Creating a React app

A popular method for creating new React-based projects is using the CLI tool called Create React App (CRA). Like Angular CLI, CRA enables you to create, run, and build your project; however, Angular CLI is much more comprehensive as it is intended as an integral tool as part of the Angular platform.

CRA supports boilerplate generation scripts. When creating a project, you can specify a boilerplate generation script. For example, there's a script for integrating TypeScript as the language of choice, as you can read here:

Next, install CRA and create the Everyday Market project using the default boilerplate:

  1. Open the terminal or Command Prompt and install CRA by executing the following:
    npm install -g create-react-app
  1. Create the app project by executing the following:
    create-react-app everyday-market-react

When the preceding command is executed, CRA creates the folder with the specified name and scaffolds the entire project using the default boilerplate script, in addition to installing the required dependencies.

You can now open the folder in your editor and examine the scripts section in package.json:

  • start: Builds and hosts the app locally, with hot reloading in place for development purposes
  • build: Builds the app for distribution purposes
  • test: Executes a project's tests
  • eject: Ejects a project's build- and packaging-related configuration in cases where you need to take control
  1. Continue by running the project. Open the terminal or Command Prompt and execute the following in the project folder:
    npm start

Now the development server should be running and your browser should open on the app's address.

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