Red, green, and refactor

We already discussed writing a failing test before writing production code. The goal is to build the system slowly through a series of tiny improvements. This is often referred to as red, green, refactor. We write a small test (red), then we make it pass by writing some production code (green), then we refactor our code (refactor) before we start the process again.

Many TDD practitioners advocate an It Exists test first. This will help determine that your environment is set up properly and you won't receive false positives. If you write an It Exists test and don't receive a failure right off the bat, you know something is wrong. Once you receive your first failure, you're safe to create the class, method, or function under test. This will also ensure that you don't dive in too deeply right off the bat with lines and lines of code before you're sure your system is working properly.

Once you have your first failure and the first working example, it's time to grow the application, slowly. Choose the next most interesting step and write a failing test to cover this step.

At each iteration, you should pause and evaluate whether there is any cleanup that can happen. Can you simplify a code block? Perhaps a more descriptive variable name is in order? Can any sins committed in the code be corrected, safely, at this time? It's important that you evaluate both the production code and the test suite. Both should be clean, accurate, and maintainable. After all, if it's such a mess that no one would be able to make head or tail of it, what good is the code?

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