Part VII
Pioneering Culture

A guide to embedding Pioneering Leadership and Quest-Augmented Strategy into workplace culture.

It's so very easy to read a good book, frown sagely, stare upwards to the horizon, nod to yourself and affix a determined aspect … only to proceed to do nothing new or different. Or, to strike a heroic pose — arms akimbo — and proceed with the best intentions … only to find yourself sucked back into the vortex of non-progressive busywork.

Let's not let this happen.

Regardless of what role you play, you have the ability to influence and shape the culture of your enterprise.[1]

In this book we have unpacked a refreshed approach to (Quest-Augmented) strategy and (pioneering) leadership. In this part, we focus on embedding these elements within leadership and workplace culture — the foundation of any enterprise.

If you recall our rainbow of growth and despair, you'll remember that the arrowhead to our growth curve is determined by three things: strategy, leadership and culture (see figure 4.1 on p. 46). It's the combination of these three factors that influence whether an organisation steers towards pioneering growth, new value and enduring relevance — or towards stagnation, decay and the Kraken of Doom.

In the final yet perhaps most fundamental element of How to Lead a Quest, we are going to cast our focus on the pivotal behaviours that serve to influence and shape your enterprise culture.


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