Production code

For such a small code base, the changes required by the new tests caused a fairly significant change. First, we added an IsComplete property to the Todo model:

internal class Todo
public bool IsComplete { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }

internal void Validate()
Description = Description ?? throw new DescriptionRequiredException();

The rest of the changes affect the TodoList class. A boolean property was added to toggle the visibility of completed items, the Complete method was modified to only mark the item as complete, and a where clause was added to the items retrieved from the list:

internal class TodoList
private readonly List<Todo> _items = new List<Todo>();

public IEnumerable<Todo> Items => _items.Where(t => !t.IsComplete || ShowCompleted);

public bool ShowCompleted { get; set; }

public void AddTodo(Todo item)
item = item ?? throw new ArgumentNullException();

public void Complete(Todo item)
item.IsComplete = true;
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