This exercise combines a forearm plank and a push-up to work the chest, triceps, back, core, and hips. It is essential to engage your core throughout this exercise for stability and to protect your lower back.


  LEVEL 1: Triceps Dip
  LEVEL 2: Military Push-Up
  LEVEL 3: Sphinx

Start in a basic forearm plank position. Your body weight should be evenly balanced between your forearms and toes. Open your hands so that your palms are flat on the floor.


Push through the palms of your hands to elevate your body until arms are straight. Slowly lower back down into a forearm plank and repeat.


If you find it difficult to extend both arms at the same time, build strength by extending one at a time. Follow a pattern of up, up, down, down (right, left, right, left), switching the lead arm with every rep.


The core-killing reverse push-up is not for the faint of heart. Adding an explosive drive with the legs forces your core to contract in order to slow and stabilize the body. Don’t try this exercise if you have not mastered regular push-ups or military push-ups.


  LEVEL 1: Shoulder Press Jack
  LEVEL 2: Pike Push-Up
  LEVEL 3: Reverse Push-Up

Assume a standard push-up position with shoulders over wrists, core engaged, and body forming a straight line from anklebone to shoulders.


Bend your elbows, lowering until your chest is just above the floor. Keep your core tight and body flat


Push back through palms of your hands, bending your legs and pulling your hips back toward your heels. Shift your weight into your heels.


Drive through the heels and explode back to a push-up position. Repeat with control, maintaining good form and core engagement throughout.

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