Command-line options

You can accept the default values during the push and you will get a valid application deployed. However, if you wanted to change something, the following command-line options are explained.

Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]: 

The default is yes. If you type n for no, then you will be prompted for the deployment path. The path is relative to your current directory. One way to tell if you enter a path that does not exist is that you will be asked to enter a number of questions manually, such as the application type and runtime environment.

Detected a Sinatra Application, is this correct? [Yn]: 

If you choose no, then you will be presented with a list of application types. It is a numbered list so you will just need to find the correct type and enter the number. The list of options includes Grails, Standalone, Node, Sinatra, PHP, Rails, and many others.

1: AWS US East - Virginia
2: AWS EU West - Ireland
3: AWS Asia SE - Singapore
4: HP AZ 2 - Las Vegas
Select Infrastructure:

This step lets you choose where to host your application. Typically you can choose a location that is close to your users. For this example I will choose 1 for the United States location.

Application Deployed URL []: 

You can choose any available URL. If you are using the free plan, then you must ensure the URL ends with, otherwise you will get an error that External URIs are not enabled for this account.

Memory reservation (128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G) [128M]: 

If you need to allocate more memory to your app, then you can choose one of the other options. If you try to allocate more memory than you have available, you will get an error that says you have exceeded your available memory.

How many instances? [1]: 

You can select the number of available instances of your application you want to be running. Like with memory, if you try to configure more instances than available, you will get an error.

Bind existing services to insideaf4? [yN]:

If you want to use an existing service, you can enter yes to this prompt. You will be provided with a list of existing services as a numbered list. Enter the number of the service you would like to use with this application.

Create services to bind to insideaf4? [yN]: 

If you need to create a service, enter y here. You will be presented with a list of possible services to choose from, such as mongodb, mysql, rabbitmq. Once you choose a type, you will be prompted for a name. You will then be asked if you want to create more services, which allows you to create as many services as needed.

Would you like to save this configuration? [yN]: 

The last prompt is to save the configuration if desired. If you choose to save the configuration, a new manifest.yml file will be written to your current directory. This file can be used as a reference to what configuration options were used when creating an application. For more information on the manifest files, you can read the AppFog documentation on the subject available at

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