The stage is set. The lights are low. The Jock Jams introduction music is thumping. By the time you finish this book, you'll be completely equipped to deliver Wizard of Oz 1.0 presentations. You'll control your audience as though they were puppets, opening their wallets for your charity or thoroughly convincing them that a pillow that vibrates in the morning is just the alarm clock that their stores need. Whatever you set out to accomplish, the presentation tactics we're about to cover will put the tools of the gods at your disposal. My only request is that you use your newfound powers for good, not evil.

Raise your sights. Put on your seatbelt. Put the Sippy-cup down and take up a beer stein or, better yet, a coffee mug. We're adults here. It's time to get to work. The Presentation Revolution is alive and well; there are presentations to build, design, and deliver—presentations that dominate. I'll see you on the other side!

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