Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


List of figures and tables


About the author

Part 1: Change management

Chapter 1: Change management in libraries


1.1 Why change management?

1.2 Structure of the book

Chapter 2: Change management


2.1 Change management in general

2.2 Phases of a change process

2.3 Elements of change management

Part 2: Change management in practice

Chapter 3: When does change need change management?


3.1 Case studies of change projects in academic and public libraries

3.2 Change projects described by leaders

3.3 Asking change managers for another view on change projects

Chapter 4: Implementation of a library RFID management system


4.1 Implementation of a library RFID management system in an academic library

4.2 Implementation of a library RFID management system in public libraries

Chapter 5: Merging libraries and implementing quality management


5.1 Merger of three public libraries including a relocation process

5.2 Implementing a quality management system in an academic library

5.3 Merger of two academic libraries using the quality management system as a tool to support the transition

5.4 Merger of academic libraries and an implementation of TQM with a certification process followed by a reorganisation including downsizing

Chapter 6: Relocation processes and reduction of space


6.1 Relocation of a public library

6.2 Reduction of space in academic libraries

Chapter 7: Changes in the management of a library


7.1 Changes resulting from the announcement of a new director in an academic library

7.2 Management restructuring across the whole organisation for a less hierarchical structure in an academic library

Chapter 8: Case studies of change projects described by change managers


8.1 Implementation of a library RFID management system in a public library

8.2 Merger of an academic library with an information service provider

8.3 Change as day-to-day business in an academic library

Part 3: Change management and leadership

Chapter 9: Change – what can go wrong and how to do it right


9.1 Leaders

9.2 Staff

9.3 Goals

9.4 Time

Chapter 10: What kind of leadership does change management need?


10.1 New aspects of leadership in reference to change management

10.2 New leaders as a result of change

Chapter 11: Leaders as change managers


11.1 Change managers/change agents

11.2 Transformational leadership

11.3 Transactional leadership

Chapter 12: Useful tips for the management of libraries in times of change


12.1 Opportunities during the change process

12.2 Communication – say it loud and clear

12.3 There are people working in the team(s) or department(s) affected by a deliberate large-scale change

12.4 Change management

12.5 Learning throughout the change process

12.6 Scheduling

12.7 Things that can’t be changed




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