List of figures and tables


1.1. Influences on libraries 4

2.1. Phases of a change process 10

2.2. Leadership aspects during the three phases of a change process 11

2.3. Elements of change management in accordance with the phases of a change process 12

3.1. Countries that participated in this research project 19

3.2. Duration of the change projects in months 22

9.1. Dual leadership 130

10.1. New aspects of leadership 138

10.2. Leaders and their vision and plans 139

10.3. Leaders and their team members’ anxieties 142

10.4. Leaders and the others working in the library 145

10.5. Leaders as role models 148

10.6. Important questions during the phases of a change project 152

11.1. Aspects of transformational leadership in relation to the three phases of a change process 169


3.1. Topics of the expert interviews 18

3.2. Leaders and change managers from different countries 20

3.3. Overview of female and male leaders and change managers 20

10.1. Change management competences required of leaders in times of change 153

10.2. Leaders as service providers for their team members 156

10.3. Internal communication throughout a change project 158

10.4. Communication tools and methods used in deliberate large-scale change projects 159

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