Gathering application information

There are a number of commands you can use to find information about your currently installed applications.



af logs [appname]

Displays log files for the application. See Chapter 4, Creating an Application from Scratch, for examples.

af files [appname] [path]

Lists the files for an application. Add a path to navigate through the remote file system. See Chapter 4, Creating an Application from Scratch, for examples.

af stats [appname]

Displays stats for an application like uptime, CPU utilization, memory use, and disk space used. See Chapter 4, Creating an Application from Scratch, for examples.

af crashes [appname]

Lists any crashes for a given application.

af crashlogs [appname]

Displays crash logs, for example stderr.log, for an application.

If you are experiencing problems with your application, these commands can be very helpful. For example, you can see information about recent crashes using the af crashes and af crashlogs commands. If you want to see your logging output, you can use af logs. If you want to verify what files are deployed, you can use af files. See Chapter 4, Creating an Application from Scratch, for examples of the usage of these commands.

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