Chapter Five. Continuously Improve

Lean companies work to develop and establish value with continuous improvement of their value stream flow, not by cost reduction practices.

Joe Stenzel1

1. Joe Stenzel, Lean Accounting: Best Practices for Sustainable Integration (John Wiley & Sons, 2007), Kindle loc. 981–82.

A core principle of Lean is continuous improvement through experimentation and learning. The general notion is that there isn’t a “perfect” way to do something. Rather, seeking perfection is an ongoing process, since there are always opportunities for improvement that can be uncovered using scientific disciplines. As described by Mary and Tom Poppendieck, “. . . any development process that deals with a changing environment should be an empirical process, because it provides the best known approach for adapting to change.”2 The scientific method in general follows these steps:

2. Mary and Tom Poppendieck, Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash (Addison-Wesley, 2006), p. 21.

1. Observe and describe a phenomenon or group of phenomena.

2. Formulate a hypothesis to explain the phenomena.

3. Use the hypothesis to predict something—the existence of other phenomena or the results of new observations.

4. Perform experiments to see if the predictions hold up.

5. If the experiments bear out the hypothesis, it may be regarded as a theory or rule.

6. If the experiments do not bear out the hypothesis, it must be rejected or modified.

This breaks down to the more simplified four-step method prescribed by Deming: Plan, Do, Check, and Act.

Continuous Learning and Knowledge Management

Most Lean practices focus on building knowledge, but we prefer to put the emphasis on sustaining knowledge, which incorporates the idea of ongoing maintenance and institutionalization of insights that drive continuous improvement. There a number of ways the principle of continuous learning can be applied to integration activities.

First, standards should be challenged and improved. A corollary to this principle is Integration Law #3: “There are no universal standards.”3 Standards are in fact essential for Lean Integration, but it is a mistake to consider them to be fixed, static, unchangeable, and applicable in all situations. Industry standards such as COBOL, TCP/IP, and HTTP (to name just a few) have evolved significantly over the years. Enterprise integration standards also need to be sustained and to evolve over time. This principle is reinforced by Integration Law #2: “There is no end state.”

3. John Schmidt, “The EAI Laws,” EAI Journal (July 2002). Also see Appendix B.

Second, Lean practices put a strong emphasis on scientific methods. One of the reasons this is so important in the integration arena is that we are often faced with the challenge of achieving alignment across multiple independent teams or organizational functions. Gaining agreement across groups that don’t usually work together is hard. In the absence of data, all you have are opinions, and gaining agreement between people with different opinions that are filtered by paradigm-colored glasses is virtually impossible without objective data. A particularly useful, and practical, technique for data-driven cross-team problem solving is management by fact (MBF).

Third, integration dependencies between components should be maintained in a structured, and searchable, repository rather than in static, unstructured formats. Your first reaction might be that this is unnecessary since your organization already has a mandate that each project develop detailed documentation about all information exchanges between components. In that case ask yourself these questions:

1. Does the documentation reflect what was deployed to production, including changes made after the design was completed?

2. Would a typical business analyst, designer, or developer be able to find the documentation two years later? Five years later? What if the original author of the documents is no longer with the company?

3. If the documentation can be found, would it be understandable? In other words, are the graphical notation conventions the same for all documentation, and are they based on a common glossary and taxonomy for data objects?

4. If maintenance changes were made to production after the project was deployed, was the documentation updated to reflect the changes?

If you answered yes to all four questions, you already have the necessary discipline for this particular aspect of sustaining integration knowledge. If you answered no to one or more questions, you are wasting time every time you need to change something and need to re-create yet another version of a custom integration document.

The remainder of this chapter is a rather detailed case study. We felt the best way to reinforce the principle of continuous improvement would be through a demonstrable real-life example. The case study actually touches on many Lean principles, including focus on the customer, team empowerment, mass customization, and automation. As you read it, take note of how all these elements were brought together with the financial management competency and fact-based metrics to align the organization and establish a sustainable integration strategy.

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