The history of design patterns

Design patterns is not a new concept to computer programmers. Since personal computers became more affordable and popular in the 1980s, the programming profession flourished and a lot of code was written for a variety of applications.

I remember that, when I was 14 years old, learning the GOTO statement for a BASIC program was one of the coolest things. It literally allowed me to take a control flow to a different part of the code at any time. Perhaps not too surprisingly, when I learned about structured programming and the Pascal language in college, I started to realize how GOTO statements produce messy spaghetti code. Using GOTO for branching purposes is a pattern. It's just a bad one because it makes code difficult to understand, follow, and debug. In today's lingua franca, we call them anti-patterns. When it comes to structured programming techniques, organizing code in small functions is a pattern as well, one that has been taught as a mainstream subject in programming courses. 

When I graduated from college, I started my programming career and spent plenty of time hacking away. I had the opportunity to do various kinds of research and find out how systems are designed. For example, I realized that the Unix operating system has a beautiful design. That is because it consists of many small programs, which individually do not have a ton of functionality, but you can compose them in any number of ways to solve more complex problems. I was also fond of the Scheme programming language, which came out of MIT's AI Lab. The simplicity and versatility of the language still amazes me today. Scheme's heritage can be traced to Lisp, which had some influence on how the Julia language was designed.

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