App Development with Angular

Web apps have evolved to become rich clients in all senses of the phrase. The development of such modern apps benefits substantially from frameworks that provide developers with a rapid and manageable means of implementation.

The era of jQuery led projects to the point where the HTML DOM was highly coupled with the code—there was simply no productive separation of concerns. Additionally, rich apps usually ended up with performance issues due to the nature of browsers' flexibility toward the DOM, and the maintainability of such projects suffered greatly over time. While there was a way to improve the implementation in this regard while using jQuery, writing real encapsulated and reusable code with optimized performance was not for the faint of heart.

In this chapter, we unravel Angular, one of the leading frameworks that help developers rapidly implement and manage apps. Throughout this chapter, we will build the Everyday Market app using Angular, while covering Angular's fundamentals as well. The following topics will be covered:

  • Angular overview
  • Angular CLI
  • Modules
  • Components
  • Data binding
  • Component interaction
  • Injectable services
  • HTTP
  • Distribution

First, let's start with an overview of Angular.

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