
The role of the user story can provide a lot of information. When specifying the role, we have the ability to imply the capabilities of the user. Can the user access certain functionalities, or are they physically impaired in such a way that requires an alternate form of interaction with the system? We can also communicate the user's mindset. Having a new user could have an impact on the design of the user interface, in contrast to what an experienced user might expect. The role can be a generic user, a specific role, a persona, or a specific user. 

Generic users are probably the most used and, at the same time, the least useful. Having a story that provides no insight into the user limits our decision making for this story by not restricting our context. If possible, ask your business analyst or product owner for a more specific definition of who the requirement is for. 

Defining a specific role, such as Admin, User, or Guest, can be very helpful. Specific roles provide user capability information. With a specific role, we can determine if a user should even be allowed into the section of the application we are defining functionality for. It is possible that a user story will cause the modification of a user's rights within the system, simply because we specified a role instead of a generic user. 

Using a persona is the most telling of the wide-reaching role types. A persona is a full definition of an imaginary user. It includes a name, any important physical attributes, preferences, familiarity with the subject of the application, familiarity with computers, and anything else that might have an impact on the imaginary user's interactions with the software. By having all this information, we can start to roleplay the user's actions within the system. We can start to make assumptions or decisions about how that user would approach or feel about a suggested feature and we can design the user interface with that user in mind. 

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