
Note: Page references in italics refer to figures.


  • Aberdeen Group
  • Academy of Marketing Science
  • adversaries, naming
  • affinity
  • afflictions and aspirations, focus on
  • “Analytical Al” (analytical buyer persona)
  • arrogance, avoiding
  • aspirations, focus on
  • assertiveness
  • assessment
  • Assumptions (PATHS to Action)
  • attributes
    • assessing
    • defined
    • qualities
    • summarized
    • tendencies


  • Bain & Company
  • Benchmark Report on High Performance in Strategic Account Management (RAIN Group)
  • Beneficial Bank
  • best-in-class companies. See sales training
  • Bloomberg BusinessWeek
  • Boston Children’s Hospital
  • breakthrough, introducing hope with
  • Bright Horizons Family Solutions
  • business acumen
  • business-to-business (B2B) industries
  • buyers
    • “Analytical Al” (analytical buyer persona)
    • analyzing sales success from buyer’s perspective
    • buyer persona concept
    • buyer personas and buying modes
    • comfort zone of (See also Connect (RAIN Selling level 1))
    • “Consensus Claire” (consensus buyer persona)
    • decision making by
    • “Decisive Danielle” (driver buyer persona)
    • desire to talk to sellers
    • expectations of
    • future-solving buying mode
    • identifying
    • importance of involvement of
    • “Innovator Irene” (innovator buyer persona)
    • interacting with (See Collaborate (RAIN Selling level 3))
    • new world of selling and
    • perception of risk by
    • problem-solving buying mode
    • questions buyers ask of themselves (See also Convince (RAIN Selling level 2))
    • recognizing value of seller by
    • “Relationship Renee” (relationship buyer persona)
    • “Skeptical Steve” (skeptical buyer persona)
  • Bynum, Andrew


  • CFO Magazine
  • change, initiating
  • change agents
  • Christie Digital Systems
  • coaching
  • cognitive reframing
  • Collaborate (RAIN Selling level 3)
    • avoiding mistakes
    • facilitating collaborative group discussions
    • factors in collaboration
    • insight and
    • inviting collaboration
    • overview
    • power of collaboration
    • power of collaboration and reacting to demand
    • psychological ownership and buying
    • sales winners and
    • tips for collaborating for all stages of sales process
    • value of seller as perceived by buyer
  • comfort zone, of buyers
  • commitments, honoring
  • competence, trust and
  • Competing on Analytics (Davenport)
  • conceptual thinking
  • Connect (RAIN Selling level 1)
    • avoiding mistakes
    • connecting the dots
    • connecting to establish credibility
    • connecting with people
    • insight and
    • overview
  • consensus
    • collaboration versus
    • “Consensus Claire” (consensus buyer persona)
  • consultative selling, defined
  • Consultative Selling (Hanan)
  • Convince (RAIN Selling level 2)
    • avoiding mistakes
    • convincing story framework
    • expectations of buyers and
    • insight and
    • opportunity insight and
    • overview
    • power of story and
    • preparing to meet with buyers
    • questions buyers ask of themselves
    • sharing point of view convincingly
    • substantiating claims and
    • value of seller as perceived by buyer
  • credibility, establishing. See also trust
  • Cuddy, Gerry
  • curiosity
  • customer focus, importance of. See also buyers


  • Davenport, Thomas H.
  • decision making by buyers
    • “Decisive Danielle” (driver buyer persona)
    • insight and
    • lack of
  • demand
    • buyer-driven
    • seller-driven
  • destination, establishing
  • devil’s advocate, playing
  • differentiation (differentiate)
    • defined
    • example
    • missing components of value and
    • value proposition stool and
  • dissatisfaction
    • dissatisfaction layering
    • identifying
  • dissent, playing devil’s advocate versus
  • Duarte, Nancy


  • 80/20 rule
  • emotional intelligence
  • emotional resonance
  • Entelligence
  • executives, access to


  • Frederiksen, Lee W.
  • future-solving buying mode


  • Gallup
  • goals
    • defining, supporting, driving action
    • establishing
  • Gowin, Joshua
  • gravitas
  • group discussions, facilitating


  • Haman, Mack
  • Harter, Jim
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Hasson, Uri
  • Hinge Research Institute
  • hope, introducing
  • Hypotheses (PATHS to Action)


  • “I Can Make Your Brain Look Like Mine” (Harvard Business Review)
  • impact model
  • influence. See story framework
  • Information Technology Services Marketing Association (ITSMA)
  • “Innovator Irene” (innovator buyer persona)
  • insight seller profile
    • assessment
    • attributes, defined
    • attributes, qualities
    • attributes, tendencies
    • avoiding mistakes
    • integrity and
    • knowledge of sellers and
    • selling skills and
    • skills, knowledge, attributes of
  • insight selling
    • as blueprint
    • defined
    • example
    • insight about sales success
    • interaction insight and opportunity insight, compared
    • as pursuit
    • seller as change agent
    • shifting mind-set for
    • value and
  • integrity
    • insight seller profile and
    • as insight seller quality
    • trust and
  • interaction insight
    • defined
    • opportunity insight compared to
  • intimacy, trust and
  • Investopedia


  • key driver analysis
  • Kline, Jack
  • knowledge, of seller


  • Lissy, David
  • loyalty


  • meetings, preparing for
  • Mesmer, Franz Anton
  • messages, customizing
  • mind-set shift, need for
  • mistakes
    • avoiding, by covering three levels of RAIN Selling
    • general mistakes
  • money orientation


  • needs
    • aligning desired outcomes with learning needs
    • asking questions about
    • compelling solutions for
    • demonstrating understanding of
    • diagnosing versus understanding
    • leading sales conversations about
    • timing of needs discovery


  • opportunity insight
    • convincing buyers with
    • defined
    • interaction insight compared to
    • loyalty and
  • outcome, importance of
  • “overall value,” offering


  • Paradox of Choice, The (Schwartz)
  • passion, for working and selling
  • PATHS to Action
    • Assumptions
    • Hypotheses
    • Premise
    • Solutions
    • Truths
  • performance
  • perseverance
  • personas of buyers
    • “Analytical Al” (analytical buyer persona)
    • buying modes and
    • concept of
    • “Consensus Claire” (consensus buyer persona)
    • “Decisive Danielle” (driver buyer persona)
    • “Innovator Irene” (innovator buyer persona)
    • “Relationship Renee” (relationship buyer persona)
    • “Skeptical Steve” (skeptical buyer persona)
  • persuasive speeches
  • pitching, insight selling versus
  • point of view, developing
  • power, trust and
  • Premise (PATHS to Action)
  • presentation, collaboration versus
  • proactive selling
  • problem-solving buying mode
  • psychological ownership
  • Psychology Today
  • purchase decisions


  • qualities, of insight sellers
  • questions, asking. See needs


  • Rackham, Neil
  • RAIN Group
    • Benchmark Report on High Performance in Strategic Account Management
    • on buyer personas (See also personas of buyers)
    • RAIN Selling customer relationship process (CRM) (See also sales training)
  • RAIN Selling
    • Collaborate (level 3), overview (See also Collaborate (RAIN Selling level 3))
    • Connect (level 1), overview (See also Connect (RAIN Selling level 1))
    • Convince (level 2), overview (See also Convince (RAIN Selling level 2))
    • executive overview
    • outcome as defining characteristic of
    • RAIN (Rapport, Aspirations and Afflictions, Impact, New Reality), defined
  • rational resonance
  • relationship building
    • avoiding mistakes
    • becoming essential with (See also trust)
    • connecting with people for business value
    • customer relationship management (CRM) system
    • establishing value for personal relationships
    • with executives
    • importance of
    • leveraging relationships for meetings
    • “Relationship Renee” (relationship buyer persona)
    • relationship strength
    • trust and
  • resonance (resonate)
    • defined
    • emotional resonance
    • example
    • missing components of value and
    • rational resonance
    • value proposition stool and
  • Resonate (Duarte)
  • results, communicating
  • risk
    • minimizing
    • perception of
    • problem-solving buying mode and
  • “Role of Interpersonal Liking in Building Trust in Long-Term Channel Relationships, The” (Academy of Marketing Science)
  • Ryder


  • sales training
    • aligning desired outcomes with learning needs
    • assertiveness and
    • assessing and developing attributes
    • avoiding failures of
    • building fluent sales knowledge
    • coaching to drive action
    • defining, supporting, driving action
    • as engaging
    • evaluation, accountability, continuous improvement for
    • RAIN buying and selling process
    • reinforcement of
    • strategy and
  • sales winners
    • analyzing
    • Collaborate (RAIN Selling level 3)
    • collaboration by
    • Connect (RAIN Selling level 1)
    • Convince (RAIN Selling level 2)
    • insight about
    • new world of selling and
    • pitfalls avoided by
    • trust and
  • Schlesinger, Leonard
  • Schwartz, Barry
  • sellers
    • as change agents
    • as collaborators (See also Collaborate (RAIN Selling level 3))
    • as educators
    • influence and value of
    • perception of risk by buyers
    • See also value
  • selling mistakes. See mistakes
  • “Skeptical Steve” (skeptical buyer persona)
  • solution sales
    • change in
    • connecting dots as necessary but not sufficient
    • focus on afflictions and aspirations
    • perception of
    • shift from “problem” and “pain” in sales methods
  • Solutions (PATHS to Action)
  • story framework
    • communicating results
    • connecting to establish credibility
    • establishing goals with
    • identifying dissatisfaction of buyers
    • initiating change with
    • introducing hope with
    • inviting collaboration
    • learn, feel, and do
    • model
    • power of story and
    • preparing a story-focused meeting
    • substantiating claims and
  • substantiation (substantiate)
    • defined
    • example
    • missing components of value and
    • substantiating claims
    • value proposition stool and


  • Talent Analytics Corporation
  • tendencies
  • 360° assessments
  • trust
    • becoming essential and
    • components of
    • Connect with
    • difference made by
    • importance of
    • playing devil’s advocate versus authentic dissent
    • time needed for
  • Truths (PATHS to Action)
  • Tworetzky, Wayne


  • University of Toronto
  • urgency, sense of


  • value
    • Benchmark Report on High Performance in Strategic Account Management (RAIN Group)
    • defined
    • establishing value for personal relationships
    • example
    • missing components of
    • relationship building for business value
    • resonate, differentiate, substantiate, and
    • of seller and product
    • of seller versus product
    • value proposition, defined
    • value proposition stool
  • value, offering


  • Wells, Sandy
  • Wolf & Company
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