
A number of participants in this research project would welcome questions to their change project and their leadership style. Their libraries as well as their email addresses are given below.

Chapter 4

Section 4.1: Implementation of a library RFID management system in an academic library

Werner Tannhof

University Library, Helmut-Schmidt-University

University of the German Federal Armed Forces Hamburg

Email: [email protected]

Chapter 5

Section 5.1: Merger of three public libraries including a relocation process

Corinna Benthack

Bücherhalle Elbvororte

Email: [email protected]

Section 5.3: Merger of two academic libraries using the quality management system as a tool to support the transition

Jarmo Saarti

University of Eastern Finland Library

Kuopio Campus Library

Email: [email protected]

Chapter 6

Section 6.2.1: Turning over one-third of the library’s space to another department

Anne Marie Casey

Hunt Library

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Email: [email protected]

Section 6.2.2: Reduction of space in combination with major construction works

Jack Fritts

Benedictine University Library

Email: [email protected]

Chapter 8

Section 8.1: Implementation of a library RFID management system in a public library

Margitta Holler

Now: Coaching Programme ‘Learn to Teach’

University of Applied Sciences Hamburg

Email: [email protected]

Section 8.2: Merger of an academic library with an information service provider

Regine Lipka

ZBW – German National Library of Economics

Leibniz Information Centre for Economics

Email: [email protected]

Section 8.3: Change as day-to-day business in an academic library

Dorothee Nürnberger

German National Library of Science and Technology/University Library Hannover (TIB/UB)

Email: [email protected]

Chapter 10

Section 10.2: New leaders as a result of change

Nicole Petri

German National Library of Science and Technology/University Library Hannover (TIB/UB)

Email: [email protected]

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