Example 1 – the ColorTypes.jl package

ColorTypes.jl is a package that defines various data types that represent colors. In practice, there are many ways in which a color can be defined: Red-Green-Blue (RGB), Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV), and so on. Most of the time, a color can be defined using three real numbers. In the case of grayscale, only a single number is required to represent the level of darkness. To support transparent colors, an additional value can be used to store an opacity value. First, let's take a look at the type definitions:

`Colorant{T,N}` is the abstract super-type of all types in ColorTypes,
and refers to both (opaque) colors and colors-with-transparency (alpha
channel) information. `T` is the element type (extractable with
`eltype`) and `N` is the number of *meaningful* entries (extractable
with `length`), that is, the number of arguments you would supply to the
abstract type Colorant{T,N} end

# Colors (without transparency) """ `Color{T,N}` is the abstract supertype for a color (or grayscale) with no transparency. """ abstract type Color{T, N} <: Colorant{T,N} end

""" `AbstractRGB{T}` is an abstract supertype for red/green/blue color types that can be constructed as `C(r, g, b)` and for which the elements can be extracted as `red(c)`, `green(c)`, `blue(c)`. You should *not* make assumptions about internal storage order, the number of fields, or the representation. One `AbstractRGB` color-type, `RGB24`, is not parametric and does not have fields named `r`, `g`, `b`. """ abstract type AbstractRGB{T} <: Color{T,3} end

The Colorant{T,N} type can represent all kinds of colors, with or without transparency. The T parameter represents the type of each individual value in the color definition; for example, Int, Float64, and so on. The N parameter represents the number of values in the color definition, which is usually three. 

Color{T,N} is a subtype of Colorant{T,N} and represents non-transparent colors. Finally, AbstractRGB{T} is a subtype of Color{T,N}. Note that the N parameter is no longer needed as a parameter in AbstractRGB{T} because it is already defined with N=3. Now, the concrete parametric type, RGB{T}, is defined as follows:

const Fractional = Union{AbstractFloat, FixedPoint}

""" `RGB` is the standard Red-Green-Blue (sRGB) colorspace. Values of the individual color channels range from 0 (black) to 1 (saturated). If you want "Integer" storage types (for example, 255 for full color), use `N0f8(1)` instead (see FixedPointNumbers). """ struct RGB{T<:Fractional} <: AbstractRGB{T} r::T # Red [0,1] g::T # Green [0,1] b::T # Blue [0,1] RGB{T}(r::T, g::T, b::T) where {T} = new{T}(r, g, b) end

The definition of RGB{T <: Fractional} is fairly straightforward. It contains three values of type T, which can be a subtype of Fractional. Since the Fractional type is defined as a union of AbstractFloat and FixedPoint, the r, g, and b fields may be used as any subtype of AbstractFloat, such as Float64 and Float32, or any of the FixedPoint number types.

FixedPoint is a type that's defined in the FixedPointNumbers.jl package. Fixed-point numbers is a different way to represent real numbers than the floating-point format. More information can be found at https://github.com/JuliaMath/FixedPointNumbers.jl.

If you examine the source code further, you will find that many types are defined in a similar fashion.

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