

Academic library See Public library
change as day-to-day business in, 119–25
leadership, 120–1
recommendations, 124–5
support by change manager, 122–4
change management, 55–75
change projects, 55–75
case studies of, 17–23, 27–32, 55–75, 81–106, 113–25
communication style and tools, 30–1, 59–60, 65–6
leadership, 57–9, 63–5
merging and downsizing, 67–75
post change, 31–2, 60–1, 66
recommendations, 32, 62, 66–7
space reduction, 81–98
training courses in, 29
changes resulting from new director announcement, 99–103
communication style and tools, 101–2
leadership, 100–1
post change, 102
recommendations, 102–3
information service provider merging, 113–19
leadership, 116–17
recommendations, 119
management restructuring, 103–6
communication style and tools, 105
leadership, 103–4
post change, 105
recommendations, 105–6
marketing and public relations, 160–1
merging and downsizing, 67–75
certification process, 68
communication style and tools, 73
leadership, 69–73
post change, 73–4
recommendations, 74–5
total quality management, 68
merging using QMS, 62–7
communication style and tools, 65–6
leadership, 63–5
post change, 66
recommendations, 66–7
new leader as a result of change in
communication among the team, 162–4
competences, 164
leadership styles, 161–2
recommendations, 164–5
QMS in, 56, 62–7
quality management, 56–61
RFID management system in, 27–32
space reduction, 81–98
communication style and tools, 87–9, 97
leadership, 84–7, 94–7
post change, 89–90, 97–8
recommendations, 91, 98
TQM implementation, 67–70, 74
Anxieties, in change management, 141–4
Authoritarian leadership, 37–43, 157
during change project, 38–40
communication style and tools, 37–43
in library and its change project, 37–8
post change, 41–2
recommendations, 42–3


British Standard on Quality Systems (BS 5750), 67–8, 71, 74


Central information, 33–4, 36
Change agents, 13, 167–71
Change management, 167–71
in academic library, 27–32
management restructuring, 103–6
new director announcements, 99–103
change managers in, 13, 109–12, 117–19, 122–4
elements of:
change managers/change agents, 13
customers/users, 14
government/parent institution, 14
leaders, 12–13, 129–31
management, top, 12
staff, 13
leaders Leaders, change management
leadership during, 137–60, 178–80
in libraries Libraries, change management
overview, 9–10
in public library, 33–43, 46–55
QMS in, 56
reasons for, 3–5
staff in, 131–3
support by change manager, 109–12, 117–19, 122–4
Change managers See also Leaders
in change management, 13, 109–12, 117–19, 122–4
in change projects:
case studies of, 107–25
view of, 24–5
gender differences, 20–1
leaders as, 151–5, 167–71
in RFID management system implementation, 109–12
Change process:
in academic library Academic library, change process
communication during, 157–60, 175–6
constraints in, 183–4
government in, 14
leaders in, 78–80, 84–91
leadership Leadership, during change process
learning during, 180–2
in libraries, 10–11, 182–4
opportunities during, 173–5
people affected by, 176–8
phases of, 10–11
scheduling during, 182
staff affected by, 13
Change projects:
in academic library Academic library, change projects
case studies of, 19–20
change managers in, 24–5, 107–25
leaders in Leaders, in change projects
in libraries, 17–24, 131–4
in public library Public library, change projects
Communication, during change process, 157–60, 175–6
Cooperative leadership, 161–2


District library See Public library
Downsizing, merging and, 67–75
certification process, 68
communication style and tools, 73
leadership, 69–73
post change, 73–4
recommendations, 74–5
total quality management, 68
Dual leadership, 129


‘Future Conference’, 110–13


Gender differences, in leadership, 20–1
Germany, 132, 179, 183
Government, in change process, 14


Information service provider, academic library with, 113–19
ISO 9001 certification, 56, 60–1, 67


authoritarian, 37–43, 157
in change management, 12–13, 129–31
academic library, 57–9, 69–73, 116–19
change as day-to-day business, 122–5
as change managers, 151–5
interaction and participation with team members, 147–51
management restructuring, 103–6
merging and downsizing, 69–73
merging and relocation, 48–51
merging using QMS, 63–5
new aspects, 137–60
during new director announcements, 100–3
with other library employees, 145–7
in public library, 34–43, 48–55, 78–81, 108–9
recommendations for, 124–5
during relocation, 78–80
RFID management system, 108–9
space reduction, 84–91, 94–7
tasks, 140–1
team members’ anxieties and, 141–4
as change managers, 167–71
transactional leadership, 171
transformational leadership, 168–71
during change process:
in academic library, 84–91
in public library, 78–80
in change projects, 23–4
as service providers, 155–7
authoritarian style, 157
communication as an essential competence, 157–60
competences, 164
cooperative leadership, 161–2
interaction and participation with team members, 147–51
tasks, 140–1
team members’ anxieties, 141–4
with other library employees, 145–7
gender differences, 20–1
mentoring programmes, 180
new, as a result of change, 160–5
communication among the team, 162–4
leadership styles, 161–2
recommendations, 165
in public library, 34–6, 48–55
as reliable persons, 155–7
vision and plans, 139–41
authoritarian style of, 37–43
during change project, 38–40
communication style and tools, 40–1
in library and its change project, 37–8
post change, 41–2
recommendations, 42–3
change management, 178–80
new aspects, 137–60
during change process, 11, 28–30, 34–6, 174
in academic library, 57–9, 69–73, 84–7, 94–7
change as day-to-day business in, 120–1
information service provider merging with academic library, 116–17
management restructuring, 103–4
merging and downsizing, 69–73
merging and relocation, 48–51
merging using QMS, 63–5
participative style, 33–7
in public library, 34–6, 48–51, 78–80, 108–9
relocation, 78–80
resulting from new director announcement, 100–1
RFID management system, 108–9
space reduction, 84–7
competences in times of change, 164
cooperative, 161–2
dual, 129
gender differences, 20–1
transactional, 171
transformational, 139, 168–71
academic See Academic library
change management, 173–84
elements of, 11–14
overview, 9–10
reasons for, 3–5
change process in:
constraints in, 183–4
leadership, 11
phases of, 10–11
scheduling, 182
change projects:
case studies of, 17–23
described by leaders, 23–4
goals, 133–4
participating countries, 19–20
resistance to, 131–2
time, 134
communication as an essential competence, 157–60
gender differences in leadership, 20–1
influence on, 3–5
project management, 179
public See Public library
RFID management system, 27–32
work council, 179–80
Loan service, 33–6


Management restructuring, in academic library, 103–6
Marketing and public relations, 160–1
Mentoring programmes, 180
Merging and downsizing, in academic library, 67–75
certification process, 68
communication style and tools, 73
leadership, 69–73
post change, 73–4
recommendations, 74–5
total quality management, 68
Modern government policy, 4


New Public Management, 4


Participative leadership, 33–7
Peer pressure, 132
Performance-related pay, 183
Personnel behaviour, 5
Project management, 179
Public library See also Academic library
change management in, 46–55
change projects:
case studies of, 17–23, 46–55, 77–81, 107–13
communication style and tools, 36
leadership during, 34–6
merging and relocation, 46–55
participative leadership style, 33–4
post change, 36
recommendations, 37
relocation, 77–81
RFID management system, 107–13
leadership, 34–6, 48–51, 78–80, 108–9
merging and relocation:
communication style and tools, 51–2
leadership, 48–51
post change, 52–4
recommendations, 54–5
relocation, 77–81
communication style and tools, 80
leadership, 78–80
post change, 80
recommendations, 81
RFID management system, 33–43, 107–13
‘Future Conference’, 110–13
leadership, 108–9
recommendations, 112–13


Quality Management (QM), 56–61
Quality Management System (QMS):
in change management, 56
merging of academic library using, 62–7
communication style and tools, 65–6
leadership, 63–5
post change, 66
recommendations, 66–7


Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) management system, 18, 107–13
in academic library, 27–32
in public library, 33–43, 107–13
Refreezing, 10–11, 125, 151, 170–1
Relocation, of public library, 46–55, 78–81
Resistance, in change projects, 132
Restructuring, of management, 103–6


Scheduling, during change process, 182
Space reduction:
in academic library, 81–98
communication style and tools, 87–9
leaders in, 84–91
leadership, 84–7
with major construction work, 92–8
post change, 89–90
recommendations, 91
Specialist Information Service, 33–4, 36
in change management, 131–3
change process and, 13


Total quality management (TQM), 67–70, 74
Transactional leadership, 171
Transformational leadership, 139, 168–71


Work council, 179–80
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