is absolutely continuous, with density f, with respect to λ. There exists τ > 0 such that


where c03-ie77002_fmt and c03-ie77003_fmt.

3.9 (A result on decreasing sequences)

Show that if uη is a decreasing sequence of positive real numbers such that c03-ie77001_fmt we have supnnun<∞. Show that this result applies to the proof of Corollary A.3 in Appendix A.

3.10 (Complements to the proof of Corollary A.3)

Complete the proof of Corollary A.3 by showing that the term d4 is uniformly bounded in t, h and k.

3.11 (Nonmixing chain)

Consider the nonmixing Markov chain defined in Example A.3. Which of the assumptions (i)–(iii) in Theorem 3.1 does the chain satisfy and which does it not satisfy?

1 Meyn and Tweedie (1996) introduce a more general notion, called a ‘petite set’, obtained by replacing, in the definition, the transition probability in m steps by an average of the transition probabilities, c03-ie65001_fmt, where (am) is a probability distribution.

2 The total variation norm of a (signed) measure m is defined by 2016_fmt m 2016_fmt = sup ∫ fdm, where the supremum is taken over {f : E211D_fmt, f measurable and | f | ≤ 1}.

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