12.8 Machine Learning and Deep Learning Natural Language Applications

There are many natural language applications that require machine learning and deep learning techniques. We’ll discuss some of the following in our machine learning and deep learning chapters:

  • Answering natural language questions—For example, our publisher Pearson Education, has a partnership with IBM Watson that uses Watson as a virtual tutor. Students ask Watson natural language questions and get answers.

  • Summarizing documents—analyzing documents and producing short summaries (also called abstracts) that can, for example, be included with search results and can help you decide what to read.

  • Speech synthesis (speech-to-text) and speech recognition (text-to-speech)—We use these in our “IBM Watson” chapter, along with inter-language text-to-text translation, to develop a near real-time inter-language voice-to-voice translator.

  • Collaborative filtering—used to implement recommender systems (“if you liked this movie, you might also like…”).

  • Text classification—for example, classifying news articles by categories, such as world news, national news, local news, sports, business, entertainment, etc.

  • Topic modeling—finding the topics discussed in documents.

  • Sarcasm detection—often used with sentiment analysis.

  • Text simplification—making text more concise and easier to read.

  • Speech to sign language and vice versa—to enable a conversation with a hearing-impaired person.

  • Lip reader technology—for people who can’t speak, convert lip movement to text or speech to enable conversation.

  • Closed captioning—adding text captions to video.

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