Time for action – Lisa examines the merge conflict

Lisa opens up the file to see the conflict that is stopping her and finds a pattern as follows:

<<<<<<< HEAD
Unchanged first line from source = Not any more ;)  - Lisa
First line from source - Changed by Bob
>>>>>>> 9bab0336e6c9ab984b538f1f7724bf8a9703f55e
Second line
Third line
Fourth line by Lisa

What just happened?

The first line, which has continuous left arrows with the word HEAD is nothing but Lisa's current position in the repository. The next line shows the changes made by her to the file.

This is followed by continuous = signs, which marks the end of Lisa's content and beginning of Bob's content. It's a separator, which is immediately followed by Bob's content in the next line, which is then followed by the commit ID generated when Bob made that change.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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