
We’ve spent about two years writing this book, but none of the effort would have been possible without the commitment of our families. They’ve supported us through the early mornings, late nights, and weekends when we were focused on writing. They were there as we were fixated on solving problems, even when we weren’t sitting down to write.

Good code is never created in a vacuum. We’re also grateful to the women and men of the Go community who have so generously given their time to create a great language, great libraries, and a thriving ecosystem. It has been exciting to be a part of such a diverse, burgeoning community of developers. In particular, Rob Pike, Brian Ketelsen, and Dave Cheney all reached out to us early in our Go learning process. They’re admirable ambassadors of the language. Special thanks to Brian for contributing the foreword to the book and for endorsing our work.

We appreciate the many individuals who gave time and effort to the creation of this book. It has been an arduous process, and thanks to many careful readers, including our MEAP readers, we found and corrected numerous mistakes.

We’d like to thank everyone at Manning, especially our development editor, Susanna Kline; our technical development editors, Ivan Kirkpatrick, Kim Shrier, Glenn Burnside, and Alain Couniot; and our technical proofreader, James Frasché; as well as everyone who worked on our book behind the scenes. Thanks also to the many reviewers who took the time to read our manuscript at various stages of its development and who provided invaluable feedback: Anthony Cramp, Austin Riendeau, Brandon Titus, Doug Sparling, Ferdinando Santacroce, Gary A. Stafford, Jim Amrhein, Kevin Martin, Nathan Davies, Quintin Smith, Sam Zaydel, and Wes Shaddix.

Finally, we owe a debt of gratitude to the Glide community, which has grown with us as we worked to build a top-tier package manager for Go. Thank you for your support.

Matt Butcher

I began writing this book at Revolv, continued when Google/Nest acquired us, and finished at Deis. Thanks to all three for supporting the writing of this book. Thanks to Brian Hardock, Cristian Cavalli, Lann Martin, and Chris Ching, all of whom served as early sounding boards. Matt Boersma provided helpful feedback for several chapters. Kent Rancourt and Aaron Schlesinger each inspired particular code examples in this book. Matt Fisher, Sivaram Mothiki, Keerthan Mala, Helgi Þorbjörnsson (yes, Helgi, I copied and pasted that), Gabe Monroy, Chris Armstrong, Sam Boyer, Jeff Bleiel, Joshua Anderson, Rimas Mocevicius, Jack Francis, and Josh Lane all (wittingly or unwittingly) influenced specific portions of this book. The impact of Michelle Noorali and Adam Reese cannot be understated; I’ve learned a lot watching a couple of Ruby developers master Go. And thanks to Angie, Annabelle, Claire, and Katherine for their unflagging support and understanding.

Matt Farina

I would like to thank Kristin, my beautiful and amazing wife, along with our wonderful daughters, Isabella and Aubrey, for their love and support.

I wrote this book while working at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, formerly Hewlett-Packard. Working at HPE has taught me invaluable lessons while providing me with the opportunity to work alongside and learn from those far wiser than myself. Specifically, I need to thank Rajeev Pandey, Brian Aker, Steve McLellan, Erin Handgen, Eric Gustafson, Mike Hagedorn, Susan Balle, David Graves, and many others. They have affected the way I write and operate applications, and that has shown up in these chapters in subtle ways.

There have been many others who influenced portions of this book, sometimes without realizing it. Thanks to Tim Pletcher, Jason Buberel, Sam Boyer, Larry Garfield, and all those I may have forgotten who had a positive influence.

Finally, I want to thank Matt Butcher. I never imagined authoring books until you suckered me into it. Thanks!

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