Running tests

To run standard tests, execute the following in the Terminal:

ng test

To run end-to-end (e2e) tests, execute the following in the Terminal:

 ng e2e

Both of the preceding commands execute the tests that are implemented in your project. ng test is responsible for standard unit/integration tests. Don't be alarmed if the default tests that ship with the project template fail—they can be easily adjusted to work, although testing is not covered in this chapter.

The test-related frameworks and tooling Angular CLI-based projects are created with Jasmine, Karma, and Protractor.

There are many more built-in commands. Later in this chapter, you will use the popular generate command, which enables the creation of new parts in your application, such as components, services, and modules.

Angular CLI supports a useful help flag if you need to explore all options or get general instructions. To see it, try running the ng serve --help command.
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