Git remote

When the remote command is executed, Git lists down all the remotes added to the repository by reading it from the remote section of the local config file located at .git/config. An example of the content inside the config file is as follows:

[remote "capsource"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/capsource/*

The name capsource was the alias we gave preceding the URL while adding a new remote to the repository. Under this section two reference parameters are captured:

Reference parameter



This is the URL of the remote repository that you want to track, share, and get content from, within your repository.


This is to convey to Git the refs (branches and tags) from the remote that are to be tracked.

By default, it tracks all refs from the remote repository specified by refs/heads/*. These are placed under your local repository's directory capsource located at refs/remotes/capsource/*.

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