
  • Advance medical directives
  • Advisers, professional
  • Affidavit of trust
  • American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)
  • American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012
    • business and corporate tax relief
    • capital gains tax rates and qualified dividends
    • educational provisions
      • education IRA
      • miscellaneous provisions relating to education
      • Section 529 plans
    • estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfers
      • estate-planning issues
      • planning considerations
      • planning with portability
    • marginal ordinary income tax rates
    • net investment income (NII) 3.8 percent tax on
  • Annuities
    • private
  • Apolinsky, Harold
  • Asset protection strategies
    • domestic asset protection trusts (DAPTs)
    • foreign asset protection trusts
      • basics of
    • fraudulent transfers
      • insurance
      • married couples, asset protection for
      • state exemptions
    • jointly held property
    • life insurance
    • limited liability entities
      • multiple
    • retirement plans
    • trusts
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Busby, Winston
  • Business and corporate tax relief
  • Business liability insurance
  • C corporation
    • advantages
    • best fit
    • disadvantages
  • Capital gains tax rates and qualified dividends
  • Cash value life insurance
    • survivorship life
    • universal life
    • variable life
    • whole life
  • Certificate of trust
  • Charitable lead trust
    • advantages
    • disadvantages
  • Charities, strategic planning with
    • charitable trusts, gifts using
      • charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT)
      • charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT)
      • using for retirement planning
    • outright gifts to
      • appreciated property
      • cash
      • property
      • to public foundations
      • tax deduction limitations on
    • private foundations
      • advantages
      • disadvantages
    • testamentary gifts to
  • Codicils
  • Community property
  • Contributions growth rate calculator
  • Contributory retirement plans
  • Coverdell Education Savings Accounts
  • Credit life insurance
  • Credit shelter trust wills
  • Cross-purchase agreements
  • Crummey notice
  • Custodial accounts
    • advantages of
    • disadvantages of
  • Deceased spouse's unused exclusion (DSUE)
  • Disclaimers
  • Domestic asset protection trusts (DAPTs)
  • Durable power of attorney for health care
  • Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA)
  • Education, funding children's
  • Educational provisions of 2012 Tax Relief Act
    • education IRA
    • miscellaneous provisions relating to education
    • Section 529 plans
  • Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
  • Entity purchase agteements
  • Estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfers. See also Estate planning; Gifting assets to family members; Generation-skipping transfers
    • estate-planning issues
    • planning considerations
    • planning with portability
  • Estate planning
    • benefits of
    • defined
      • assets, protecting
      • documents, gathering and drafting
      • family, protecting
      • investment planning
      • personal goal and wishes, carrying out
      • tax planning
    • goals
    • guidelines for
      • current estate net worth, determining
      • documents, organizing
      • goals establishing
      • professional help
      • progress, monitoring
    • myths of
    • poor planning, problems caused by
    • reviewing
    • using insurance in
      • life insurance
      • long-term care (LTC) insurance
    • using trusts in
      • credit shelter trust wills
      • disclaimers
      • marital trusts
      • spendthrift trusts
      • standby trusts
  • Estate planning terms
  • Estate tax system
    • estate net worth, determining
      • sample statement
    • estate tax picture
    • estate-planning strategies, overview of
    • future estate
    • understanding
  • Executors
  • 529 plans
    • contributions
    • definition
    • estate tax consequences
    • financial aid, impact on
    • gift tax consequences
    • investment options
    • nonqualified distributions, penalties on
    • portability and control
    • tax benefits
    • tax-free growth
  • Family business or farm, succession planning for
    • buy-sell agreement
      • funding
      • structuring
      • types of
    • employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
    • keeping in the family
    • retaining or selling decision
    • selling, maximizing business's value through
    • special estate tax benefits for farmers and closely held business owners
      • installment payment of estate taxes
      • special-use valuation
    • valuing business or farm
  • Family Council
  • Family limited partnerships (FLPs)
    • general structure of
      • advantages
      • disadvantages
    • rules
      • calculating discounts
      • discount planning
      • general and limited partners' rights
      • limited liability companies (LLCs)
      • maximizing discounts
      • minors' interests in
      • multiple, using to maximize benefits
  • Fee simple ownership
    • advantages of
    • disadvantages of
  • Foreign asset protection trusts
    • basics of
  • Fraudulent transfers
    • insurance
    • married couples, asset protection for
    • state exemptions
  • General partnership
    • advantages
    • best fit
    • disadvantages
  • General power of appointment trust
  • Generation-skipping transfers
  • Gift and estate tax
    • credit and exclusion amounts
    • exemption amounts
    • tax rate table
  • Gifting assets to family members
    • annual gift tax exclusion
    • family gifts utilizing trusts
    • generation-skipping transfers
    • gift tax return, filing
    • grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT)
    • grantor retained unitrust (GRUT)
    • intentionally defective grantor trusts (IDGTs), sales to
    • legacy trusts
      • different needs of children
      • disadvantages of
      • distributions
      • Family Council
      • for funding education of grandchildren
      • generation-skipping transfers
      • incentive provision
      • length of
      • mandatory provisions
      • trustee
      • umbrella trust
    • lifetime applicable exclusion amount
    • loans to family members
    • minor donees
      • 2503(b) trust
      • 2503(c) trust
      • 529 plans
      • custodial accounts
    • outright gifts
      • appreciated property
      • appreciating property
      • cash
      • Roth IRAs
    • qualified personal residence trust (QPRT)
      • death during term of
      • setting up
      • tax treatment
    • sales to family members
      • installment sales
      • private annuity
    • tax-free gifts
    • unintended gifts
  • Grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT)
  • Grantor retained unitrust (GRUT)
  • Growth Strategy with a Safety Net®
    • initial safety net
    • retirement portfolio equity (stock) allocation guidelines based on
    • withdrawal rates
  • Guardians
  • Health care proxy
  • Health Care and Reconciliation Act (HCRA)
  • Hybrid agreements
  • Income sprinkling provision
  • Income taxes
    • three-bucket strategy for managing
    • two-bucket strategy for managing
  • Incompetence provision, of living trust
  • Inflation multiplier chart
  • Insurance, using in estate plan
    • life insurance
      • on adult children
      • amount needed
      • basics
      • best deal on
      • cash value insurance
      • cash values
      • existing, moving into trust
      • on homemaker
      • irrevocable life insurance trust
      • leveraging estate with
      • amount needed
      • term insurance
      • term insurance
      • type needed
      • using for estate liquidity
      • using to replace income
      • warnings about
    • long-term care (LTC) insurance
      • estate-planning benefits of
  • Investment planning
  • Investment strategies for maximizing estate growth
    • Growth Strategy with a Safety Net®
      • initial safety net
      • retirement portfolio equity (stock) allocation guidelines based on
      • withdrawal rates
    • prioritizing investment dollars
    • retirement planning
      • investing, power of
      • life insurance
      • magnifying the power of
      • personal investment accounts
      • tax-deferred investment programs
  • IRAs
  • Irrevocable life insurance trust
    • disadvantages of
    • using to protect assets
  • Irrevocable trusts
  • Joint dynasty trust
  • Joint tenants with right of survivorship (JTWRS)
    • advantages of
    • disadvantages of
  • Jointly held property, protecting from creditor claims
  • Lawsuits, threat of
  • Legacy trusts
    • different needs of children
    • disadvantages of
    • distributions
    • Family Council
    • for funding education of grandchildren
    • generation-skipping transfers
    • incentive provision
    • length of
    • mandatory provisions
    • trustee
    • umbrella trust
  • Letter of instruction
  • Life estates
  • Life expectancy table (IRS)
  • Life insurance
    • on adult children
    • amount needed
    • basics
    • best deal on
    • cash value insurance
      • survivorship life
      • universal life
      • variable life
      • whole life
    • cash values
      • dynasty planning without trust
      • joint dynasty trust
    • existing, moving into trust
    • on homemaker
    • irrevocable life insurance trust
      • disadvantages of
    • leveraging estate with
      • amount needed
      • term insurance
    • protecting from creditor claims
    • term insurance
    • type needed
    • using for estate liquidity
    • using to replace income
    • warnings about
      • credit life insurance
      • financial strength
      • mortgage life insurance
  • Limited liability companies (LLCs)
    • advantages
    • best fit
    • disadvantages
    • single-member
      • advantages
      • best fit
      • disadvantages
  • Limited liability entities, using to protect assets
    • multiple
  • Living trusts
    • advantages of
    • disadvantages of
    • myths
    • setting up
      • funded vs. unfunded
      • incompetence provision
      • number of
      • revocable vs. irrevocable
      • trustee, choosing
      • wills
    • transacting business with
    • transferring property into
      • annuities
      • bank accounts and money market accounts
      • brokerage accounts
      • IRAs and other retirement accounts
      • jointly held property
      • life and disability insurance
      • property having no title
      • real estate
      • stock certificates and bonds
      • vehicles, motorcycles, and boats
  • Living wills
  • Long-term care (LTC) insurance
    • estate-planning benefits of
  • Malpractice insurance
  • Marginal ordinary income tax rates
  • Marital trusts
    • general power of appointment trust
    • qualified domestic trust (QDOT)
    • qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust
  • Medicare
    • original
    • Part A
    • Part B
    • Part C (Medicare Advantage)
    • Part D
  • Mortgage life insurance
  • Net investment income (NII) 3.8 percent tax on
    • types of NII
  • Nominee partnership
  • Parents' estates
  • Payment on death (POD) account
  • Perpetuities clause
  • Personal business planning issues
    • business plan, importance of
    • corporations
      • C corporation
      • limited liability company (LLC)
      • S corporation
    • general partnership
      • advantages
      • best fit
      • disadvantages
    • rules, regulations, and procedures, following
      • corporate veil, piercing
      • doing business in multiple states
      • multiple entities, use of
      • personal service providers
    • sole propietorship
      • advantages
      • best fit
      • disadvantages
  • Personal investment accounts
  • Pooled income funds
    • advantages
    • disadvantages
  • Power of attorney
  • Private foundations
    • advantages
    • disadvantages
  • Probate
    • advantage of
    • disadvantages of
  • Professional advisers
  • Property ownership, methods of
    • choosing best methods of
    • community property
    • fee simple ownership
    • joint tenants with right of survivorship (JTWRS)
    • life estates
    • revocable living trusts
    • tenants in common
  • Qualified domestic trust (QDOT)
  • Qualified personal residence trust (QPRT)
    • death during term of
    • setting up
    • tax treatment
  • Qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust
  • Remarriage provision
  • Retirement planning
    • health care plan, customizing
      • Medicare
    • investing, power of
    • life insurance
    • magnifying the power of
    • personal investment accounts
    • requirements
      • assumptions
      • future income need
      • future value of current investments
      • income, sources of
      • investment account target
      • monthly investment requirements
      • portfolio withdrawal rate
      • retirement account surplus or deficit
    • reverse mortgages
      • vs. annuity
      • as safety net
    • Social Security strategies
      • 62/70 strategy
      • benefits based on claiming age
      • converting to Roth IRA
      • file-and-suspend strategy
      • paying off debt
      • postponing benefits
      • taxation of benefits
      • widow/widower strategy
    • strategies, best
    • tax-deferred investment programs
  • Retirement plans, protecting from creditor claims
  • Reverse mortgages
    • vs. annuity
    • as safety net
  • Revocable living trusts
  • Roth conversions
  • Roth IRAs
    • gifting
    • as incentive provision in legacy trust
  • S corporation
    • advantages
    • best fit
    • disadvantages
  • Simultaneous death clause
  • Social Security benefits
    • delaying
    • estimate (2014)
    • strategies
      • 62/70 strategy
      • benefits based on claiming age
      • converting to Roth IRA
      • file-and-suspend strategy
      • paying off debt
      • postponing benefits
      • taxation of benefits
      • widow/widower strategy
  • Sole propietorship
    • advantages
    • best fit
    • disadvantages
  • Spendthrift provision
  • Spendthrift trusts
  • Stocks, dividend-paying
  • Survivorship life insurance
  • Tax planning
  • Tax-deferred investment programs
  • Tenancy by the entirety
  • Tenants in common
    • advantages of
    • disadvantages of
  • Term life insurance
  • Three-bucket strategy for managing income taxes
  • Trustees
    • of living trust
    • powers of
  • Trusts
    • 2503(b)
    • 2503(c)
    • charitable, gifts using
      • charitable remainder annuity trust (CRAT)
      • charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT)
      • using for retirement planning
    • credit shelter
    • domestic asset protection trust (DAPT)
    • family gifts utilizing
    • foreign asset protection
      • basics of
    • grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT)
    • grantor retained unitrust (GRUT)
    • intentionally defective grantor trusts (IDGTs)
    • irrevocable
    • irrevocable life insurance trust
      • disadvantages of
      • using to protect assets
    • joint dynasty
    • legacy
      • different needs of children
      • disadvantages of
      • distributions
      • Family Council
      • for funding education of grandchildren
      • generation-skipping transfers
      • incentive provision
      • length of
      • mandatory provisions
      • trustee
      • umbrella trust
    • living
      • advantages of
      • disadvantages of
      • myths
      • setting up
      • transacting business with
      • transferring property into
    • marital
      • general power of appointment trust
      • qualified domestic trust (QDOT)
      • qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust
    • minors'
    • qualified personal residence trust (QPRT)
      • death during term of
      • setting up
      • tax treatment
    • revocable living trusts
    • spendthrift
    • standby
  • Two-bucket strategy for managing income taxes
  • Umbrella trust
  • Wills
    • advantages and disadvantages of
    • attorneys, working with
    • basic provisions of
      • executors
      • guardians
      • in terrorem clause
      • minors' trusts
      • opening declaration
      • payment of debts and funeral expenses
      • perpetuities clause
      • personal items
      • residence(s)
      • residuary estate, division of
      • simultaneous death clause
      • spendthrift provision
      • taxes
      • trustee powers
      • trustees
    • credit shelter trust wills
    • defined
    • direct transfers by title
      • beneficiary designations
      • community property
      • fee simple ownership
      • irrevocable
      • joint tenants with right of survivorship (JTWRS)
      • life estates
      • payment on death (POD) account
      • revocable living trusts
      • tenants in common
    • estate plan, reviewing
    • estate-planning goals
    • executing
    • intestacy
    • and living trusts
    • other important documents
      • letter of instruction
      • living wills, advance medical directives, and health care powers
      • power of attorney
    • property ownership, choosing best methods of
    • property transfers at death
    • storing
    • transfers via probate
    • types of
      • holographic
      • joint
      • oral (nuncupative)
      • simple
      • testamentary trust
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