Final Thoughts

A final reminder here, from earlier in the book, before we  look at your daily plan of how to implement what you have learnt, that can take you from talking to no one to being able to talk to absolutely anyone.

Communication, or talking to other people, is one of the most important skills that you can develop in life. All of us communicate with other people all of the time.

Once you're able to talk to people you do not know and initiate conversations with them your whole life will expand, you will be more comfortable and relaxed in social and business situations, you will have better experiences and you will learn far more about the world and other people.

A mundane daily chore can become an adventure when you meet and engage with someone new who is interesting, even if that adventure only lasts a minute or two.

The great thing about developing your communication skills is that you can practise every day, many times a day, with conversations you are already having! It takes no additional time to practise and develop this life‐changing skill!


Of course at the end of the day, like most things in life, it comes down to confidence. Most people will say they lack confidence and do nothing about it. They believe that confidence cannot change. The reason for this is we don't take the time to think about what confidence really is, to understand it. Without understanding something in detail we stand little chance of changing it.

I love the definition of confidence that I heard some years ago, I believe it was world famous Motivational Speaker Tony Robbins.

It was this – “Confidence is our degree of certainty about an outcome we will get, or how we will perform in a given situation.”

Thinking about it like this makes it so much easier. If you lack confidence to talk to new people or talk to senior people at work then use the above definition. Ask yourself “What specifically do I lack certainty about?” – is it the outcome, or the actual process of what to say?

In these situations it might be about the outcome – how the other person may react or respond. Or it could be about the process; for example, you don't know what to say. It could be both.

Getting specific is the key.

Once you have these answers you know if you need to develop some skills or change the way you think about it – your mindset.

Start Talking . . .

Now that you've learnt the four stages of an interaction and understand how to get the best out of every conversation, it's time to stop reading and start talking.

Remember, things don't always go really well when starting conversations, but they rarely, if ever, go badly. If they don't go as well as you'd have liked then you have a great story to tell others, about the conversation that started but didn't go too well.

Having this new skill, though, to push on regardless and talk to absolutely anyone that you want to, will set you way ahead of most other people in the world today.

Your “Zero to Hero Talk to Anyone” Development Plan

You now have the knowledge and skills to be able to talk to absolutely anyone.

Hopefully, as you've gone through the book, you have started to use what you have learnt. However, whether you have started taking action or not, your next step is to really get started, keep going and develop the new you.

In order to take you through the next month, the most crucial part of developing and embedding the new you, I have developed for you the “Zero to Hero Talk to Anyone” Development Training Plan, which is Part Four of this book.

The Training Plan takes you from the very start through to gaining confidence and skills from the book and using them on a daily basis.

Before you panic, this plan involves very little time at all – almost none! How come? Because it just asks you to observe or do things within what you are already doing during that day! However, you can go at your own pace and only move on to the next training stage when you are totally ready for it.

Let's get started!

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