Note to the reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


AAA games, 190

abilities, characters, 68-69

Abrams Battle Tank, 34

Abt, Clark, 39

Academic Skill Builders, 45

action games, 27-28

action-adventure games, 31

active interfaces, 144

Activision, 28, 84

adaptive audio, 191, 42

Adobe, 130, 222

Adventure Game Studios, 228

adventure games, 29-31

advergames, 242-243

advertising, 240-247

After Effects, 51, 107, 126

Age of Wonders, 34

age range, gamers, 14, 112, 113

aiming reticule, 288

Alan Wake, 241

Alien, 91

alpha testing phase, 218

ambient sound, 185, 187, 188, 190, 192-196

ammo/inventory gauge, 287

ancients, level design, 171-172

Angry Birds, 19, 35-36, 118, 122

Animal Crossing, 116

animatics, 51, 107

animation, 133-137

basics, 75-77

keyframes, 64, 75-76, 135

motion capture, 75, 76, 135, 207, 215

reels, 266-267

reward, 136, 267

technical, 208, 267

animation director, 207-208

animators, 215

answers, review questions, 249-254

Antarctica, 83, 149, 158, 174, 175

antique Jerusalem map, 171-172, 172

AO rating, 41

Apparitions: The Haunting of the Red Reef Inn, 135, 142, 144, 145, 158, 211-212, 212

AppData, 236

arcade games, 20-21, 27, 34, 96, 187, 199, 205, 233-234

Arneson, Dave, 27

array method, 181, 181

art bible, 206

art director, 206

art flatbooks, 264

art section, GDD, 60

Artery Studios, 127, 127, 215, 215, 265

assets, 85

assistant producer job position, 258

Atari, 8, 21

audio/sound, 185-201

audio requirements section, GDD, 63

charting work, 186

job applying, 270-271

audio file formats, 196

audio producers, 188-191, 207

audio reel, 270-271

Audio Special Interest Group, 196, 54

Auto Race, 21

avatars, 27, 28

axonometric projection, 122, 123, 124, 124-125


Back to the Future, 31

backgammon, 13, 14

backgrounds, 97-102, 122-125

backward sound playing, 195

backwards, working, 68, 166

Bacon, Kevin, 2

bad dialogue, 54

Baer, Ralph, 18

balance, game, 84

Baldur's Gate, 122, 124, 124

bandwidth, 192

Barker, Clive, 178

Battle for Wesnoth, 34

battle music, 191

Beaumont, Brad, 186, 195, 195-196

Bedlam Games, 176, 183, 275

“before transistors” game, 17

Bejeweled, 8, 9, 50

beta testing phase, 218, 245

bevel, 128, 136

Bézier curves, 208

Big, 30

Big Fish Games, 115, 116, 117, 238-239

BioShock, 74, 74, 75, 188

bird's-eye view, 120-121

black lines, 130

Blender, 125, 126, 131, 222, 128

Blizzard Entertainment, 49, 117

board games, 11-12, 15, 18, 22, 120

boat anchors, 105

bosses, 69-70

box-modeling, 128

Bradley, Milton, 13

Breakout, 28

brown box, 18

BT game, 17

builds, 218

bump maps, 132

Burt, Ben, 197

bus crash. See Red Harvest

Bush, Vannevar, 143

Bushnell, Nolan, 20, 21


Call of Duty: Black Ops, 8

Call of Duty 4, Modern Warfare, 28, 29

camera angles, 118-120

camera position, 120-125

Candy Land, 1, 42

careers. See jobs

cartoon shading, 128-130

casual games, 35-36

Cataclysm, 36, 37, 105

cathode ray tube (CRT), 16, 17, 18

caves, 170, 170-171. See also Colossal Cave Adventure

cel shading, 128-130

Chan, Zandro, 176, 183, 275

chance, 8-1

character animation, reels, 266

character concept work, 64-65

character modeler, 215

character specs, 46

character technical directors, 214

characters, 64-71. See also visuals; specific characters

animation, 134-135

classical literature, 109

creation, Kozis on, 93, 94-95

functionality, 95-97

modeling reels, 267

NPCs, 64, 70, 134, 177, 215

originality, 89

cheating, 7-8

The Checkered Game of Life, 13

checkers, 13

Checkers, 18

chess, 13, 34, 118

Chinese (Mandarin), 140

Chinese scroll paintings, 124-125

CINEMA 4D, 72, 99, 125, 126, 131, 132, 178

cinematics, 78, 105, 199

Civilization, 34, 206

Clancy, Tom, 32

Classic Doom, 118

classical literature, characters, 109

clerical job position, 258

clickable items, animation, 135-137

Clive Barker's Undying, 178

Clockwork Knight, 122

Close Combat: First to Fight, 15, 16

clustering gameplay style types, 34-37

coin-operated video games, 20, 20-21. See also arcade games

color/texture/lighting, 130-133

Colossal Cave Adventure, 29, 30, 111, 143, 180

common features,

demographics, 116-117

comparables list, 171

competition, game purpose, 1, 2, 22

composers, 188-191

Computer Space, 20

computers. See simulations; specific computers

concept art, 81-103, 65, 95, 268, 273

conferences, 246-247

console systems, 229-230

Cook, Daniel, 81-82

copyrights, 220-222, 269

core game design concepts. See game design

core game principles, 3

core games, 36

cover letter, 271

cow level, 168

Cranmer, Sue, 114

craps, 3

creative director, 104, 205-206

Creedence Clearwater Revival, 8

cross-platform games, 228

Crowther, Will, 29

CRT (cathode ray tube), 16, 17, 18

Crytek engine, 72, 73, 99, 102

Cuju, 14

customer service job position, 258

customized icons, 142

cutscenes, 78, 105, 107, 108, 119, 133, 199

cycles, 76, 133, 134, 135


Dabney, Ted, 20, 21

Dagmar, 65

Dante's Inferno, 188

Daqiu, 14

dead loop, 175

Dead Space 2, 146, 146

DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) PDP systems, 18, 20

Deep Blue, 34

demographics, 112-118

backgrounds, 99

concept art, 82, 83, 85

defined, 85, 112

game synopsis, 44

gameplay style classification method, 25-26, 85

GDD, 56

marketing, 244-245

dengjiao toushi, 125. See also axonometric projection

Descent, 7

design visualization (D-Vis), 103

Deus Ex, 178

Devil May Cry, 118

Diablo, 47, 48, 48, 168

dialogue recording, 198-199

dialogue writing, 54-55

diametric projections, 123

Diary of a Wimpy Kid, 40

diegetic elements, 144, 146, 198

diffuse maps, 127, 132

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP systems, 18, 20

digital games, 18-19

digital reels, 266-267, 130, 229

Dillenberger, Paul, 2

distribution, 225-240. See also platforms

Djinn, 58, 59

domain name, 268

dominoes, 13

Donkey Kong, 27, 49, 105, 118, 221

DOOM, 32, 48, 122

Douglas, A. S., 17

Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon, 31

dreidel, 11

Duck Hunt, 118

Duke Nukem 3D, 122

Dungeons & Dragons, 27, 45, 183, 275

D-Vis (design visualization), 103

dynamic in-game ads, 241-242


E rating, 40

E10+ rating, 40

EA (Electronic Arts), 117, 146, 206, 240, 241, 245, 247

EarthBound, 121

Easter eggs, 8, 55

EC rating, 40

editing sound software, 196

educational games, 39-40

education/schools, 255-256

edutainment, 40

effects animation, 208

Egyptian society, 1

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 17

Elder & Jung: The Fröbish Riddles, 58, 59. See also Fröbish Riddles

Elder Scrolls, 45

Electronic Arts (EA), 117, 146, 206, 240, 241, 245, 247

electronic games, 14, 14, 16-17, 76

Elgaill Town, 72

emergent gameplay, 4-5

endorsements/reviews, 245

end-user license agreement (EULA), 147-148, 155

entertaining games, 2

Entertainment Software

Association (ESA), 40, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117

Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), 40-41, 56, 113, 113, 151

entry-level jobs, 258

environment artists/modelers, 213, 215

environment modeling reels, 267

environments, 72-75. See also visuals

ESA. See Entertainment Software

Association, 116

ESRB. See Entertainment Software

Rating Board EULA (end-user license agreement), 147-148, 155

EverQuest, 26

“Evolutionary Design” (Cook), 81-82

Excel spreadsheets, 218, 219, 270

exit features, 149, 151, 158, 159, 160

experimental games, 6

extrude, 128

eye candy, 28, 111, 140, 173


Fable, 5

Facebook, 3, 37, 236, 237

Fallout, 5, 45

fans, lore and, 46-50

farm walkthrough, Red Harvest, 284-285

Farmville, 37, 38, 116, 227, 236, 236, 242, 242

faux 3D backgrounds, 122-125

Ferranti, 17, 49

Final Cut Pro, 107

Final Fantasy, 26, 46, 49

Finch character, 91, 92

Findola, 148, 148, 149

First to Fight, 15, 16

first-person POV. See FPS POV

Flash, 51, 83, 90, 100, 130, 131

flatbooks (portfolios), 261-265

flowcharts, 51-54, 52, 105, 216-217

fluid GDD, 183

Fly Hard, 122

FMOD, 190

foley process, 193-195

Forrest Gump, 8

“Fortunate Son,” 8

fps (frames per second), 126, 192, 215

FPS POV (first-person POV), 28, 31, 62, 118-119, 134, 235

frames, 75. See also keyframes

frame rate, 126, 127, 208

frames per second (fps), 126, 192, 215

freeform games, 4, 5, 6

Fröbish Riddles, 58-60, 61, 62, 62, 131, 176, 177, 181

Frogger, 120

Frozen, 83-84, 149, 149, 150

fun, 38, 39, 78, 84, 40

functionality, characters, 95-97. See also interfaces

Futurelab report, 114


Galaxy Game, 20, 20, 108, 115, 116, 257, 258

gambling, 3, 8, 40

games. See also specific games

AAA, 190

core principles, 3

history, 1, 1-22

intuition, 6, 211

nonlinear, 52, 52, 143, 192

purpose, 1, 2, 22

Game Audio Network Guild, 196

Game Boy, 21, 56

Game Boy Advance, 119

game design

core concepts, 43-79

inspirations, 19

origins, 1-22

user-centered, 117

game design documents (GDDs), 56-64, 183

Fröbish Riddles, 58-60, 61, 62, 62

Red Harvest, 275-288

game designers, 205

game developers, 205

game mechanics, 4, 5, 210-211

Game Over, 85

game progress tracking, 218-220

game sales, 113-116

game synopsis/overview, 44, 58-59

game systems, 56, 163, 222

game systems section, GDD, 56

game writing, 43-64. See also game design documents

GameCube, 21

GameMaker, 228, 74

gameplay section, GDD, 61-62

gameplay styles, 25-42

concept art starting process, 82

demographic, 25-26, 85

GDD, 56

gameplay testing, 55, 116

gamers age range, 14, 116, 178, 245, 116

gamification, 39

Gantt charts, 218, 270

Garrick Elder character, 59

GDDs. See game design documents

Gears of War, 36, 127, 190, 265

gender, players, 112, 113

genres, levels and, 179

gesture drawings, 67, 67, 264

getting started, careers, 256-259

Ghost Hunters, 144. See also Apparitions: The Haunting of the Red Reef Inn

Giger, H. R., 91

GIMP, 131, 222

Go (weiqi), 15, 34

goblin, 132, 132

God Mode cheat, 7

God of War, 31, 231

gold testing phase, 218

Goldsmith, Thomas T., Jr., 16

Google+, 237

Google Chrome, 35

Google Docs, 219

Googleplex, 20

Gordon Freeman character, 118-119

Graetz, Martin, 18

Grand Theft Auto, 2, 4, 265

graphical user interfaces (GUIs), 143

graphics design, 111-138

Gravity, 128

Groening, Matt, 90

Guare, John, 2

guides, player, 139-142

GUIs. See graphical user interfaces

Guzman, Gerardo, 240

Gygax, Gary, 27


H. T. Finch character, 91, 92

Half Life, 118, 119, 178

Halo, 2, 36, 45, 190

handheld devices, 231

hardcore games, 36

Harry Potter books, 95

Hasbro, 14

haunted-hospital game, 101, 101

Havok Physics, 75

Hawes, Jason, 144, 212

heads-up displays. See HUDs

health meter, 286

Heinemann, Bill, 2

helicopter view, 120

help button, 158

Hephaestus, 228

hidden-object games (HOGs), 35, 58, 61, 99, 150, 152, 158, 160

Higinbotham, William, 17

HOGs. See hidden-object games

home computer market, 227-229

hub-and-spoke design, 181-182

HUD design, Red Harvest, 285-288

HUDs (heads-up displays), 144

Human-Computer Interaction, 17

Huntemann, Nina, 85


I Spy, 2

IcoFx, 142

icons, launch, 141-142

iConvert, 142

id Software, 7, 31

IGDA (International Game Developers Association), 115, 272, 273

Illustrator, 87, 130, 131

images. See also 2D images

raster, 18, 28, 100, 130

reference, 85

vector, 83, 100, 130, 44

immersive games, 32, 33, 47, 48, 49, 65, 68, 98, 111, 118, 126, 134, 137, 170, 180, 190, 191, 192, 196

inbetweens, 64, 75, 135

incidental learning, 39

incidental music, 191

in-game ads, 241-242

in-game movies, 105

inspiration sources, 89-95

instructions, 6, 153-156

interactive fiction, 29

interactivity, 143, 211

interface designer, 211-212

interface flatbooks, 265

interfaces, 142-147. See also screens; visuals

defined, 139

functionality, 97

Red Harvest, 285-288

sound effects, 187

sounds, 197

types, 97

International Game Developers Association (IGDA), 115, 272, 273

internships, 258-261

intro screen, 142

intuition, 6, 211

inventory items, toolbar, 158

inventory/ammo gauge, 287

isometric view, 123-124

Iwata, Satoru, 36


Jacinthe Jung character, 59

Jake's Shadow, 51

Jaws, 187, 271

Jedi Knight II, 7

Jewel Quest, 8, 50

Jianshizi, 17

Jill sandwich, 54

Job Waters character, 277

jobs, 259-274

descriptions, 203-216

education/schools, 255-256

entry-level, 258

getting started, 256-259

internships, 258-261

networking, 272-274

Johnson, Dwayne, 48

Journey, 187

journeyman skills, 255

jousting, 14

junior producer, 258

junior programmer, 258

Jurassic Park, 31


Kaplan, Larry, 84

Karinthy, Frigyes, 2

Kasparov, Garry, 34

Keely, Jack, 65

keyframes, 64, 75-76, 135

King Tut's tomb, 1, 42, 116

Kotsmine Hills, 150, 150, 152, 153

Kozis, Nick, 93, 94-95

Kriegspiel, 15, 39


languages, 140-141, 209

LANs (local area networks), 32, 219

Lara Croft character, 47, 241

LARP (live action role play), 27

launch icons, 141-142

launch screen, 142, 148, 149, 151

leads, 207

The Legend of Zelda, 2, 31

leisure games, 11-14

Lensman series (Smith), 19

level design metrics, Red Harvest, 282, 283

level designer, 209-210, 269-270

level editors, 178-179

leveling up, 166, 182

levels, 166-179. See also world

GDD, 61

leveling up v., 166, 182

Red Harvest, 282-285

rough sketch, 167

secret, 8, 168

Li, Jet, 84

licenses, 147-148, 220-222

Life in Hell, 90

lighting technical directors, 214

lighting/color/texture, 130-133

linear games, 181. See also nonlinear games

linear unfoldment, 105, 133, 143, 199, 200, 282

Linkedln, 237, 268, 272

lip ring, 172

Liquidlcon, 142

live action role play (LARP), 27

loading screens, 142, 150-151

local area networks (LANs), 32, 219

location music, 191

locked-down camera, 82, 118, 124

Lode Runner, 178

loglines, 44-45

longer description section, GDD, 60-61

Lord of the Rings trilogy, 81

lore, 45-50

Lucas, George, 48, 49

LucasArts, 245, 247

Lucasfilm Games, 30

Luke Skywalker character, 49, 81

Luton, Will, 85


M rating, 41

macro-to-micro concept, 87

Magnavox Odyssey, 18, 21

magnetic sensors, 76, 77

mahjong, 118

main menu screens, 151-153

Mandarin, 140, 129

Maniac Mansion, 30

Mann, Estle Ray, 16

The Mansion of Happiness, 11, 12, 13

manual interfaces, 147

Mao Tse-Tung, 15

map-based navigation, 180

maps. See also flowcharts

antique Jerusalem, 171-172, 172

bump, 132

diffuse, 127, 132

Fröbish, 62, 62

GDD maps section, 62-63

lore, 47, 48

normal, 132

specular, 133

texture, 127, 132

Traveller's Tour Through the United States, 12-13

UV, 132

Vostok, 210

Mario Kart, 122

marker, 191

marketing, 240-247

Mass Effect, 45

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 18, 143

massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs), 36, 37, 72, 143, 151, 234-235

massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), 36

matinees, Red Harvest, 278-281

Mattel Corporation, 21

Max Payne, 119

Maxis, 19

Maya, 72, 99, 101, 125-126, 131, 132, 178, 222

mechanics, game, 4, 5, 210-211

Meier, Sid, 34, 180, 205-206

memory-based navigation, 180

merchandising, 244

mesh, 92, 126, 127, 132, 264, 265, 267

message system, Red Harvest, 287

meta elements, 147

Metroid Prime, 2, 45

Microsoft Project, 219

micro-transactions, 226-227

milestones, 218

military games, 14-16, 39, 71

military simulations, 15-16, 16, 33

Miller, Rand, 31

Miller, Robyn, 31

Milton Bradley Company, 13-14

Minecraft, 5

Minesweeper, 232, 232, 233

Mitchell, Briar Lee, 269

Miyamoto, Shigeru, 49

MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games), 36, 37, 72, 143, 151, 234-235

MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games), 36

mobile devices, 232-233

mobile phone games, 19, 56, 85, 231, 232

Mobile Pie, 85, 87, 88

mocap. See motion capture

mockups, 87, 88

mod games, 46

modelers, 215

modeling flatbooks, 264-265

modeling reels, 267

mods, 55, 61, 179, 244, 273-274

Moksha Patamu, 11

moral lessons, 11, 12, 13, 14

motion capture (mocap), 75, 76, 135, 207, 215

Movie Maker, 107

MP3s, 196

Mudbox, 126

MUGEN, 228

multiplayer games, 36-37

MMOGs, 36, 37, 72, 143, 151, 234-235


music, 187-191

My Day Will Come, 45

Myst III, 30, 30-31



GDD narrative section, 61

level design, 176-177

Red Harvest, 277-278

Nathan Drake character, 98

Naughty Dog games, 97


player guides, 139-142

spatial design, 180-181

worlds, 77

Navy Field, 33, 33

Necronom IV, 91

Nefertari, 1

networking, 272-274

Neverwinter Nights, 37, 45

New Kingdom, 1

Next Big Thing, 31

Nielsen, 115, 240

Night Journey, 6

NIM, 17

Nimrod computer, 17, 17

Nishikado, Tomohiro, 27, 28

No One Lives Forever, 178

non-diegetic elements, 144, 145, 146, 198

nonlinear games, 52, 52, 143, 192

nonplayer characters (NPCs), 64, 70, 134, 177, 215

normal maps, 132, 44

NPCs (nonplayer characters), 64, 70, 134, 177, 215

NPD Group, 113, 114, 115

NURBS, 208


Odyssey gaming system, 18, 21

Oh WOW! rooms, 98, 99

“Old Bill” Putty character, 59

one-point perspective, 103

online gaming, 234-240

on-set previs, 103

open-source projects, 222, 257

options screens, 156-158

Oregon Trail, 2-3

original sounds, 195-196

originality, characters, 89

orthographic projection, 121

Out There, 90, 90-91, 99, 99

overarching, 103, 174, 205, 232

overhead, 120

overview, of game, 44, 58-59

OXO, 18


Pac-Man, 105

Pac-Mania, 121

Pandemonium, 122

parallax movement, 72

parallax scrolling, 122

Parker Brothers, 11

particle animation, 133

passive interfaces, 144

PC game-making software packages, 228

PC platform, 226

peanut shape, 91

Peggle, 116

pencil sketches, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 91, 99

personality, characters, 68-69

perspectives, 103, 123

Photoshop, 51, 83, 87, 91, 92, 93, 99, 100, 101, 124, 126, 131, 132, 136, 178, 222

Photoshop tutorials, 130-131

physics of world, 74-75, 102-103

pinball games, 21

ThePinkkilla, 46

Pinkyblee and the Magic Chalice, 51-53

pipelines, 88-89, 216-218

pitches, 64, 107, 108, 220

pitchvis, 103

Pitts, Bill, 20

pixels, 27, 28, 130, 136, 141, 142

platform games, 18, 27, 122, 176, 228

platforms, 56, 82, 84, 96, 163, 222, 225-234

player guides, 139-142

player-to-player interactivity, 143


interactivity, 143

PlayStation, 21, 56, 84, 96, 97, 119, 120, 141, 222

PlayStation Portable units, 231

PMCs, 221

point of view. See POV

poker, 3, 8

polygons, 126-127, 128, 132, 133, 208, 215, 264

Pong, 18, 21

PopCap Games, 116, 238

popular culture, 95, 221

Populous, 180

pop-ups, 160-161

portals, 117, 238-240

portfolios (flatbooks), 261-265

Poser, 83

postproduction phase, 218

postvis, 103

POV (point of view), 118-120. See also FPS POV; TPS POV

Premiere, 107

Prensky, Marc, 39

preproduction phase, 217

presence, 33

previsualization (previs), 103-107

primitives, 128

producer, 206, 270

product placement, 240-241

production phases, 217-218

production pipelines. See pipelines

programming job positions, 214-215, 271

prop modeler, 215

property rights issues, 227

props, 71-72, 134-135, 267. See also visuals

psychic abilities, 6, 22

puppet, 128, 216


QA (Quality Assurance), 162, 213

Quake, 7

qualitative testing, 162

Quality Assurance (QA), 162, 213

quantitative testing, 162

quest givers, 70-71


rage meter, 287

ranged weapon, 288

raster images, 18, 28, 100, 130

Ratchet & Clank, 120

rating system. See Entertainment Software Rating Board

Raven Software, 7

Rawitsch, Don, 2

reading, inspiration source, 93, 95

real estate, 84, 144, 158, 160, 161, 231, 232, 285

recruiters, 274

Red Harvest, 61, 176, 183, 275-288

The Red Bedspread, 91, 92

reels, 266-267

reference images, 85

remote recording, 193-195

research, 113-116, 169-171

Resident Evil, 54, 118

resolution, 28

resume, 272

retcon, 47

re-traversal, 175, 176

retroactive continuity, 47

revenue, games, 1

review questions, answers, 249-254

reviews/endorsements, 245

reward animations, 136, 267

reward audio, 186

rhyming games, 2

rigging, 128, 216, 267

Rise to Honor, 84

Robinett, Warren, 8

role-playing games (RPGs), 26-27, 36, 45, 119, 228, 235

roulette, 3, 8

Rovio Mobile, 19, 35, 35

The Royal Game of Ur, 1, 11, 22

RP (RatingPending), 41

RPG toolkit, 228

RPGs. See role-playing games

rules, 4-6. See also mechanics

Russell, Steve, 18, 19


safe havens, 168, 178, 182

sales, game, 113-116

Sam Wells character, 276

Samantha character, 83, 83, 151, 152

sampling rate, 192-193

sandbox games, 4, 5, 9, 31

Sanders Associates, 18

schedules section, GDD, 63

schools/education, 255-256

Schyman, Garry, 188, 189

scores, 160

screens, 142, 147-161. See also interfaces

script development, 50-54

scripted music, 191

scripting, 179

scrollers. See side-scrolling games

scrolling, axonometric view and, 124-125

SCUMM engine, 30, 129

secret levels, 8, 168

sectors, 122

Senet, 1, 1, 19, 22

sensors, 76, 77

serious games, 38-39

Serious Games (Abt), 39

Seven Cities of Gold, 180

The Seven Sigils, 172-173, 173

Sgt. Emil Putty character, 59

shader technical directors, 214

shading, toon, 128-130

Sharkbites, 161, 161

Shmusicup, 122

shooters, 19, 31-33. See also FPS POV; TPS POV

Sid Meier's Gettysburg!, 180, 206

side scroller navigation, 181

side scrolling camera position, 120

side-scrolling games, 90, 99, 121, 122

side-view games, 121, 122

signature sounds, 191

Silent Storm, 34

Simon, 14, 14

Simon Says, 14

The Simpsons, 90, 122

The Sims, 4, 19

The Sims 2, 5

simulations, 15-16, 16, 33, 33-34

Sinistar, 118

sites, demographics, 116

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, 2

Six Degrees of Separation, 2

skins, 127, 130, 132

skyboxes, 123

skydomes, 123

smartphones, 232-233

Smith, E. E., 19

Snakes and Ladders, 1, 11, 12, 13

social games, 236-237

social networks, 37

Soliday, Karen, 91

solitaire, 2, 118

Sonic, 118

Sony, 8, 21, 222

Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC, 97

Sony PlayStation, 21, 56, 84, 96, 97, 119, 120, 141, 222

sound. See audio/sound

sound effects, 196-197

sound-based games, 199

Soundelux, 186, 195

Space Invaders, 27, 27-28

Spacewar!, 18, 19, 19, 20

spatial design, 180-181

spatial relationships, interfaces, 146-147

special effects, 187

spectator sport, 2, 14

specular map, 133

specular values, 132

speech, 198-199

spinning top, 11

splash art, 148-149, 151

splash screens, 140, 148-149

Splinter Cell, 32, 265

spokes, 182

sponsorship, 243

sprites, 122

squash and stretch, 68, 76, 208

standards, 222

Star Mountain Studios, 83, 100, 101, 120, 131, 135, 150, 152, 157

Star Wars, 28, 48-49, 81, 187, 197

startup screen, 142, 148

static in-game ads, 242

Steampunk, 74

stems, 190

Sterling, Franklin, III, 90, 91, 99

Sternberg, Richard, 83, 132, 268

Still Life, 31

story. See narrative

storyboard templates, 51, 105, 106, 106

storyboards, 50-51, 104-106

Stratego, 15

strategy games, 34

Street Fighter, 69

stretch, squash and, 68, 76, 208

style guide, 206

Super Mario Bros., 19, 122

synopsis, of game, 44, 58-59

synthesizers, 187

system animation, 133

system designer, 210-211


T rating, 40

tabletop games, 27, 45

Tactical Warfare Simulation Evaluation and Analysis, 15

TAPS, 212

tasks-and-needs analysis, 207-208

technical animation, 208, 267

technical director, 213-214

technical previs, 103

teetotum, 11, 12

temp art pieces, 99, 107, 217, 251

temp tracks, 190, 198

templates, storyboard, 51, 105, 106, 106

Tennis for Two, 17, 18, 21

tessellate, 128

testing, 55, 141, 162, 213

testing job position, 258

testing phase, 218

Tetris, 9, 118

text-based games, 29, 30, 111, 112

texture map, 127, 132

texture/lighting/color, 130-133

theme, 85

Thief, 32, 178

third-person POV. See TPS POV

Thor character, 81

3/4 front stance, 94

3/4 perspective, 123

3D models, 125-133

3D programs, 125-126

3ds Max, 72, 87, 91, 92, 99, 125-126, 128, 131, 132

three-point perspective, 103

Tic-Tac-Toe, 17

tiling, 128

timers, 150, 160, 275, 285, 288

title page, GDD, 56

title screens, 140, 142, 147, 148

Tomb Raider, 31, 47, 241

toolbars, 158-160

toon shading, 128-130

top, spinning, 11

top down view, 120

TPS POV, 28, 32, 118, 119-120, 146

tracking progress, 218-220

trademarks, 221

translators, 140-141, 209

Traveller's Tour Through the United States, 12-13

trends, 95

trimetric projections, 123

Tuck, Hugh, 20, 128

turn-based games, 4, 34

tutorials. See instructions

2D environments, 72-73

2D images

3D sources, 92, 93

color/texture/lighting, 130-131

locked-down camera, 118

Samantha character, 83, 83

3d v., 68, 75

2K Marin, 74

2.5D backgrounds, 122-125

two-point perspective, 103, 123


UI. See interfaces

Ulicsak, Mary, 114

Ultima VII, 121

Uncharted 3, 97-98, 98

Undying, 178

Unity development tool, 229

Unreal Engine, 75, 179, 214, 267, 274

Urban, Karl, 48

URL, 268

USC Interactive Media Design, 6

user interfaces. See interfaces

user-centered design, 117

user-to-technology interactivity, 143

UV map, 132


Vanguard:Saga of Heroes, 71

vector images, 83, 100, 130

vehicles, animation, 134-135

vertical slices, 64, 107, 190, 217

video, digital games v., 18

Viola, Bill, 6

viral marketing, 244

Virtual Family Kingdom, 237, 237

visual interfaces, 147

visuals. See also characters; environments; interfaces; props

concept art, 81-103

graphics design, 111-138

previsualization, 103-107

Vita, 128

voice-overs, 105, 107, 186, 193, 284

Vostok, 173-175, 174, 209, 210


wagon wheel design, 181. See also hub-and-spoke design

walkthroughs, 7-8, 284-285

war games, 14-16

War of the Worlds, 28

WAV format, 196

WaveWorks Interactive Sound Engine, 190

wayfinding, 180. See also navigation

waypoints, 166-169

weapons, sounds, 197

web portfolios, 268-269

web presence, game marketing, 244

weiqi (Go), 15, 34

Weird Helmet, 100, 120, 121, 154, 154, 156

Weldon Price character, 90, 90-91

Wii, 21, 36, 56, 96, 139, 141, 163, 222

Wii U, 36

Wiitanen, Wayne, 18

Wilson, Grant, 144, 212

Windows Solitaire, 2

Wizards of the Coast, 27

Wolf, 34

Wolfenstein 3D, 31, 32, 32

word of mouth, 244

workflow hierarchy. See pipelines

world, 74-75, 77, 102-103. See also levels

world builders, 213

World Cyber Games, 3

World of Warcraft, 4, 5, 19, 26, 32, 36, 37, 37, 45, 46, 49, 50, 105, 120, 127, 151, 180, 190, 234, 250, 264

Wright, Martha, 114

Wright, Will, 4, 34, 206

writer, job position, 209, 269


XaviXPORT, 21

Xbox, 21, 56, 119, 222, 225, 228, 229


YouTube, 46, 78, 244


ZBrush, 126, 127

Zombies Ate My Neighbors, 118

Zynga's FarmVille, 37, 38, 116, 227, 236, 236, 242, 242

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