
Here are a heap of hat tips, hugs and endearingly misplaced/mistimed high-fives to the many fine folk who made this book possible. Without their support, I couldn't have written this book for you.

Firstly, I'm grateful for all of the authors and thought leaders that have gone before me. Writing a book requires a degree of dedication that borders upon ridiculousness. But by venturing through doubt, uncertainty and paradox, these past adventurers have captured the knowledge we build upon today. They're the pioneers, and I doff my hat to them.

I'm also grateful for the folks at Wiley. Thank you Kristen for seeing the merit in this book right away, and for your trust in me. Thanks also to Ingrid for your support at every stage, and to Chris and Alice for pulling it all together at the end. Without your support, I'm not sure this book could have ever been publishedI'd still be writing and exploring.

Big hugs to Charlotte, my supercool editor. I was worried that all of the jolly quirks in my writing would be ironed out into something blandbut quite the opposite happened. Thanks to the thorough, clever and effective editing of Charlotte, this book actually makes a bit of sense and has become even more of a delight to read. Huge thanks also to Jack and Mel for your editing support.

There have been a few mates that have been quite influential in my own thinking. Sweeping feathered hat tips (in no particular order) to Matt Church, Peter Cook, Darren and Alison Hill, Jennifer and Dougal Jackson, Amantha Imber, Sean Fabri, Will Dayble, Dan Gregory, Kieran Flanagan… plus a bunch of folk who I will no doubt regret having forgotten to mention here. They're all thought leaders and champions in their own right.

I'm lucky to work with some pretty ace clients. Thanks especially to the University of Melbourne's Centre for Workplace Leadership. Peter, Sarah and the gangyou guys are legendary, and your support has contributed much richness to this book. Love you guys.

Cheers also to the folks who manage and contribute to (a world of insight in making ideas happen). You're part of my daily feed.

I need to thank my friends and familythey have all been incredibly patient and kind to me as I write this book. I've been that guy who ghosts on weddings and birthdays, and who brings book writing to dinner. Thanks for still liking me and wanting to hang out.

Thanks to all the folks at Industry Beans, Everyday Cafe, Hammer & Tong and all of the good cafes in Melbourne. You provided the magic to fuel my writing. Thanks also to my catpanion ‘π' who reminds me to be present (by sitting on my laptop).

I'm so grateful for everyone who purchased my first book The Game Changer and made it a best-seller. It gave me the confidence to write the slightly more daring book you hold in your hands right now. I'm also especially grateful those who left a kind review onlinethis feedback kept me buoyed when the doubt got heavy. Thanks also to all the savvy folk who subscribe to my museletter, and who attend our events. I love you all.

But yes, I've been building up to the two most special people I am most grateful for.

First, to my business manager Bianka. Ah B, you are such a blessing. Not only do you curtail all the entropy that comes with a dynamic business like oursyou keep all of our clients thoroughly nurtured and happy too. I love your proactive empathy, strategy and intuition, and your ability to make good things flourish. Thank you for everything!

And finally, my wonderful darling Kim (aka the ‘dangerlam'). You have been the most supportive of all. You've been the light in the dark, and you've kept me aloft throughouteven when things became stupidly busy. I literally couldn't have done this without you. I'm so grateful to share life with you, and to have your illustrations in this book. You are pure wonder, insight and delight!

Oh and thank you, dear reader, for being the type of person curious enough to read these acknowledgements. I love people like you. People like you are the best.

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