Predefined project templates

ASP.NET Core comes with a few predefined project templates that you can use to create your application. These templates already include the needed packages, a recommended folder structure, initial configuration, and some sample files.

The available project templates are as follows:

  • Empty: An empty ASP.NET Core project template, containing only the most critical initialization code files.
  • Web API: A project template containing a sample web API class and configuration.
  • Web Application: A project template containing a sample Razor Pages-based application.
  • Web Application (MVC): A project template containing a sample MVC-based application.
  • Angular: A project template containing sample ASP.NET Core backend code, ready for frontend implementation using Angular and TypeScript. This template includes the needed dependencies from NuGet and NPM, and a preconfigured webpack.
  • React.js: This is the same as the Angular template, just with React dependencies and sample code.
  • React.js and Redux: This is the same as the React.js template, only this time, it uses the Redux framework on top of React.js.

In addition to the built-in project templates, you can find more project templates that have been created and maintained by the community on the Visual Studio marketplace at, on NuGet, or on GitHub.

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