Chapter 2. Using the Command-line Tool

In this chapter, we'll learn how to install and use the AppFog command-line tool. We'll use this tool to download the application we created in first chapter. We'll run this application locally, modify it, test it, and send it back to the cloud infrastructure.

When you complete this chapter, you'll understand the complete AppFog application lifecycle.

Installing the AppFog Gem

The AppFog command-line tool is packaged as a Ruby software package, known as a "Gem". If you are already using Ruby, simply install the Gem named af.

If you're not familiar with Ruby, refer to Appendix A, which contains instructions for installing Ruby and the AppFog Gem on common platforms.

To verify that the Gem is installed, enter the following command:

$ af version

You will see af followed by your version number. See Chapter 5, Command-line Reference for details on all the command-line options.

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