
In this chapter, we created a custom implementation to manage authentication and authorization in order to protect the use of our API from unauthorized users. You have seen that implementing Auth0 on your own might be a difficult task and will require more security layers than the ones we have implemented. A good practice is to use an external service to implement authentication and authorization in your projects. We created a simple application that uses one of the most popular third-party services, called Auth0.

We also covered how to integrate social login to our application, but we implemented this feature using Auth0 built-in social connection features. You can implement social authentication on your own, but again, it is better to spend energy on your application login rather than wasting time implementing features that can be achieved in no time using a third-party service.

We looked at how SSO works in theory and learned that it is a simple process reusing the user token in all your different applications.

That's it! In the next chapter, you will learn how to apply end-to-end tests on your Aurelia applications. Keep reading!

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