Part VI
Making Progress

Progress [noun]: development towards a more advanced or improved condition.

So what are we to do with this new, pioneering strategy? Why, we get on with the work of making meaningful progress.

This is the final quadrant of the Quest-Augmented Strategy framework introduced in chapter 5 (see figure 5.1 on p. 60). Although, as you might have noticed in parts IV and V (and figure 11.1 on p. 142), the lines between each quadrant can quickly become blurred. The more your enterprise shifts to becoming a responsive organisation, the more autonomy and authority are distributed across your internal network — the less relevant the Quest-Augmented Strategy framework will be. Why? Because it'll be part of the very fabric of how your enterprise works.

Paradoxically, pioneering beyond default thinking will become the default — if we allow it.

But such an advanced condition might be a while away for your enterprise. In part VI we focus on how you can establish intrapreneurial hubs and ensure that pioneering strategy is effectively executed.

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