
This book is a “bible,” which, if you use Google’s glossary, you find out comes from the ancient Greek word byblos, or “papyrus.” Ancient Greek and Egyptian papyrus texts provide information to us even today, and using Google you can find that information written thousands of years ago. But Google is about more than simply searching the Web. See the world in a different way using Google Earth, or find your way throughout the world using Google Maps. Tell others how you feel about the world using Blogger or how you feel about them using Google Talk. While chatting with friends, look up movie times, find information about your favorite books, go shopping with Froogle, and entertain yourself watching Google Video.

In a time when our lives are filled with sound bites, it’s difficult to know if the information the media blasts at us minute by minute is fair and balanced. Google News aggregates media in an impartial and apolitical manner. The stories themselves may be biased, but when you can read all the stories, you can create that balance for yourself and form your own opinion. Google News is also a great feature to install on your Google Desktop, which creates a great environment for hosting information applications, reading your Gmail, and adding “gadgets” for fun and profit. Google Finance provides access to financial information and helps you manage your financial portfolio.

On the way to making your first, second, or tenth million? Let people know about your business by showing up in searches relevant to your business. With Google AdWords, you can advertise to people in Google searches and on partner Web sites. Need a little help on your way to that first million? Become part of the Google network and host Google ads on your Web page and earn money. It’s gratifying to wake up in the morning and see how many people visited your Web pages each night while you slept, and how many people clicked ads, sending money your way.

Google isn’t just about enhancing your personal life. There are business software and hardware solutions that can give your enterprise a competitive information edge. Gain an even greater edge through Google’s Open software development, which allows for easy access to Google services through the use of application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs).

What’s more, Google is fun. Last night I left my brother-in-law’s house after showing him Google Trends. All I heard as he waved, never taking his eyes off the screen, was “Oh wow! Look at this!” That’s exactly how I feel about all of the Google services, tools, and technologies. “Oh wow! Look at this!”

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