Getting account information

These commands give you information about your account, and are independent of any one application.



af login [email] [--email EMAIL, --passwd PASSWORD]

Login to your AppFog account. You can pass your e-mail, which will prompt you for a password, or you can pass both your e-mail and password. If you do not supply either your e-mail or your password you will be prompted for them. See further for examples.

af logout

Log out of your account.

af info

Provides details about your account such as how much used and available memory, services, and apps you have.

af apps

List your current apps. See previous chapters for examples.

af user

Display your currently logged in e-mail address/user name.

af passwd

Change your password. Note that this is different from user as it actually changes your password and does not just display your password.

af targets

Display a list of possible API targets and your authorization token.

af target [url]

Change your API target URL.

There are a number of different ways you can use the af login command. Which one you use depends on how much information you want to provide on the command line, and how much you want to manually enter. If you are using a script, you may want to pass both e-mail and password on the command line; however that will expose your password in plain text. Here are the different ways to enter the command:

$ af login
Attempting login to []
Email: [email protected]
Password: ********
Successfully logged into []

$ af login [email protected]
Attempting login to []
Password: ********
Successfully logged into []

$ af login --email [email protected] --passwd mypassword
Attempting login to []
Successfully logged into []

Another interesting command to point out is the af info command. This will give you statistics for your account. This will tell you how much memory you are using out of your allocated amount, how many services you have configured, and how many apps you have installed. The following is an example of the output:

$ af info

AppFog Free Your Cloud Edition
For support visit

Target: (v0.999)
Client:   v0.3.18.12

User:     [email protected]
Usage:    Memory   (1.1G of 2.0G total)
          Services (1 of 8 total)
          Apps     (2 of 9999 total)
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