16.4 Neural Networks

Deep learning is a form of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn. An artificial neural network (or just neural network) is a software construct that operates similarly to how scientists believe our brains work. Our biological nervous systems are controlled via neurons25 that communicate with one another along pathways called synapses26. As we learn, the specific neurons that enable us to perform a given task, like walking, communicate with one another more efficiently. These neurons activate anytime we need to walk.27

Artificial Neurons

In a neural network, interconnected artificial neurons simulate the human brain’s neurons to help the network learn. The connections between specific neurons are reinforced during the learning process with the goal of achieving a specific result. In supervised deep learning—which we’ll use in this chapter—we aim to predict the target labels supplied with data samples. To do this, we’ll train a general neural network model that we can then use to make predictions on unseen data.28

Artificial Neural Network Diagram

The following diagram shows a three-layer neural network. Each circle represents a neuron, and the lines between them simulate the synapses. The output of a neuron becomes the input of another neuron, hence the term neural network. This particular diagram shows a fully connected network—every neuron in a given layer is connected to all the neurons in the next layer:

An example of a fully connected network.

Learning Is an Iterative Process

When you were a baby, you did not learn to walk instantaneously. You learned that process over time with repetition. You built up the smaller components of the movements that enabled you to walk—learning to stand, learning to balance to remain standing, learning to lift your foot and move it forward, etc. And you got feedback from your environment. When you walked successfully your parents smiled and clapped. When you fell, you might have bumped your head and felt pain.

Similarly, we train neural networks iteratively over time. Each iteration is known as an epoch and processes every sample in the training dataset once. There’s no “correct” number of epochs. This is a hyperparameter that may need tuning, based on your training data and your model. The inputs to the network are the features in the training samples. Some layers learn new features from previous layers’ outputs and others interpret those features to make predictions.

How Artificial Neurons Decide Whether to Activate Synapses

During the training phase, the network calculates values called weights for every connection between the neurons in one layer and those in the next. On a neuron-by-neuron basis, each of its inputs is multiplied by that connection’s weight, then the sum of those weighted inputs is passed to the neuron’s activation function. This function’s output determines which neurons to activate based on the inputs—just like the neurons in your brain passing information around in response to inputs coming from your eyes, nose, ears and more. The following diagram shows a neuron receiving three inputs (the black dots) and producing an output (the hollow circle) that would be passed to all or some of neurons in the next layer, depending on the types of the neural network’s layers:

A diagram depicts a neuron receiving three inputs.

The values w1, w2 and w3 are weights. In a new model that you train from scratch, these values are initialized randomly by the model. As the network trains, it tries to minimize the error rate between the network’s predicted labels and the samples’ actual labels. The error rate is known as the loss, and the calculation that determines the loss is called the loss function. Throughout training, the network determines the amount that each neuron contributes to the overall loss, then goes back through the layers and adjusts the weights in an effort to minimize that loss. This technique is called backpropagation. Optimizing these weights occurs gradually—typically via a process called gradient descent.

tick mark Self Check

  1. (True/False) Deep learning supports only supervised learning with labeled datasets.
    Answer: False. As in machine learning, you can create unsupervised deep learning networks.

  2. (Fill-In) In a(n) _______ neural network, every neuron in a given layer is connected to all the neurons in the next layer.
    Answer: fully connected.

  3. (Fill-In) We train neural networks iteratively over time. Each iteration is known as an _______ and processes every sample in the training dataset once.
    Answer: epoch.

  4. (Fill-In) As a neural network trains, it tries to minimize the error rate between the network’s predicted labels and the samples’ actual labels. The error rate is known as the _______.
    Answer: loss.

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