Referencing symbols defined in sub-modules

To begin, we can finish our implementation of the Mortgage sub-module with a real implementation of the payment function.

Let's see how this works:

  1. The payment function takes a loan amount, an annual interest rate, the number of years for the loan, and calculates the monthly payment of the loan, as shown in the following code:
# Mortgage.jl
module Mortgage

function payment(amount, rate, years)
monthly_rate = rate / 12.0
factor = (1 + monthly_rate) ^ (years * 12.0)
return amount * (monthly_rate * factor / (factor - 1))

end # module
  1. At this point, the Calculator module should be able to use the Mortgage sub-module as if it's yet another module, except that the notation to get access to the sub-module requires a relative path that is prefixed with a dot notation:
# Calculator.jl
module Calculator

# include sub-modules
using .Mortgage: payment

# functions for the main module

end # module

Here, we have brought the payment function into the current scope of the sub-module via using .Mortgage: payment

  1. In order to organize our code better, we have also moved the functions into a separate file called funcs.jl. The code is shown as follows:
# funcs.jl - common calculation functions

export interest, rate, mortgage

function interest(amount, rate)
return amount * (1 + rate)

function rate(amount, interest)
return interest / amount

# uses payment function from Mortgage.jl
function mortgage(home_price, down_payment, rate, years)
return payment(home_price - down_payment, rate, years)

As we can see, the new mortgage function can use the payment function from the Mortgage sub-module now.

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