Creating a release pipeline for the Angular app

Once the Angular application is built, we want to run a release pipeline that will deploy it to Azure. These are the steps needed to deploy the Everyday Marker fronted to Azure App Service:

  1. Create a new release pipeline in your Azure DevOps project. Select the Azure App Service deployment template, and then set the stage name to Prod.
  2. Add an artifact and set the source to the build pipeline you created earlier.
    Change the Source alias field to something meaningful to represent that this the dist folder:

  1. Go to the Tasks tab and set the details of your Azure App Service.
  1. Click on the Deploy Azure App Service task and set the Package or folder field to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/[Source Alias]/distReplace the [Source Alias] with the value you configured in the previous step:

  1. Go back to the pipeline and click on the Artifact trigger icon :

  1. Enable the Continuous deployment trigger. This will make sure that for every new build, a deployment will be executed automatically:

You now have an automated process for building and deploying your frontend application to Azure.

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