
Part VI

  • The more responsive and connected your enterprise becomes, the more the lines between elements of Quest-Augmented Strategy will blur. This is a good thing.
  • A bimodal approach sees the facilitation of two distinct modes of work. The traditional (default) mode of work emphasises safety, accuracy and predictability. The other (new) mode emphasises speed, agility and efficacy.
  • In order to execute pioneering growth for an enterprise, we need to form new modes. These modes can demonstrate and lead new ways of working.
  • Start by choosing an appropriately pioneering small team. Give them more authority and autonomy, and a clear purpose to pursue — and then try not to intervene. Instead, protect this group from being infected by old ways of working, and support them in being self-sufficient.
  • When this new team creates visibility of progress in an open and inclusive manner, other elements of the enterprise may wish to adopt this mode of working.
  • And so we take a similar experimental approach as shared in part IV. By starting small and testing what works, we can begin to ‘scale in' or transition more teams into this new mode of working.
  • Meaningful progress is ultimately the main intention for this. We can measure progress quantitatively, and review it qualitatively. Quantitative measures tend to have more immediate power, but can lead to the Delusion of Progress. We need both.
  • Areas of responsibility are the things required of us in each of the roles we play. In this context, meaningful progress is implicit and requires us to be able to reflect qualitatively. Daily journalling and regular team conversations help this.
  • Projects and missions are much more explicit, and benefit greatly from quantitative measures of progress.
  • Missions are projects with imperative. They are compelling, have a specific goal and are executed within a limited amount of time.
  • Specific goals carry their dangers, but if we are sparing in our usage of them, the narrowed focus they generate can enable us to facilitate remarkable achievements. Hacakathons and similar intense collaborative efforts are examples of this in action.
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