XML Versions and Glossary

Table 27-1 contains the latest version numbers relating to XML. This chapter describes the most up-to-date version of everything available at the time of this writing (Summer 2004).

Table 27-1. XML-related version numbers


Version number



Ver. 1.2

Java API for XML processing. Includes an XSLT framework based on TrAX (Transformation API for XML) plus updates to the parsing API to support DOM Level 2 and SAX version 2.0. The remainder of this chapter has more information on JAXP.


Ver. 1

XSLT is a conversion language standardized by W3C that can be used to put XML data in some other form such as HTML, PDF, or a different XML format. For example, you can use XSLT to convert an XML document in a format used by one company to the format used by another company. See www.zvon.org for a tutorial on “eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations” (XSLT).


Ver. 2.0

Simple API for XML Parsing. This is covered later in this chapter.


Level 2

Document Object Model, which is another API for XML parsing. This is covered later in this chapter.


Ver. 1.1.2

Java Architecture for XML Messaging. A new specification that describes a Java library for XML-based messaging protocols. Objects and arguments (messages) will be turned into XML and sent to other processes and processors as streams of characters.


Ver. 1.0

Java Architecture for XML Binding. A convenient new Java library for XML parsing under development by Sun.

Table 27-2 contains a glossary of terms that you can review and refer back to as necessary.

Table 27-2. XML-related glossary




start tag


Marks the beginning of an element.

end tag


Marks the end of an element.



A unit of XML data, complete with start and end tags.


See The Document Type Definition (DTD) Definition (DTD) on page 726

Document Type Definition, specifying which tags are valid, and what are the acceptable ways of nesting them in the document.



An entity is essentially a shorthand way of referring to something. Here, the four characters “&LT;” form an entity representing a left chevron, which has special meaning if it appears literally. An entity is a distinct individual item that is included in an XML document by referencing its name. This item might be as small as an individual character, or a text string, or a complete other XML file, or it may be a reference to something defined earlier in this XML file. All entities have to be declared in the DTD before they can be used.


<foo  someName=
         "someValue" ...

The someName=”someValue” string pair holds additional information or detail about an element.


See chapter text

The Java API for XML processing. A package of classes that support a Java interface to XML. The package name is javax.xml, introduced in JDK 1.4



The Java Architecture for XML Binding— a follow-up library to JAXP, which handles all the details of XML parsing and formatting. It can be more efficient than using a SAX (Simple API for XML) parser or an implementation of the DOM (Document Object Model) API. An early draft was released in July 2001.


See chapter text

eXtensible Mark-up Language.


See chapter text

eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations, a standard for transforming XML into text or other XML documents. An XSLT implementation was introduced with JDK 1.4.



Uniform Resource Identifier. The generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web. A URL is one kind of URI.



Uniform Resource Locator. The address of a website or web page. The first part of the address specifies the protocol to use (e.g., FTP, HTTP). The second part of the address gives the IP address or domain name where the resource is located.

As should be clear from the alphabet soup of different libraries and versions, XML is an emerging technology, and Java support for XML is evolving rapidly—on Internet time in fact.

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