Kickstarter For Dummies®

Table of Contents


About This Book

How This Book Is Organized

Foolish Assumptions

Icons Used in This Book

Where to Go from Here

Chapter 1: Introducing Kickstarter

Looking at the Concept of Crowdfunding

Understanding How Funding on Kickstarter Works

Recognizing the Advantages of Kickstarter

Knowing What Kickstarter Does and Doesn’t Fund

Reading the Fine Print Before You Start

Reading through the FAQ

Going to Kickstarter’s virtual school

Following Kickstarter’s guidelines

Discovering the Crowdfunding Process

Chapter 2: Laying the Foundation for Your Kickstarter Campaign

Transforming Your Passion into a Kickstarter Project

Prepping to Start Your Project

What Makes Your Project Unique? Writing a Short Project Description

Creating the Long Project Description

Choosing media to support your description

Risks and Challenges

Making a Compelling Video

Outlining the content for your video

Choosing tools to make a great video

Understanding Kickstarter Categories

Introducing the categories

Choosing the right category

iPhone Elevation Dock: Realizing a Market Niche

Chapter 3: Deciding How Much to Ask For

Figuring How Much Your Project Will Cost

Outlining broad expense categories

Listing individual expenses

Trying to estimate those costs

Examining other Kickstarter campaigns

Estimating Potential Donations

Who you gonna call?

Evaluate your potential reward levels

Rewarding your backers

The Order of the Stick: Building on a Fan Base and Offering Creative Rewards

Building on a fan base

Getting creative with rewards

Throwing in the perks

Chapter 4: Creating a Realistic Timeline

Creating a Timeline for Your Campaign

Staggering the Reward Dates

Experiencing Success and Then Delays

iPhone Elevation Dock

Pebble E-Paper Watch

Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Campaign

Kickstarting Your Kickstarter Account

Filling Out Your Project Profile

Setting Up Backer Rewards

Telling Your Project’s Story

Uploading your video

Filling out your project description

Adding Details about You

Activating Your Payment Account

Preparing for Kickstarter Review

Double-checking your campaign uploads

Conducting a final review and submitting your campaign

Chapter 6: Managing an Active Campaign

Launching Your Campaign

Creating a Compelling Call to Action

Contacting Potential Backers

Sending personal e-mails

Posting on Facebook

Using a Facebook business page

Tweeting about your campaign

Posting your campaign video on video-sharing sites

Tracking Your Backers

Contacting Your Backers through Kickstarter

Sending a message

Posting updates

Promoting Your Deadline

Paying to Promote Your Campaign

Buying advertising on Facebook

Purchasing other Internet or newspaper ads

Using promotional events and ideas to drive backers to your campaign

iPhone Elevation Dock: Getting the Word Out

Finding 40: Learning from My Own Kickstarter Campaign(s)

Looking at my project

Filling the content

Failing to use my own networks

Not strategizing properly

Second campaign: Success!

Chapter 7: Kickstarter for iPhone

Downloading the App

Logging In and Out

Touring the Kickstarter App Interface

Discovering projects

Checking other projects’ activities

Peeking into your profile

Managing Your Campaign from the Kickstarter App

Viewing and replying to messages

Seeing your account activity

Posting project updates for your backers

Chapter 8: Seeing the Light at the End of Your Campaign

Handling a Struggling or Unsuccessful Campaign

Thanking Your Backers

Building a Community around Your Project

Sustaining the community after your project ends

Fostering your community offline

Delivering Rewards to Your Backers

Downloading your Backer Report

Surveying your backers

Keeping Up with Kickstarter

Chapter 9: Ten Unique Reward Ideas

“Cover Me!”: Featuring Backers on Your Cover

“The Shirt Off Your Back”: Offering T-Shirts

“Naming Rights”: Including a Backer as a Character

“Autograph, Please”: Signing Your Work

“Casting Call”: Rewarding Backers with Bit Parts

“Curtain Call”: Sharing Tickets to Your Show

“Hero Worship”: Making a Backer the Hero of Your Project

“Dinner Guest”: Meeting Your Backers in Person

“Sign Me Up”: Offering Subscriptions

“Fly Me to the Moon”: Bringing an Out-of-Town Backer to an Event

Chapter 10: Ten Resources to Help with Your Campaign

Finding Kickstarter-Specific Resources

Learning from Other Kickstarter Stories

Budgeting for Your Project

Making a Business Plan

Writing Well

Copywriting Well

Writing Press Releases

Building a Basic Website



Taking Great Photos

Promoting Your Project or Event

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