List of Figures

Chapter 1. Getting into Go

Figure 1.1. The layers of Go

Figure 1.2. Goroutines running in threads distributed on the available processing cores

Figure 1.3. Passing variables between goroutines via a channel

Figure 1.4. Code coverage displayed in a web browser

Figure 1.5. Java and Go running in an operating system

Figure 1.6. Python, PHP, and Go paths of a client request

Figure 1.7. “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya” viewed in web browser

Chapter 2. A solid foundation

Figure 2.1. Usage structure of a simple application

Figure 2.2. Usage structure of an application with commands and subcommands

Figure 2.3. The path portion of the URL used in routing requests

Chapter 3. Concurrency in Go

Figure 3.1. Start multiple workers and wait for completion.

Figure 3.2. Wait groups in action

Chapter 4. Handling errors and panics

Figure 4.1. Recovering from a panic

Figure 4.2. A simple server

Figure 4.3. Crash on a goroutine

Chapter 5. Debugging and testing

Figure 5.1. Components of a log file

Figure 5.2. Sending messages over TCP

Figure 5.3. UDP log messages

Chapter 6. HTML and email template patterns

Figure 6.1. Using nested subtemplates to share common template code

Figure 6.2. A shared based template

Figure 6.3. HTML rendered objects passed into the template

Chapter 7. Serving and receiving assets and forms

Figure 7.1. A Go application communicating over HTTP compared to a common web server model

Figure 7.2. A browser fetches a different application and asset set in each environment.

Chapter 8. Working with web services

Figure 8.1. REST API version in the URL

Figure 8.2. Differences between semantic URLs and API version in URL

Chapter 9. Using the cloud

Figure 9.1. The types of cloud computing

Figure 9.2. The layers of cloud services can sit on each other.

Figure 9.3. Comparing containers and virtual machines

Figure 9.4. gox builds binaries for different operating systems and architectures concurrently.

Chapter 10. Communication between cloud services

Figure 10.1. A simple transcoding application broken into microservices

Figure 10.2. Messages being passed with and without connection reuse

Figure 10.3. HTTP Pipelining compared to serial requests

Chapter 11. Reflection and code generation

Figure 11.1. Variables and values

Figure 11.2. A struct marshaled to JSON and to XML

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