Choosing an Azure SQL pricing tier

Azure SQL is a PaaS offering that allows you to concentrate on application needs rather than the infrastructure and resources that the database server consumes. There are two pricing models you can choose from when working with Azure SQL: DTU-based and vCore-based.

Database Throughput Unit (DTU) is a metric that defines a relative combination of compute, storage, and IO resources. When you purchase an amount of DTUs, you set the limit of the performance your database is able to reach in relation to the service tier you choose (Basic, Standard, Premium). The limits and ratios per tier can be found at:

Virtual Core (vCore) represents a logical CPU from a predefined set of physical hardware that you can choose from (memory, number of cores, and storage size). The cost of the vCore model is based on the service tier (General purpose or Critical), the hardware you choose, the amount of storage, and other configurations such as backup retention. You can read more about the vCore model at:

To select the pricing tier for your database, click on the Pricing tier configuration area in the SQL Database blade. Choose the service tier that fits your workload and the DTU level you need. The Free tier provides a fixed amount of five DTUs and 32 MB of shared storage:

The text in this screenshot is not important. The purpose of this screenshot is to show you what the Pricing tier selection looks like.

After you complete all the necessary steps to create your SQL Database, a data connection will be added to your Web App by adding a connection string to the application settings. You need to provide a name for the connection string, and Azure will then fill it with a value. Since the GiveNTake API uses a connection string with the name GiveNTakeDB, I gave the same name to the connection string that was just created:

You now have a configured App Service that you can start to work with. The next step is to deploy your application to it.

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